NAVPERS 15560, Part 4 NAV MIL PERS MAN Flashcards
Service members who are ordered to make a permanent change of station (PCS) move are entitled to personal travel and transportation allowances per what reference?
JFTR, Volume 1, Chapter 5
PDS’s are what to each other when they are both in an area ordinarily serviced by the same local
transportation system, and Service members could reasonably commute daily from home to either PDS?
In proximity
What is a Navy process to obtain permission from an area commander to bring dependents into a specific
Dependent entry approval (DEA)
DEA must be used in conjunction with additional information/requirements in DOD 4500.54-G and what else?
DEA requests must be submitted at least how long prior to sponsors arrival?
4 months
Navy personnel ordered overseas with the what should liaise with the gaining command to determine if DEA is required?
What is payable to a member with family members, when family members perform an authorized move in connection with a permanent change of station?
A member is not entitled to more than how many DLA payments during any fiscal year unless SECNAV
approved exigencies arise?
Requests for a SECNAV approved exception to the one DLA payment during any fiscal year must be
submitted at an early date, as approximately how many weeks are required for processing?
When PCS orders are received for a member and it is determined at the command level that a
SECNAVFIND is required, but the PCS orders do not indicate that it is approved, pending, or not required,
the member’s CO will request one from what?
What will maintain the master file of SECNAVFIND requests for statistical and record purposes?
When members are retained on active duty and approved for Temporary Limited Duty by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-83) what Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator will be assigned?
When members are retained on active duty pending physical evaluation board proceedings what
Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator will be assigned?
When members are retained on active duty and are approved for permanent limited duty by
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-83) for CONUS or overseas shore duty only what Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator will be assigned?
When members are retained on active duty and are approved for permanent limited duty by
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-83) for CONUS shore duty only what Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator
will be assigned?
When members are retained on active duty and are pending temporary disability retirement what
Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator will be assigned?
When members are retained on active duty and are pending permanent disability retirement what
Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator will be assigned?
When members are retained on active duty and are pending separation for intentional misconduct or willful neglect (IMWN) or incurred during unauthorized absence (IDUA) what Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator will be assigned?
When members are retained on active duty and are pending disability separation with severance pay what Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator will be assigned?
When members are retained on active duty and approved assignment limited designation by
NAVPERSCOM (PERS-40BB) what Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator will be assigned?
When members are retained on active duty and pending disability separation without Severance Pay
existed prior to service (EPTS/EPTE) what Disability/Retirement/LIMDU Designator will be assigned?
Billet control, personnel procurement, training, and distribution are processes in what?
Enlisted Distribution Management System
Three distinct and separate functions of enlisted distribution management controls were established, which are allocation control, manning control, and what else?
Assignment control
Allocation control is the function of allocating available personnel resources to the MCAs,
NAVPERSCOM, and or what else?
U.S. Fleet Forces
Manning control consists of two functions; What are they?
Manning and placement
Assignment Control is selecting, detailing, and ordering of particular Sailors to fill requisitions per manning levels and priorities designated by the what?
NAVPERSCOM, Enlisted Distribution Division (PERS-40) is the what for all USN/FTS personnel?
A Sailor becomes available to the ACA for detailing purposes 9 months prior to the Sailor’s projected rotation date (PRD), but the ACA cannot move them more than 3 months early or how many months late without MCA concurrence?
A Sailor is an asset under the control of the MCA from the time of issuance of orders to an activity under that MCA, until how many months prior to the Sailor’s PRD?
To support allocation, manning, and assignment control functions, how many automated personnel
management information systems have been developed?
What are specified Navy Enlisted Classifications (NECs) or ratings composed of billets?
Distributable communities
What exercises management control over all distributable communities by establishing, maintaining,
publishing and controlling the hierarchy of the structure of distributable communities?
When NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4013) determines that an NEC will be managed as a distributable community, independent of rating, the NEC is designated either "Closed Loop" or what else?
What NEC distributable community consists of personnel who are projected and assigned to
consecutive tours within that NEC skill area?
Closed Loop
What NEC distributable community consists of a variety of ratings sharing a common supplemental
skill which may not be generically associated with the Sailor’s actual rating?
A complete list of distributable community NECs and ratings is available through what program?
Active Readiness Information System
NECs which are not defined as distributable communities, but which are used to identify special
categories of personnel assignments, are called what distributable community NECs?
Using the projected level of assets for a composite and the billets authorized (BA) each activity, what
determines the most equitable level of manning an activity can expect for each detailing composite?
What manning indicates a Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) or MCA’s decision to man the activity at a
level other than normal manning?
What predicts the level of personnel assets and provides a base upon which the MCA can build a
manning plan to apportion the assets to each activity?
Projection System
The Personnel Requisition System measures the personnel needs of each activity for the forthcoming
how many months by comparing projected on board assets to the NMP and NMP to BA?
Reassignment of personnel due to decommissioning/inactivation or major billet reductions shall be per
what procedures?
MILPERSMAN 1306-1100
Commanding officers (COs) of Type 2 duty units may hold in abeyance orders received for members scheduled to be transferred during the period starting how many months preceding deployment (departure
from continental United States (CONUS) or homeport) and ending the month deployment will be
Orders for members serving in Type 4 duty units may be held in abeyance at any time, but operational holds (OPHOLDs) in these cases shall not extend more than how many months beyond the area tour applicable to the member?
COs may request OPHOLD status for members when loss of the member results in or exacerbates a C-3
personnel readiness condition on a deployed (how many days from homeport) Type 2/Type 4 unit?
Members may not be involuntarily extended beyond their what without specific approval?
COs who wish to delay orders per this article will request such action by message to NAVPERSCOM
(PERS-4013) and except in emergency situations, this report should be made at least how many days prior to transfer month?
To request assignment to a special program, contact rating detailer for release to a special program
assignment or submit NAVPERS 1306/7 Enlisted Personnel Action Request to applicable detailer at Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM) approximately how many months prior to member’s projected rotation date (PRD)?
Individuals selected for special programs are expected to meet or exceed Navy physical fitness standards
per what reference?
Many special programs require a security clearance and member is to acquire the security clearance specified in the program description prior to transfer per reference (b)?
Careerist with how many or more years of active service must complete special programs minimum tour of duty prior to being authorized to transfer to the Fleet Reserve?
COs will ensure members are fully qualified for special programs assignment. The CO’s signature on what is the endorsement?
NAVPERS 1306/92
Special program waivers are submitted to what?
What message is used to report discrepancies discovered as a result of the screening which is conducted by the transferring command and sent to the transferring command?