Drugs acting on the kidneys Flashcards
What are diuretics?
agents that increase urine output through causing a net electrolyte and water loss
What do the organic anion transporters transport?
acidic drugs eg thiazides and loop agents
What do organic canion transporters tranposrt?
basic drugs
Where do loo/p diuretics work
ascending loop of Henle
What transporter do loop diuretics inhibit?
Na/K/2Cl cotransporter
Where do thiazides work?
Where does spironolactone work?
collecting duct
Why do loop diuretics cause hypokalaemia?
increase the load of sodium to DCT which results in compensatory mechanisms to get sodium back in exchange for potassium
What other electrolyes are depleted with looop diuretics?
calcium and magnesium
What action do loop diuretics have on blood vessels?
What acid-base abnormality can be cause by loop diuretics?
metabolic alkalosis
What are the adverse effects of loop diuretics?
hypokalaemia; hypomagnesaemia; hypocalcaemia; hyperglycaemia; hyperuricaemia; hearing loss; hypovolaemia
Why do loop diuretics cause hearing loss?
there are the same cotranporters in endolymph
What transporter do thiazides work on?
bind to Na/Cl symprter
What effect do thiazides have on calcium?
increase reabsorption of calcium
Why are thiazides not as potent as loops?
because by DCT lots of sodium has already been reabsorbed
What effect do thiazides have on vessels?
What are the uses of thiazides?
mild HF; HT; nephrolithiasis (hypercalciuria); nephrogenic DI
Are thiazides and loops effective in renal failure?
loops are, thiazides arent
What extrarenal metabolic disturbances do thiazides cause?
hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia
What are the side effects of thiazides?
postural hypotension; metabolic alkalosis; hypokalaemia; hyponatraemia; hypomagnesaemia; hypercalcaemia; hyperuricaemia; low blood counts; impotence; pancreatitis; cholestasis; pneumonitis; photosensitivity
What does risk of hypokalaemia depend on?
duration of action of the drugs
Which type of diuretic is less likely to cause hypokalaemia?
loop- shorter duration of action
Waht are teh signs of hypokalaemia?
weaknss; myalgia, fatigue, arrhythmias
How do loop diuretics cause metabolic alkalosis?
The increased sodium at the DCT causes the DCT to increase sodium reabsorption using Na/H transports and Na/K transports leading to hypokalaemia and alkalsis, the loss of chloride also leads to loss of anions so body gets more bicarb to replace
What is the main problem associated with loop and thiazides?
cause secondary hyperaldosteronism
What is the use of potassium sparing diuretics?
although weak diuretics on their own they blunt the secondary hyperaldosteronism with other diuretics so are useful in adjucts
What is the action of amiloride and triamterene?
block the apical sodium channel to decrease sodium reabsorption
What is the action of spironolactone and eplerone?
compete with aldosterone
What type of receptor does spironolactone compete with aldosterone for?
intracellular receptors