Human Health and Disease Flashcards
Who discovered blood circulation?
William Harvey
______ is affected by genetic disorders, infections and lifestyle
Deficiency or defects with which an individual is born are called
What is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well -being?
Health reduces ______ and _____ mortality
infant; maternal
Diseases which are easily transmitted from one person to another are called :
Infectious diseases
Name a non-infectious disease which is the major cause of death
Name disease causing pathogens in humans
Disease causing organisms are called?
Typhoid in humans is caused by bacterium-
Salmonella typhi
Salmonella typhi enters small intestine through contaminated _____ and _____
food; water
Three common symptoms of typhoid are:
High fever, stomach pain, constipation(weakness, headache, loss of appetite)
________ and death may occur in severe cases of typhoid
Intestinal perforation
Typhoid fever could be confirmed by-
Widal test
Mary Mallon spread which disease through the food prepared by her for several years?
Two bacteria responsible for causing pneumonia are:
Streptococcus pneumonia and Haemophilus influenzae
In pneumonia which part of human body is infected specifically?
Alveoli of lungs
Symptoms of pneumonia include fever,chills, _____ and ____
cough; headache
Healthy person acquires pneumonia by inhaling infected _______
droplets/ Aerosols
Dysentry, plague, diptheria and pneumonia are diseases caused by_____
Common cod in human beings is caused by ____
Rhino viruses
Symptoms of common cold last for ____ days
Rhino viruses usually infect _____ and _____
nose; respiratory passage
Nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, headache and tiredness are symptoms of which viral disease?
Common cold
A protozoan causing malaria in human is ______
Protozoan responsible for causing malaria is _____
Name three different species of plasmodium that cause malaria:
P. vivax, P.malaria, P. falciparum
Malignant malaria is caused by :
Plasmodium falciparum
Mature infective stages of plasmodium injected in humans with mosquito bite is:
Sporozoites enter human body through the bite of infected:
Female anopheles mosquito
In malaria, parasites initially multiply within _____ cells
Parasites of malaria attack which cells in blood?
red blood cells
In malaria, rupture of RBCs is associated with release of which toxic substance?
Toxic substance released during malaria, responsible for chills and high fever recurring every three to four days, is:
Sporozoites in mosquito are stored within their _______
salivary glands
Two hosts required by the malarial parasite to complete its life cycle are:
humans and mosquitoes
Vector for transmitting malaria is:
Female anopheles mosquito
Gametocytes of malaria are formed in which host?
Fertilization of malarial parasities occurs in which host?
Amoebiasis in humans is caused by protozoan:
Entamoeba histolytica
Amoebiasis causing agent is a type of _____ parasite:
Amoebiasis is commonly known as
Amoebic dysentery
Stools with excess mucous and blood clots is symptom of which protozoan disease?
Mechanical carriers which transmit parasite causing amoebiasis are:
Main source of infection of amoebiasis are drinking water and food contaminated by:
Name a common round worm
Name a filarial worm
Name two pathogenic helminths in humans
Ascaris and Wuchereria
_______ is caused by Ascaris in humans
The symptoms of ascariasis are:
internal bleeding, muscular pain, fever, anemia and blockage of the intestinal passage
Name two species of filarial worms which cause filariasis
W. bancrofti and W. malayi
Characteristics of filariasis is inflammation in ______ of lower limbs
lymphatic vessels
Filiriasis is also known as:
In filariasis, the _____ organs are also often affected, resulting in gross deformities
Ringworms are caused by fungi belonging to genera _______, ______ and _______
Microsporum, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton
Appearance of dry, scaly lesions on skin, nails or scalp are main symptoms of:
What helps fungi to thrive in skin folds such as between the toes?
heat and moisture
Name two air borne diseases
Pneumonia and common cold
Most important measure to control diseases such as malaria and filiriasis is to eliminate:
Fish, that feeds on mosquito larvae is:
Chikungunya and dengue are transmitted by the vector:
Aedes mosquito
The overall ability of host to fight disease-causing organism, conferred by the immune system is called:
Non-specific type of defence to human body is provided by:
Innate immunity
Type of immunity present at the time of birth is:
Innate immunity
Mucus coating of epithelium lining the various tracts of human body is a type of _______ barrier of innate immunity
The main barrier on human body which prevents entry of micro-organisms is:
Physical barrier which traps microbes entering human body is:
mucus coating
Physiological barrier in our stomach is:
gastric acid
Physiological barrier preventing microbial growth in eyes is
Polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes of human body are:
Name a few leukocytes oh human body that act as cellular barriers
neutrophils, monocytes, NK cells and macrophages
Examples of a cytokine barrier is:
Proteins secreted by virus-infected cells are:
Pathogen specific immunity of humans is:
Acquired immunity
A characteristic of acquired immunity is:
Immune memory
Our body, when it encounters a pathogen for the first time, produces a response called a ______ which is of intensity
primary response
Highly intensified response generated in the body due to encounter with the same pathogen after primary response is called:
Secondary or anamnestic response
Cells of immune system involved in primary and secondary immune responses are:
B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes
Army of proteins produced by B-lymphocytes to fight pathogens are:
Cells which help B cells to produce antibody are:
Number of peptide chains in an antibody molecule are:
Each antibody molecule has two small peptide chains called:
Light chains
An antibody is represented by the formula:
IgA, IgM, IgE and IgG are different types of human:
Immune response which involves production of antibodies in blood is:
Humoral immune response
Immune response which involves T cells is called:
Cell-mediated immunity
What is essential before tissue transplantation?
