Evolution Flashcards
To understand the changes in flora and fauna that have occured over millions of years on earth, we must have an understanding of the context of _____
Origin of life
Huge _______ comprises the universe
Clusters of galaxies
________ theory talks of a singular huge explosion unimaginable in physical terms
Big Bang theory
Origin of universe is explained by _____ theory
Big bang theory
How many billion years back the earth was formed?
about 4.5 billion years back
Name 4 gases which were released from molten mass covered surface
water vapour, methane, carbon dioxide and ammonia
The ______ from the sun broke up water into hydrogen and oxygen
UV rays
Early Greek thinkers thought life came in the form of units from outer space called?
Oparin of Russia and Haldane of England propose that the first form of life could have come from pre-existing non-living________
organic molecules (e.g. RNA, protein,etc)
Diverse organic molecules are formed from _______
inorganic constituents
What were the conditions of early earth?
high temperature, volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere containing, CH4, NH3, etc.
Who proposed the theory of chemical evolution?
Oparin of russia and haldane of england
Who provided an experimental proof for chemical evolution of life in 1953?
S.L. Miller
The first non-cellular forms of life could have originated ________ years back
3 billion
_________ are remains of hard parts of life forms found in rocks
Different -aged rock sediments contain?
fossils of different life forms(who probably died during the formation of the particular sediment)
A study of fossils in different sedimentary layers indicates?
The geological period in which these life forms existed
The study of fossils show evidence for evolution. These evidences are called?
Paleontological evidence
A technique which is used to find the age of a fossil is called?
_________ for evolution was proposed by Ernst Heckel
Embryological support
Embryological support for evolution was based upon the observation of:
Certain features during embryonic stage common to all vertebrates that are absent in adult
_______ and ________ shows similarities and differences among organisms of today and those that existed years ago
Comparative anatomy and morphology
Whales, bats, cheetah and human (all mammals) share similarities in the ______ of forelimbs
pattern of bones
_______ structures perform different functions but they have similar anatomical structure
Homologous structures
The same structures developed along different directions due to adaptations to different needs of species. This phenomenon is called
Divergent evolution
Give examples of homologous organs in plants
Thorn and tendrils of Bougainvillea and cucurbita
Homology indicates common _______
_________ are not anatomically similar structures though they perform similar functions
Analogous structures
Give an example of analogous structures
Wings of butterfly and birds
Analogous structures are a result of:
convergent evolution
Similarities in proteins and genes performing a given function among diverse organisms give clues to _______
common ancestry
Man has bred selected plants and animals for agriculture, horticulture, sport or security. This type of selection is called
Artificial selection
The classical example of natural selection is:
melanised moth
________ can be used as industrial pollution indicators as they donot grow in polluted areas
Evolution is stochastic process based on:
chance of events in nature and chance of mutation in the organisms
Small black birds (well known for their remarkable diversity in beak form) found in Galapagos Island are called?
Darwin’s Finches
From the original seed-eating features, many other forms with altered beaks arose, enabling them to become _______ and _______
insectivorous; vegetative finches
The process of evolution of different species in a given geographical area starting from a point and literally radiating to other areas of geography is called?
Adaptive radiation
Give an example of adaptive radiation?
Australian marsupials
Within the Australian Island continent, a number of marsupials each different from the other evolved from an ______
ancestral stock
Give an example of convergent evolution?
Flippers of Penguins and Dolphins
The two key concepts of Darwinian Theory of Evolution are:
Branching descent and natural selection
Lamarck’s theory of evolution is based on the principle that:
Evolution of life forms had occured but driven by used and disuse of organs
The novelty of _____ was: He asserted that variations, which are heritable and which make resources utilisation better for few (adapted to habitant better) will enable only to reproduce and leave more progeny
Hugo deVries work was based on?
evening primrose (Oenothera lamarckiana)
The term used for single step large mutation is?
________ is a specific position on a chromosome where a particular gene is located.
We can find out the frequency of occurence of alleles of a gene or a locus by using _______
Algebraic equations
What does the Hardy-weinberg principle predict?
It predicts that allele frequencies in a population are stable and is contant from generation to generation
_________ is the condition of an allele or genotype in a gene pool(such as a population) where the frequency does not change from generation to generation
genetic equilibrium
What are the factors known to affect Hardy weinberg principle?
Gene migration or gene flow, genetic drift, mutation, genetic recombination and natural selection
The movement of genes from one group of organism to another is called
Gene migration
________ is the transfer of genetic variation from one population to another
gene flow
When the change in frequency of allele occurs in a small population by chance then it is called
genetic drift
The original drifted population becomes founders and the effect is called?
