Muscles of facial expression Flashcards
what bone is your cheek bone
what bone is above your teeth
what bone is your chin
what bone is your forehead
name the bones of the scalp from front to back
the mastoid and styloid processes are from what bone
temporal bone
what bone is infront of the temporal bone
sphenoid bone
what part of the temporal bone houses the structures of the ear
petrous part of the temporal bone
most muscles of facial expression originate and insert where
originate on facial bones and insert into the skin/connective tissue of face
how do muscles of facial expression vary between individuals
shape of the muscles varies so the origin and insertion points are approximations of where the muscles are usually found
fascia of the scalp blends with what
superficial fascia in the neck posteriorly and temporal regions laterally
the fascia of what is thicker and is an extension of a layer of deep fascia
fascia of the parotid gland
a layer of deep cervical fascia (parotid fascia) covers what muscle and invests what
covers masseter and invests the parotid gland
what muscle lies on the forehead and scalp
what are the 2 bellies of occipitofrontalis
what action does occipitofronatlis do
raise and lower eyebrows
what is the small muscle of facial expression called that moves eyebrows inferomedially (vertical wrinkles in forehead)
corrigator supercili
what muscle covers the neck and is said to contribute to facial expression as well as tightening skin on neck
platysma is said to be a remnant of what
panniculus carnosis muscle layer found in other animals
what is the innervation of platysma
facial nerve
what muscle depresses medial end of eyebrow / wrinkles skin over dorsum of nose to convey distain/dislike
procerus + transverse part of nasalis
what muscles make the expression of the snapchat of catherine
what muscle allows you to blow out cheeks
what is the actual function of buccinator
prevent food from collecting between teeth and cheeks
what muscle allows flaring of nostrils
levator labii sup. alaeque nasi + alar part of nasalis
what muscle acts to close the eyes
orbicularis oculi
what muscle forms a circle around the lips
orbicularis oris
what muscles raise the corners of the mouth and can be used to create a sneering expression
zygomaticus major and minor
what muscle acts to elevate the lip
levator labii superioris
what muscle acts to raise the corner of the mouth
levator anguli superioris
what muscles perform the opposite function to the levator muscles
depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferioris
what is the small muscle that helps to pull down the lower lip
what are the dilators of the mouth
risorius plus levator labi superioris + depressor labii inferioris
what causes a frown
depressor anguli oris
what causes a pouty frown
what muscle arises from the fascia over the parotid gland and attaches to the corner of the mouth
what muscle is used to make a smiling expression
what is a small muscle that helps to move the skin of the nasal area
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
what muscles cause the underturned top lip smile
risorius and depressor labi inferioris
what gives motor supply to the face
facial nerve
what gives sensory to the face
trigeminal nerve
what gives motor to temporalis and masseter
trigeminal nerve
what are the motor branches of the facial nerve
temporal zygomatic buccal mandibular cervical posterior auricular
the temporal branch of the facial nerve supplies what
orbicularis oculi
the posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve supplies what
the cervical branch of the facial nerve supplies what
the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve supplies what
orbicularis oculi
the buccal branch of the facial nerve supplies what
zygomaticus major and minor levator labii superioris levator anguli oris buccinator orbicularis oris nasalis
the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve supplies what
depressor anguli oris
depressor labii oris