Tissue and blood group matching
An individual who has undergone transplantation is prescribed to take ______ throughout his life
The type of immunity in which antibody is produced when host is exposed to antigens in the form of living or dead microbes or other proteins, is called
Active immunity
When ready-made antibodies are directly given to protect the body against foreign agents, it is called:
passive immunity
The yellowish fluid secreted by the mother during initial days of lactation is:
Colostrum is rich in which in which antibody?
Antibodies recieved by the foetus from the mother, is an example of:
passive immunity
Principle of immunisation or vaccination is based on the property of _____ of the immune system
Antigenic proteins of pathogens or inactivated/weakened pathogens are introduced into the body during the process of:
Cases where preformed antibodies or antitoxins are directly injected are:
Tetanus and snake bite
Antibodies against snake venom is an example of ______ immunisation
In recombinant DNA technology, antigenic polypeptides of pathogens are produced in _____ or ______
bacteria, yeast
A vaccine produced in yeast using rDNA technology on a large scale is:
Hepatitis B
The exaggerated response of the immune system to certain antigens present in the environment is called :
Some common allergens are:
pollens, mites in dust and animal dander
Sneezing, watery eyes, running nose and difficulty in breathing are some symptoms of ______ reaction
Antibodies produced against allergens are _____ type
Allergy is due to the release of chemicals like _____ and _____
histamine and serotonin
Histamine and serotonin are secreted by which cells?
Mast cells
Symptoms of allergy can be reduced by using:
Anti-histamine, adrenalin and steroids
When body attacks self-cells, disease is called:
Auto immune disease
Example of an auto-immune disease is:
Rheumatoid arthritis
The organs where origin or maturation and proliferation of lymphocytes occur are called:
lymphoid tissue
Primary lymphoid organs are:
Bone marrow and thymus
Immature lymphocytes differentiate into antigen-sensitive lymphocytes in ______ organs of the immune system
primary lymphoid
Name three secondary lymphoid organs
Spleen, lymph nodes and tonsils
Effector cells are produced in ______ lymphoid organs
Lymphocytes interact with antigen in which type of lymphoid organs?
secondary lymphoid organs
The main lymphoid organ where all blood cells including lymphocytes are produced is:
bone marrow
Lobed lymphoid organ located near heart and beneath the breastbone is:
Size of thymus is largest at the time of _____ of an individual
Microenvironment for development and maturation of T-lymphocytes is provided by _____ and ______
bone marrow; thymus
A large bean-shaped lymphoid organ containing lymphocytes and phagocytes is:
Spleen is responsible for the filtration of ______ by trapping microorganisms
In addition of lymphocytes and phagocytes, spleen has a large reservoir of which blood cells?
Structures that serve to trap the micro-organisms or other antigens, which happen to get into the lymph and tissue fluid are:
lymph nodes
Lymphoid tissues which constitute 50% of lymphoid tissue of human body is:
Lymphoid tissue located within the lining of major tract is called:
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
AIDS stands for:
Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
______ means a group of symptoms
Virus causing AIDS is:
Human Immuno Deficiency Virus(HIV)
HIV belongs to which group of virus?
Envelope of retrovirus encloses ____ genome
Transmission of HIV-infection occurs by ______ contact with an infected person
Transmission of HIV-infection occurs by transfusion of _______ blood and blood products
HIV is transmitted to a child from an infected mother through-
Time lag between infection and appearance of AIDS symptoms varies from few months to _____ years
HIV spreads only through body _____
RNA genome of HIV replicates to form viral DNA in which blood cells of human beings?
