Menopausa e 6 dec de vida Flashcards
- Conjunto sintomas fisicos e e emocionais com impacto na vida da mulher e de quem a rodeia
- Idd média: 51 anos (white Caucasians with ethnic and regional variations after a significant decrease of ovarian estrogen production)
- Data da ultima menstruação: estadio 0
- Altura perimenopausa: estadio -2 e -1
- menopausa: estadio 1 e 2
- permanent cessation of menses, (devido a dim de estrogénio) is a retrospective clinical diagnosis, as the final menstrual period can only be defined if followed by 12 months of amenorrhea
- Dx retrospetivo
- Menopausa tardia apos 55 anos
Falência ovarica prematura
menopause before the age of 40 years; whether occurring naturally or as a result of surgery or some other intervention (e.g. chemotherapy).
- 1% casos
-The time in which a woman has irregular cycles of ovulation and menstruation leading up to menopause and continuing until 12 months after her final period.
- Alt ciclo menstrual
- Encurtamento ciclos inicialmente (fase folicular + rapida pelo aum FSH)
- Alongamento ciclos no final
- Ausência de mentruação - amenorreia
- Ciclos + longo que 2 meses (passar um progestativo enquanto a mulher menstruar para evitar hiperplasia do endométrio)
-The time after menopause has occurred, starting when a woman has not had a period for 12 consecutive months
Menopausa induzida
- Cessation of ovarian function induced by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or bilateral oophorectomy
The phase in the aging of women marking the transition from the reproductive phase to the nonreproductive state. This phase incorporates the perimenopause by extending for a longer variable period before and after the perimenopause.
Sindrome climaterico
When the climacteric is associated with symptomatology
Idd Menopausa
- Genetica
- Estilo vida (mal nutrida, tabagismo) - + precoce
- idd menarca
- Numero de ovulações
- numero de gravidezes
- Lactação
- Contraceção oral
- Raça
- Estatuto socioeconomico
- Educação
- Altura
- nascença: 1000000 a 2000000
- Puberdade: 400 000
- 30-35 anos: 100 000
- Mulher ovula cerca de 400 oocitos durante a vida reprodutiva
Caracteristicas hormonais pre menopausa
- Depleção foliculos ovaricos + alt de mecanismos intrafolicular -> freq ciclos anovulatórios + Dim inibina B e estrogénios N -> Aum FSH e LH normal
- Maior resistência folicular a FSH
Menstruação e menopausa
- Ovaries of postmenopausal women are not quiescente
- Under the stimulation of LH theca cell Island in the ovarian stroma produce hormones, primarily the androgens, testosterone and androstenedione.
- Testosterona appears to be the major product of the postmenopausal ovary
- Testosterone concentrations decline after menopause. Remains 2x higher in menopausal with intact ovaries than in those with ooforectomy
- Estrona E1- predominant endogenous estrogen in postmenopausal. Is termed extragonadal estrogen because the concentration is directly related to body weigt
- Androstenedione is converted to E1 proprotionate to the amount of fatty tissue
- Estrogénio promove prolif endometrio, mulheres obesas na menopausa -> maioe risco de hiperplasia endometrio e carcinoma; mulheres magras tem maior risco de sintomas menopausicos
Caracteristicas hormonais pos menopausa
- Menos foliculos -» FSH aum pela resistência folicular (10-20x, max 1-3 anos); estrogénios baixam (única fonte conversão periferica de androgénios); prod de androstenediona e T (Suprarrenal + ovarios (ação Gn)
Hormonas pre menopausa vs posmenopausa
- Pre: FSH+ e LH N- anovulação freq -> atividade estrogenica desequilibrada vs progesterona
- Pos: FSH ++, LH+, sem atividade folicular -> deprivação de estrogénios
Manif clinicas
- precocemente: ciclos irregulares, afrontamentos, sint psicogénicos
- Medio: sintomas Genitourinarios e cutâneos
- Tarde: dim qualidade vida, disfunção sexual, osteoporose, doença CV anormalidad ecognitiva
- Sintomas: dispareunia, muc com sangue, prurido vulvar, urgência, freq, incontinência stress, relaxamento pav pelvico ou prolapso, secura pele, aum rugas, hirsutismo leve, boca seca, alopecia/ cabelo seco, doença coronária, osteoporose, dor articular, mastalgia, alt energia e equilibrio, sono alterado, afrontamentos, diaforese
- geralmente a primeira manif e mais comum na perimenopausa/posmenopausa imediata
- Instabilidade vasomotora
- Recorrente, transitorios
- Suores noturnos: ocorrem no sono associado a diaforese
- rpd instalação e solução
- vasodil cutaneao na parte sup tronco pescoço e face
- 90 seg
- fenómeno inteiro é 3 min
- calor, ansiedade, tremor
- Dim 17 beta estradiol -> aum norepinefrina e serotonina?
