Module 16: Development of Early Childhood Flashcards
What are preschool children mostly learning about society?
Preschool children can do-and want to do more and more. At the same time, they are learning that some of the things they want to do meet social approval, whereas others do not
What is the crisis faced in early childhood [Play Age (3-5 yrs)]?
Initiative versus Guilt
How old are the individuals who face the crisis, Initiative versus Guilt?
Play Age (3-5 yrs)
What is the virtue developed once the individual successfully goes through the crisis of Initiative versus Guilt?
Purpose (virtue)
the courage to envision and pursue goals without being unduly inhibited by guilt or fear of punishment
What are the maladaptive tendencies that may be faced in early childhood?
- Ruthlessness
- Inhibition
Maladaptive Tendency: Ruthlessness
don’t care who they step on just to achieve their goals
Malignant Tendency: Inhibition
too much guilt to do anything so nothing would happen
What are the Significant Persons in early childhood?
Theory of Sexual Selection
the selection of sexual partners is a response to differing reproductive pressures early men and women confronted in the study for survival
adoption of characteristics, beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors of the parent of the same sex
What did Kohlberg say about development in early childhood?
According to Kohlberg, Children actively search for cues about gender in their social world
Gender Constancy
a child’s realization that his or her gender will always be the same
Gender Identity
awareness of one’s own gender and that of others, which typically occurs ages 2 and 3
Gender Stability
awareness that gender does not change
Gender Constancy
the realization that a girl remains a girl even if she has a short haircut and plays with trucks, typically occurs between ages 3 and 7
Gender-Schema Theory
+ it views children as actively extracting knowledge about gender from their environment before engaging in gender typed behavior
+ place more emphasis on the influence of culture
In terms of gender, what do children match their behavior with?
Children match their behavior to their culture’s view of what boys and girls are supposed to be and do
What did Walter Mischel say about children and gender roles?
According to Walter Mischel, children acquire gender roles by imitating models and being rewarded for gender-appropriate behavior
What are issues that children may face in early childhood?
- Sleeping problems
- Bedwetting
- Malnutrition/obesity
- Food allergies
- Oral health
- Accidents
What are cognitive issues that children may face in early childhood?
- Centration
- Egocentrism
- Conservation
- Usage of media
- Parenting styles
- Relationships with other family members
- Aggression
- Prosocial behavior
- Fearfulness