Module 9.2 - Understanding Intelligence Flashcards
an individual with low mental capacity in most domains but extraordinary abilities in other specific areas such as music, mathematics or art
factor analysis
a statistical technique that examines correlations between variables to find clusters of related variables, or “factors”
scores on tests of vocabulary, reading comprehension, and verbal reasoning correlate highly together (factor analysis); these would form a __________ factor
language ability factor
true or false: according to factor analysis, someone who is good at math is probably good at problem-solving
spearman proposed that performance in tasks of mental ability was dependent on a general intelligence factor that he called ____
g assumes what of intelligence?
assumes intelligence is a basic cognitive trait comprising the ability to learn, reason and solve problems, regardless of their nature
what does g correlate with?
perceptual decision making speed and the efficiency of nerve conduction
spearman suggested that along with the general influence of g, all tasks require specific abilities, ____
Spearmans theory that intelligence consists of a general ability (G) plus an unknown number of specific abilities (S)
Louis Thurstone (1938) used factor analysis and found 7 different clusters of what he termed __________
primary mental abilities
what were the 7 different clusters of that Thurstone found and termed primary mental abilities?
1) word fluency
2) verbal comprehension
3) numeric abilities
4) spatial visualization
5) memory
6) perceptual speed
7) reasoning
true or false: spearman noted that thurstones 7 clusters were not correlated with each othe
FALSE: spearman noted that thurstones 7 clusters correlated with each other
what were the 2 components that Raymond Cattell believed g had?
1) fluid intelligence (Gf)
2) crystallized intelligence (Gc)
fluid intelligence (Gf)
a type of intelligence used in learning new information and solving new problems not based on knowledge the person already possesses
crystallized intelligence (Gc)
a type of intelligence that draws upon past learning and experience
true or false: fluid intelligence reaches its peak before age 20, remains steady and then decreases
true or false: crystallized intelligence continues to increase with age so long as the person is active and alert
sterberg suggested that there are 3 types of intelligence. what are they?
1) analytic
2) practical
3) creative
what are the 2 forms of analytic intelligence
1) information processing strategies
2) meta-cognition
information processing strategies
- recognizing the problem
- selecting a method for solving it
- mastering and carrying out the strategy
- evaluating the result
students whoa re weak in meta-cognition spend too little time on difficult material and too much time on material they already know
practical intelligence
the ability to find solutions to real-world problems that are encountered in daily life and the ability to adjust to new environments, learn how to get things done and accomplish goals
what is practical intelligence believed to have a great deal to do with?
ones job performance and success
creative intelligence
the ability to create new ideas and generate novel solutions to problems
multiple intelligences
a model claiming that there are 8 (now updated to at least 9) different forms of intelligence, each independent from the others
what is the problem with multiple intelligences theory?
theory is unfalsifiable: you can always think up a new type of intelligence to account for the data
emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to do what 4 things?
1) identify your own and other peoples emotions accurately
2) express your emotions clearly
3) regulate emotions in yourself and others
4) delay gratification
frontal lobe damage impairs ____
true or false: males and females have the same average IQ score, but there is much greater variability in male scores
true or false: there are more women who are geniuses
FALSE: there are more men who are geniuses
true or false: there are more men with substantial intellectual challenges
true or false: women have 10% more white matter
why is the frontal cortex bulkier in women?
they have more neurons in the language processing areas of the temporal lobe
______ (spatial skills/attention) and _____ (emotional reactions) are larger in men
parietal cortex, amygdala
true or false: inconsistent sex difference related to grey matter
what are the sex differences that appear in lateralization of language?
males show left-hemisphere activation only; females, left and right
______ influence brain development in utero
sex hormones
true or false: brain areas with the largest sex differences also have the most sex hormone receptors