Enzyme involved in synthesis of viral DNA in macrophages is:
Reverse transcriptase
Along with macrophages, other immune cells infected by HIV are:
Helper T lymphocytes
HIV infection leads to progressive decrease in the number of ______ in an individual
Helper T lymphocytes
HIV patients are prone to common bacteria like ______ and parasite _______
Mycobacterium; Toxoplasma
Diagnosis of AIDS is done by:
Enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA)
The national organisation dedicated to spread awareness about AIDS in India is:
National AIDS Control Organisation
Cancer cells lose the property of:
contact inhibition
Cancerous cells continue to divide giving rise to a mass of cells called:
Two types of tumors are:
Benign and malignant
Tumors that normally remain confined to their original location and do not spread to other parts of the body are called:
Benign tumors
Tumors composed of mass of proliferative cells that can spread to other parts are:
Malignant tumors
Proliferative cells, of malignant tumor, are also called:
Neoplastic cells
The most feared property of malignant tumors is:
Transformation of normal cells into cancerous neoplastic cells may be induced by physical, chemical or biological agents called:
Ionizing radiations that cause damage to DNA are:
X-rays and gamma rays
Non-ionizing radiations that may act as a carcinogenic are:
UV rays
Chemical carcinogens in tobacco smoke are major cause of _____ cancer
Cancer causing viruses are called:
oncogenic viruses
Genes found in normal cells which can lead to oncogenic transformation of cells are called:
Cellular or proto oncogens
Cancer detection is usually based on _____ and ______ studies of tissues
biopsy, histopathological
Blood and bone marrow tests are done for increased cell counts to detect:
Cancers of internal organs can be detected by:
X-ray, CT scan and MRI
CT stands for:
computed tomography
MRI stands for:
magnetic resonance imaging
CT uses ______ to generate a three-dimensional image of the internals of the object
Diagnostic technique which uses strong magnetic fields and non-ionising radiations to accurately detect pathological and physiological changes in the living tissue is:
______ against cancer-specific antigens are also used for detection of certain cancers
Common approaches for treatment of cancer are ________,________ and _______
surgery, radiation therapy and immunotherapy
Tumor cells are irradiated lethally in:
Side effects of anti-cancer drugs are ______ and _____
loss of hair; anemia
Biological response modifiers which activate immune system and help in destroying tumor are:
Drugs which bind to specific opioid receptors present in central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract are:
Name an opioid
Heroin/ smack/ diacetylmorphine
A white, odourless, bitter crystalline compound, commonly called as smack is:
Opioid/diacetylmorphine/ heroin
Heroin is obtained by acetylation of:
Heroin is generally taken by _____ and _____
snorting; injection
Morphine is extracted from latex of the plant
Papaver somniferum
Receptors for cannabinoids are present principally in the ____-
Natural cannabinoids are obtained from which plant?
Cannabis sativa
Natural cannabinoids are obtained from which part of Cannabis plant?
Marijuana, hashish, charas and ganja are produced by using different combination of which parts of the plant Cannabis?
Flower tops, leaves and resin
Cannabinoids are taken by ______ and ____
inhalation; oral ingestion
Cannabinoids are known to have effects on _____ of the body
Cardiovascular system
Coca plant is native to:
south america
Cocaine is obtained from which plant?
Erythroxylum coca
Cocaine interferes with transport of which neuro-transmitter?
Cocaine is taken through:
Cocaine has potent stimulating action on:
Excessive dosage of cocaine causes:
A plant other than Coca possessing hallucinogenic properties is:
Atropa belladona and Datura
A drug which is a very effective sedative and painkiller is:
Name some drugs which are used to cope with depression and insomnia
Barbiturates, amphetamines, benzodiazepines
Tobacco contains an alkaloid:
Nicotine stimulates release of _____ and ______
adrenaline, nor-adrenaline
Tobacco chewing is associated with increased risk of cancer of:
oral cavity
Smoking increases content of which gas in blood, leading to oxygen deficiency?
carbon monoxide
Which phase of life is most vulnerable phase of mental of mental and psychological development of an individual?
Curosity, experimentation, peer pressure, stress and unsupportive family structure are some of the factors associated with:
drug and alcohol abuse
A psychological attachment to effects like euphoria while using drugs and alcohol is called:
_______ is the tendency of the body to manifest a characteristic and unpleasant withdrawal syndrome if regular dose of drugs/ alcohol is abruptly discontinued.
What is characterised by anxiety, shakiness, nausea and sweating when drugs are discontinued?
Withdrawal syndrome
Excessive use of drugs may lead to coma and death due to respiratory failure, heart failure and ______
cerebral hemorrhage
Individuals taking drugs intravenously are much more likely to acquire serious infections like:
AIDS/ Hepatitis B
The chronic use of drugs and alcohol affect the liver, causing:
Narcotic analgesics, anabolic steroids and diuretics are used by sportsperson to increase _______ strength and athletic performance
What effect does anabolic steroids have on reproductive health of women?
Abnormal menstrual cycle
Use of anabolic steroids by women causes:
What effect does anabolic steroids have on reproductive health of men?
Decreased sperm production, reduction in size of testicles and enlargement of the prostate gland
What effect does anabolic steroids have on prostate gland?
Enlargement of gland
Mark A, B, C, D and E in the given figure:
A) Human host, B) Gametocytes, C) Mosquito Host, D) Salivary glands, E) Sporozoites
Name the disease by identifying the symptoms
The disease depicted in the figure is caused by:
Mark A, B and Cin the given figure
A) Antigen binding site, B) Light chain, C)heavy chain
Mark A and B in the given figure
A-lymph nodes, B-thymus
Identify A, B, C and D in the given figure
A) viral protein coat, B) viral RNA is introduced into cell, C) viral DNA is produced by reverse transcriptase D)DNA
Identify the chemical structure represented in the figure
Identify the plant
opium poppy
Identify the chemical structure represented in the figure
Cannabinoid molecule
Identify the plant by its leaf
Cannabis sativa
Identify the plant by its flowering branch