Microbiology Flashcards
what bacteria are normally found in the urine?
urine is normally sterile
What colonises the distal urethra?
coliforms and enterococci
What is a UTI?
the presence of microbes in the urinary tract that are causing clinical infection
What is a lower UTI?
infection confined to the bldder
What is an upper UTI?
infection involving the ureters +/- the kidneys
What is a complicated UTI?
UTI complicated by systemic sepsis or urinary structural abnormality or stones
When is bacteriuria often not significant?
in elderly patients or patients with catheters
Why do women get UTIs more than men?
have a short wide urethra; proximity of urethra to anus
When is there an increased risk of UTI in women?
with sexual activity or pregnancy
What is the most common route of infection for UTIs?
ascending infection
What is the blood-born route of infection?
bacteraemia–seeded into kidneys–mulitple small abscesses–bacteria in urine
What are the most common type organisms causing UTI?
What are coliforms?
aerobic gram negative bacilli
What is the most common organism cauing UTI?
What organism that isn’t a coliform can also cause UTI?
What is proteus infection associated with?
How does proteus infection lead t o calculi?
produces urease which breaks urea to form ammonia which increases urinary pH and allows the precipitation of sals
What is the typical sign of proteus infection?
foul smelling
What is the most common cause of enterococcus causing UTI?
enterococcus faecalis
What type of stones does proteus result in?
triple phophate stones
Describe staphylococcus saphrophyticus?
coag negative staph
Who does staph. saphrophyticus affect?
women of child bearing age
What is pseudomonas infection associated with?
catheters and UT instrumentation
What is the only oral antibiotic that pseudomonas is sensitive to?