Mixed 2 Flashcards
Secretions of the different parts of the adrenal gland.
> Zona glomerulosa: aldosterone, induced by ATII.
Zona fasciculata: cortisol; induced by ACTH, CRH.
Zona reticularis: androgens induced by
Adrenal medulla: catecholamines from chromaffin cells; induced by ACh, CRH
Secretions of Leydig cells and Sertoli cells
> Leydig: testosterone, induced by LH.
>Sertoli: inhibin, as feedback inhibition for FSH; helps regulate spermatogenesis in seminiferous tubules
By what event does concentric LVH occur? Eccentric LVH?
> Concentric LVH – pressure overload (chronic HTN, aortic stenosis).
Eccentric LVH – volume overload (aortic or mitral regurgitation, MI, dilated cardiomyopathy)
Why are kids below 2 y.o given conjugated vaccines and not simply polysaccharide vaccines (ex. Hib conjugate vaccine)?
Polysaccharide capsules induce B cell humoral response, but kids below 2 y.o have immature humoral immunity. A carrier protein is needed to amplify humoral response against the polysaccharide via T cell-dependent stimulation of B cells.
Ssx of Scurvy
Vit C deficiency, found in malnourished (alcoholics, poor, elderly)
>Gingival swelling, ecchymoses/petechiae, poor wound healing.
>Perifollicular hemorrhages, corkscrew hairs.
Graft-vs-Host disease
[Px, presentation, liver histo, labs]
Donor T cell migrate into host tissues and recognize host MHC antigens as foreign.
>Commonly affects skin, liver, GIT
>General pruritus, hepatomegaly
>Labs: inc. ALP, (+) antimitochondrial antibody.
>Liver histo: destroyed intrahepatic bile ducts, lymphocyte infiltrate.
Neuroleptic; 1st line for Trigeminal neuralgia; also for seizures.
Dec. ability of Na channels to recover from inactivation – inhibits neuronal high-freq firing (dec. propagation of AP).
SE: bone marrow suppression (agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia), SIADH (hyponatremia)
Antibiotics contraindicated in pregnancy and their effects (CATTS)
> Tetracycline: teeth staining
Chloramphenicol: “Gray baby” syndrome
TMP-SMX: neural tube defects
Aminoglycosides: ototoxicity, vestibulotoxicity
How does respiratory failure occur in DKA (or any condition w/ metabolic acidosis)?
Metabolic acidosis (DKA) is normally compensated by respiratory alkalosis (hyperventilation). If PaCO2 remains higher than the expected compensatory range, then patient would have superimposed respiratory acidosis (respi failure) – pulmo edema, dec. mental status.
How is Dobutamine (B-agonist) helpful in patients w/ Acute MI complicated by cardiogenic shock?
Dobutamine inc. myocardial O2 consumption by inc. contractility (inc. CO) and inc. HR. Normally, this can trigger or exacerbate MI. But in Acute MI w/ cardiogenic shock, the worsened heart ischemia is outweighed by improved CO an end-organ perfusion.
*Remember that shock means poor perfusion – in this case, perfusion caused by poor work of the heart (cardiogenic)