Mixed 1 Flashcards
Acute Synovitis
[Causes, Dx]
> Causes: septic arthritis (gonococcal, nongonococcal), crystal arthropathy (gout), hemarthrosis, rheumatic dse.
Dx: diagnostic arthrocentesis; crystal analysis, cell count, culture, gram stain; blood culture (septic arthritis).
Acute synovitis w/ fever and/or leukocytosis: why is it important?
Emergency, expedite evaluation.
Possibly due to septic arthritis – loss of joint, long-term disability.
Treacher-Collins syndrome
[Pathogenesis, SSx]
Caused by abnormal dev. of 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arches.
Craniofacial abnormalities (mandibular, maxillary, zygomatic hypoplasia).
Airway compromise (DOB), feeding difficulty.
Conductive hearing loss (abnormal ossicles).
Nicotinic acid (Niacin) [MOA, toxicity} Tx for what? How do you reduce SE?
Tx for hyperlipidemia (Inc. HDL, dec. LDL); Releases prostaglandins.
SE: flushing, warmth, itching.
*To reduce SE, give Aspirin about 30 mins before niacin admin (or use slow-release niacin, or take w/ food)
Found in what genetic conditions?
Tendency for clinical sx to worsen and/or occur earlier in subsequent generations.
Assctd w/ trinucleotide repeat d/o: Fragile X syndrome (CGG), Huntington dse (CAG), Myotonic dystrophy, Friedreich ataxia.
Genomic Imprinting
Selective inactivation of genes of either maternal or paternal origin – gene of a chromosome is epigenetically silenced for entire life of organism, reset only during egg/sperm formation.
(Ex. Prader-Willi syndrome, Angelman syndrome)
Prader-Willi syndrome
Paternal chromosome has deleted regions (no expression); Maternal chromosome has imprinted genes (silenced).
Hyperphagia, obesity,
Hypotonia, hypogonadism,
Intellectual disability.
Angelman syndrome
Maternal chromosome has deleted regions (no expression); Paternal chromosome has imprinted regions (silenced). Inappropriate laughter ("happy puppet"), Ataxia, Severe intellectual disability, seizures.
How do HIV patients become resistant to HAART drugs? (2)
HIV-1 has high mutability.
Pol mutations: structural changes in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase – enzyme resistant to NRTI and NNRTI.
Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency.
What happens? Diet?
Pyruvate is converted to lactate by lactate dehydrogenase (instead of into acetyl-COA).
>Must give Ketogenic diet: leucine, lycine – lessens lactic acidosis.
>Glucogenic and ketogenic: phenylalanine, isoleucine, tryptophan.
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiency.
What is BH4? What happens in BH4 deficiency?
*BH4: cofactor for 5HT, tyrosine, DOPA (dopamine, NE, epi) synthesis.
BH4 deficiency due to dihydropteridine reductase defect – phenylketonuria – disrupted neural and glial dev – neuro deterioration.
How do gallstones become a complication of total parenteral nutrition (TPN)?
Normally, fat/amino acids in duodenum induce release of CCK – gallbladder contraction.
With TPN, there’s no enteral stimulation – dec. CCK release – biliary stasis.
Fragile X syndrome
[Px, Classic findings]
Expansion of trinucleotide repeats (CGG) in FMR1 gene.
Findings: macrocephaly, long face; large forehead, jaw, chin, ears; Macroorchidism (large testes).
Fragile X syndrome.
[Findings on Folate-deficient medium, cytogenetic studies]
> Folate-deficient medium: no stain in area of inc. repeats.
>Cytogenetic studies: gap near tip of long arm of X chromosome.
Histoplasma capsulatum
[Location, History, SSx]
Dimorphic fungus; spores found in bird and bat droppings (exploring caves, cleaning bird cages).
Endemic to Mississippi and Ohio river basins.
Affects lungs and RES – lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly.
Lead poisoning
[Occupational exposure, Labs]
> Exposure: lead paint, batteries, ammo, construction.
Labs: microcytic anemia, normal iron studies; basophilic stippling (lead inhibits 5’nucleotidase – ribosome aggregation – can’t degrade RNA).
MC cause of Sudden cardiac death?
Malignant ventricular arrhythmias
Ventricular fibrillation is most frequent cause w/in first 48 hrs ff. acute MI
How does C. diphtheriae obtain its virulence?
Bacteriophage carrying Tox gene (codes for diphtheria AB exotoxin) infects host bacterium, integrates its genome into bacterium’s genome (lysogenization).
Ankylosing spondylitis
How do you monitor progression?
Ankylosis involving sacroiliac and apophyseal joints of spine – pain in lower back, hip and buttock; peripheral arthritis.
Also includes enthesitis, ascending aortitis, anterior uveitis.
Monitor via Hypoventilation due to limited chest wall expansion.
Treatment for B-blocker overdose
> Overdose: dec. heart contractility, bradycardia, AV block – dec. CO.
Tx: Glucagon – GPCR on myocytes – adenylate cyclase – inc. cAMP – inc. intracellular Ca during contraction – inc. SA node firing (inc. HR, contractility).
hCG is most similar to which hormone? What effects can it have on this hormones receptors? hCG is secreted by what tumors?
hCG has identical alpha-subunit to TSH, FSH, LH, and a similar beta-subunit to TSH.
It can bind to TSH receptor – paraneoplastic hyperthyroidism.
Secreted by testicular germ cell tumors, gestational trophoblastic dse.
What drug(s) may cause hemorrhagic cystitis? Pathogenesis? SSx? Prevention?
Cyclophosphamide (ifosfamide).
Toxic Acrolein metabs – cell death and necrosis of uroepithelial cells.
Frequent urination, progressive hematuria, suprapubic pain.
Prevention: aggressive hydration, co-admin w/ Mesna (inactivates toxic metabs of chemo drugs).