Founder effect
______ shows that pre-existing advantageous mutations when selected will result in observation of new phenotypes
Microbial experiments
Variation due to mutation or variation due to recombination during gametogenesis, or due to gene flow or genetic drift results in?
changed frequency of genes and alleles in future generation
The mechanism of how non-cellular aggregates of gaint ____ could evolve into cells with membranous envelop is not known
Invertebrates were formed and active approximately ______ years ago
500 million
In 1938, a fish caught in south Africa happened to be a ______ which was thought to be extinct
________ evolved into the first amphibians that lived on both land and water
The _______ evolved into reptiles
Some land reptiles went back into water to evolve into fish like reptiles probably _______ mya
______ was the biggest land reptile?
Tyrannosaurus rex (It was about 20 feet in height and had huge fearsome dagger like teeth)
About _____ mya, the dinosaurs suddenly disappeared from the earth
65 million years ago
How did dinosaurs disapear from the Earth?
We dont know the true reason. Some say climatic changes killed them. Some say most of them evolved into birds
The first mammals were like ______
_________ animals protect their unborn young inside the mothers body
Some mammals live wholly in water. Examples are:
Whales, dolphins, seals and sea cows
Primates were ______ and ______ that have lived 15 million years ago
Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus
Ramapithecus looked more like:
Dryopithecus looked more like:
The brain capacity of homo-habilis was measured -
between 650 to 800 cc
The brain capacity of Homo-erectus was
Around 900cc
The ______ man with a brain size of 1400cc lived in near east and central Asia
Cave paintings by pre-historic humans can be seen at?
Bhimbetka rock shelter in Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh
On which continent Homo sapiens arose?
Mark A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,I, J and K in the given figure
A- vaccum pump; B-electrodes, C-gases; D-spark discharge; E-water out; F- condenser, G-Water in; H-water droplets; I-Water containing organic compounds; J-liquid in trap; K-boiling water
Mark A, B, C, D, E, F and G in the given figure
A - Triceratops; B- Tyrannosaurs; C- Pteranodon; D-Crocodilian; E-Archeopteryx; F-Stegosaurus; G-Brachiosaurus
Mark A abd B in the figure
A- Thorn; B-Tendril
The figure shows variety of ______ of finches that Darwin found on ______
beaks, Galapagos Island
Mark A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J in the given figure
A- Tasmanian Wolf
B- Tiger cat
C- Banded anteater
D- Marsupial rat
E- Kangaroo
F- Wombat
G- Bandicoot
H- Koala
I- Marsupial mole
J- Sugar glider
Mark A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,I, J, K, L, M and N in the given figure
A- Mole
B- Anteater
C- Mouse
D- Lemur
E- Flying squirrel
F- Bobcat
H - Marsupial mole
I - Numbat(anteater)
J- Marsupial mouse
K - Spotted cuscus
L - Flying phalanger
M - Tasmanian tiger cat
N - Tasmanian wolf
In the given figures of natural selection figures A, B and C represents
A - Stabilizing selection
B- Directional selection
C - Disruptive selection
______ is the study of history of life forms on earth
Evolutionary Biology
When we look at stars on a clear night sky we are, in a way, looking back in _____
Stellar distances are measured in ______
light years
When we see objects in our immediate surroundings we see them instantly and hence in the _____ time
When we see _____ we apparently are peeping into the past
The ______ is considered a unique event in the history of universe
origin of life
Compared to universe, the earth itself is almost only a _____
The universe is almost ______ years old
20 billion
Galaxies contain stars and clouds of _____ and _____
gas, dust
Name two gases that formed after temperature came down due to expansion of universe
Hydrogen and Helium
The gases condensed under ______ are formed the galaxies of the present day universe
Earth is present in which galaxy?
milky way
There was no _____ on early earth
Oxygen combined with ____ and _____ to form water, CO2 and others
ammonia, methane
As it cooled, the water vapour fell as rain, to fill all the ____ and form oceans
Life appeared _____ million years after formation of earth, i.e. almost _____ bilion years back
500, four
______ is still a favourite idea for some astronomers
Which theory proposed that life came out of decaying and rotting matter like straw, mud, etc?
Theory of spontaneous generation
_______ by careful experimentation demonstrated that life comes only from pre-existing life
Louis Pasteur
In pre-sterilised flasks, life did not come from killed yeast while in another flask open to air , new organism arose from ‘killed yeast’. This experiment disproved which theory?
Spontaneous generation theory
When S.L. Miller created electric discharge in a closed flask containing CH4, H2, NH3 and water vapour at 800 C, he observed formation of ______
amino acids