What is a TREND in a METAR?
A short period forecast covering likely changes in weather conditions in the two hours following the observation
What windspeed is 12MPS in knots?
- Double the value in m/s (MPS)
What does NOSIG mean in a METAR?
NOSIG is an example of a TREND forecast which is appended to METARs at stations while a forecaster is on watch. NOSIG means that no significant change is expected to the reported conditions within the next 2 hours.
Define CAVOK?
CAVOK = Ceiling And Visibility OK, indicating no cloud below 5,000 ft or the highest minimum sector altitude and no CB or towering CU at any level, a visibility of 10 km (6 mi) or more and no significant weather change.
What is the difference between an A01 and A02 auto weather station?
A01 has no precipitation sensor but A02 has that sensor
What is the meaning of:
- SLP134
- Thunderstorm began…
- Snow ended…
- Rain began…
- No cloud detected
- No directional variation
- Sea level pressure 1013,4
What is the difference between MIST and FOG in weather reports?
MIST (BR) = Over 1000m VIS
FOG (FG) = Below 1000m VIS
What does SF5NS3 mean?
Stratofractus 5 oktas, Nimbostratus 3 oktas
What does RF00,5/001,8 mean?
0,5mm rain in the last 10 min and 1,8mm rain since 09:00 local time.
// //// ////// what does these signs mean?
// = No data available for weather //// = No data available for Visibility ////// = No data available for Cloud
Define TEMPO?
Changes will not last for more than 1h at a time, nor take up in total more than half the period specified
What is the max RVR reported?
How often is a TAF issued and for how long are they valid?
Issued every 6 hours and valid for 24- or 30 hour period