Mineral Nutrition Flashcards
The technique of growing plants in a nutrient solution is known as
The scientist who demonstrated the technique of hydroponics for the first time was
Julius von Sachs
In hydroponics, it is important that the nutrient solutions must be adequately ___________
Most of the minerals present in soil can enter plants through _____
Out of the 105 discovered elements, more than _____ are found in different varities of plants.
An essential element should be directly involved in the ___________ of plant
The element which cannot be replaced by another element is called
Essential element
The essential nutrients present in plant in large amounts are called
The nutrients of plants which are present in large amounts i.e., more than 10 mmole/Kg of dry matter are called
The macronutrients obtained from CO2and water are
Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
Name the macronutrients absorbed by plants from soil
Nitrogen, phosphorous, sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium
The essential nutrients needed in very small amounts are called
The nutrients of plants which are present in small amount i.e., less than 10 mmole/Kg of dry matter are called
Micronutrients are also called
Trace elements
Name the micronutrients needed by plants
Iron, Manganese, Copper, Molybdenum, Zinc, Boron, Chlorine and Nickel
The beneficial elements required by higher plants are
Sodium, Silicon, Cobalt, Selenium
Essential elements are classified into four groups on the basis of their ________
Diverse functions
Name four structural elements of plant cells
C, H, O and N
Energy related chemical compound in chlorophyll is
Energy related chemical compound in ATP is
The element which acts as an activator of RuBisCO and phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase is
Zinc ion is an activator of enzyme __________and Mo of nitrogenase during
nitrogen metabolism
Alcohol dehydrogenase
The element which is an activator of nitrogenase during nitrogen metabolism is
The element which aids in opening and closing of stomata is
The essential nutrient element that is required by plants in greatest amount is
Most of nitrogen by plant is absorbed in the form of
AfterNO3-, some of the nitrogen is also absorbed in the form of
The element that is predominantly required by meristematic tissues and metabolically active cells is
The biomolecules of which nitrogen is a major constituent are proteins, nucleic acids, ___________ and ____________
Vitamins and hormones
Phosphorus is abosorbed by plantsfrom soil in the form of _______________
Phosphate ions (H2PO4-orHPO42-)
The element required for phosphorylation reactions is
Phosphorus is highly essential for synthesis of a biomolecule i.e.,
Nucleic acid
The element which is major component of cell membranes, some proteins and all nucleic acids is
The element that helps to maintain anion-cation balance in plant cells is
Maintainance of turgidity and an anion-cation balance in cells, activation of enzymes and opening and closing of stomata are some of the functions of __________.
The element required by meristematic and differentiating tissues and used in synthesis of cell wall is
Calcium is required for synthesis of cell wall and is used as calcium pectate in synthesis of
Middle lamella
The element required in the formation of mitotic spindle is
The element which gets accumulated in older leaves and plays an important role in regulating metabolic activities is
Magnesium particularly activates the enzymes involved in the process of ______________ and _______________
Respiration and photosynthesis
The element that is the constituent of ring structure of chlorophyll is
The element involved in synthesis of DNA and RNA and maintains ribosome structure is
Plants absorb sulphur in the form of ____________
The two amino acids containing sulphur are
Cysteine and methionine
The element which is a main constituent of several coenzymes and vitamins is
The element which is a constitutent of thiamine, biotin and Coenzyme A is
The element which is a major constituent of ferredoxin and cytochromes is
Iron is obtained by plants in the form of _______
Ferric ions
During electron transfer, _________ state is reversibly oxidised to ________ state of iron
Ferrous, ferric
The element essential for the formation of chlorophyll is
The micronutrient which is required in larger amounts as compared to other micronutrients is
Catalase enzyme is activated by ________
The element involved in splitting of water to liberate oxygen during photosynthesis is
The element which activates carboxylase and is involved in synthesis of auxin is