Module 17: Middle and Late Childhood Flashcards
Representational Systems
broad, inclusive self-concepts that integrate various aspects of the self
What do children in their middle and late childhood think about their self-concept?
She can compare her real self with her ideal self and can judge how well she measures up to social standards in comparison with others
According to Erikson, what may happen when children are not praised by adults or peers?
According to Erikson, in the event that children are unable to obtain the praise of adults or peers in their lives, or lack motivation and self-esteem, they may develop a feeling of low self-worth, thus develop a sense of inferiority
What is the crisis faced in middle and late childhood (Erik Erikson)?
Industry vs. Inferiority
What are the ages of children who face the crisis, Industry vs. Inferiority?
School Age Age (5-13 yrs)
What is the virtue developed once Industry vs. Inferiority is successfully passed?
What does developing a sense of industry involve?
Developing a sense of industry involves learning how to work hard to achieve goals
What are the maladaptive tendencies that may be faced in middle and late childhood?
- Narrow Virtuosity
- Inertia
Narrow Virtuosity
children that aren’t allowed to “be children” and push into one area of competence
suffer from inferiority complexes
What are the significant persons in middle and late childhood?
Neighborhood and School
What do children become more aware of as they grow older?
+ As children grow, they are more aware of their own and other people’s feelings
+ Children are typically aware of feeling shame and pride and a clearer idea of the difference between guilt and shame
Emotional Self-Regulation
voluntary control of emotions, attention, and behavior
What do children in middle and late childhood tend to be?
Children tends to become more empathetic and more inclined to prosocial behaviors
Gender Stereotypes
broad categories that reflect general impressions and beliefs about males and females
children and parents share power
How does the amount of autonomy that parents give affect children?
The amount of autonomy parents provide affects how their children feel about them
When do children follow their parents’ wishes?
Children are more apt to follow their parents’ wishes when they believe the parents are fair and concerned about the child’s welfare
What kind of form of discipline do parents of school-age children tend to do?
Parents of school-age children tends to use inductive techniques as a form of discipline
How does being exposed to high levels of family conflict affect children?
Children exposed to high levels of family conflict are more likely to show a variety of responses that can include internalizing or externalizing behaviors
Internalizing behaviors
anxiety, fear, depression-anger turned inward
Externalizing behaviors
aggression, fighting, disobedience, hostility
How can constructive family conflict help children?
If family conflict is constructive, it can help children see the need for rules and standards and learn what issues are worth arguing about and what strategies can be effective
When is a mother more likely to be effective as a parent?
The more satisfied a mother is with her employment status, the more effective she is likely to be a parent
What can serve as a buffer for the consequences of poverty for children?
Though poverty can harm children’s development, high-quality parenting can buffer children from potential consequences of poverty
What kind of families do children tend to do better in?
Children tend to do better in families with two continuously married parents than in cohabiting, divorced, single-parent, or step-families
What affects children’s adjustment more than marital status?
Parent’s relationship, the quality of their parenting, and their ability to create a favorable family atmosphere affect children’s adjustment more than their marital status does
What kind of behavior do children with divorced parents tend to show?
Children whose parents later divorce show more anxiety, depression, or antisocial behavior prior to the divorce than those parents who stay married
When children’s parents are divorced, in what kind of custody do they do better in?
Children do better with joint custody
What has co-parenting been linked to?
Co-parenting has been consistently linked to positive child outcomes
What range of development do most adopted children fall into?
Most adopted children fall within the normal range of development
What are children adopted after the age of 1 more likely to show?
Children adopted after the age 1 were more likely to show lower school achievement
What is having a warm and supportive sibling relationship associated with?
Having a warm and supportive sibling relationship is associated with better adjustment and better emotion regulation
What gender of sibling shows a high level of sibling intimacy?
Sisters are higher in sibling intimacy than brothers or mixed-sex dyads
How do peer groups help children?
Peer groups helps children learn how to adjust their needs and desires to those of others, when to yield, and when to stand firm
What can children in middle and late childhood gauge?
Children can gauge their abilities and gain a clearer sense of self-efficacy
unfavorable attitudes towards outsiders
How does discrimination affect children?
Children can be negatively affected by discrimination
Between males and females, who are most likely to engage in cross-gender activities in middle and late childhood?
Girls are more likely to engage in cross gender activities
Positive Nomination
asking children who they like to play with, they like the most, or who they think other kids like the most
Negative Nomination
opposite of positive nomination
Sociometric Popularity
measures that is composed of positive nominations, negative nominations or no nominations
Average children
receive an average number of both positive and negative nominations
Neglected Children
infrequently nominated as bestie but not really disliked
Rejected Children
disliked by peers
Controversial Children
frequently nominated both bestie and most disliked
Popular Children
frequently nominated as bestie and rarely disliked by peers
Unpopular children
Unpopular children can make friends but they tend to have fewer friends and they prefer younger ones
Instrumental Aggression
+ aimed at achieving an objective
+ Proactive (Cold Aggression)
+ view force and coercion as effective ways to get what they want
+ very common in kids
Hostile Aggression
+ intended to hurt another person
+ Reactive (hot aggression)
+ Direct Aggression
Hostile Attributional Bias
quickly conclude, in ambiguous situations that others were acting with ill intent and are likely to strike out in retaliation or self-defense