- Resolução espontânea em 2-3 anos (pode durar >10 anos em 10% mulheres)
- Com terapia hormonal - resolve em 3-6 sem as x’s + rpd
- Prev: 75% US, 10% hong kong, 62% Australia
- More prevalent African American women
- BMI is a more reliable factor of the incidence of hot flushes (more prevalent in higher body mass indices)
- Surgical or induced menopause is associated with a greater prevalence and severity of vasomotor symptoms
- less education
- lower income
- mood disorders,
- women who are cigarette smokers
Doenças que imitam eventos vasomotores
- doença tiroideia, epilepsia, infeção, drogas (alccol, opioides, IRSS, Block canais Ca, Block de estrogenios), alguns cancros (tiroide, pancreas, rim, linfoma), ansiedade
Alt Sono
- Dim niveis E2
- Latent phase of sleep ( the time required to fall asleep) is lengthened, with alterations in rapid eye movement patterns
- The actual period of sleep is shortened
- The women complain of having difficulty falling asleep and of waking up soon after going to sleep
- The women are often tense, irritable and have difficulty with concentration and interpersonal relationships
- Tx hormonal melhora
- Insonia, fadiga, irritabilidade, depressão
Sindrome genitourinario
- Defined as a collection of symptoms and signs associated with a decrease in estrogen and other sex steroids involving changes to the labia majora/minora, clitoris, vestibule/introitus, vagina, urethra and bladder
- The vaginal epitheliun, cérvix, endocervix, endometrium, miometrium and uroepithelium are estrogen-dependente tissues
- Tecidos atroficos
- Vaginal epithelium becomes thin and cervical secretions diminish
- > dim prazer sexual e dispareunia
- Atrophic vaginites also may presente with itching and burning. The thinned epithelium is more susceptible to becoming irritated by skin irritants or infected by local flora
- Symptoms can be relieved with systemic HT or topical estrogen
- GSM is now replacing vulvovaginal atrophy (alt termo)
- endometrium becomes atrophic, sometimes resulting in postmenopausal spotting
- paravaginal tissues that support the bladder and rectum becomes atrophic. This with the chilbearing can result in loss of support for blader or and rectum
- Uterine prolapse is more common in hipoestrogenic patient
- Uretrite atrofica: disuria e freq, devido a alt epiteio do trato -> terapia subs melhora os sintomas de urgência, freq e disuria
- Incontinência urinária ->Kegel
- Atrofia endometrio -> maior causa de hemorragia pos menopausa
Alt memória e humor
- Perimenopausal and postmenopausal women often complains of mood swings
- Some experience memory loss, depression, apathy and crying spells
- The cause could be menopause, sleep disturbance or both
- If they have a comorbid sleep disorder, such as obstrutive sleep apnea and rest legs syndrome -> sleep expert com sleep study se apropriado
- Sex steroid hormone receptores are presente in the central nervouse system (CNS). There is insuficiente evidence about the role of estrogens in the CNS function to implicate a direct mechanism
- TX: Counseling and emotional support; medical therapy
Alt pele, cabelo e unhas
- Estrogens influences skin thickness (fibroblastos, colagenio e queratinocitos)
- Declining estrogen prodution the skin becomes more thin, less elastic,and eventually more susceptible to abrasion and trauma
- Estrogens stimulates the production of SHBG which binds androgens and estrogens
- Menos estrogenios -> menos SHBG disponivel -> mais testo livre -> mais bigode na tia Alice
- Estrogen production affect the rate of hair shedding. Hair from the scalp is lost and replaced in a asynchronous way. The process is self-limiting and requires no therapy
- Nails becomes thin and brittle with estrogen deprivation, but are restored to normal over time or with estrogen therapy
- Bone desmineralization ia a natural consequence of aging, and occurs in men and women.
- In women occurs 15 to 20 Y earlier because of acceleration after ovarian funtion ceases.
- Decreased estrogen production occurs in natural menopause, eating disorders or elite athletes with exercice associated lower BMI (ou corticoterapia de longa duração)
- Bone density diminishes at the rate of 0,5% Y in perimenopausal women and 1%-2% Y in postmenopausal women
- Estrogen receptors (Ers) are presente in osteoblast, which suggests a role for estrogen in bone formation
- Estrogen afeccts the developement of cortical (+ tardio) , but the effect is more pronunced in trabecular bone (+ precoce)
- Dim massa ossea com (mineral/matriz) N, alt microarquitetura
- Aum risco fraturas
Testes anteriores à tx
- Anamnese
- EO
- Exame gineco e mama
- Análises rotina
- Mamografia
- Eco e Densitometria em situações especificas
- Sintomas
- Fatores de risco para doenças
- FR para doença + prevalente na menopausa (CV, cancro e osteoporose)
- Hx obstetrica relevante
- Hx de doenças (TVP, cancros, CV, etc)
- Hx familiar
- Alcool tabaco
- Medicação
- Hx social, psicologica e sexual
- Idd, Sexo, Hx familiar, Raça, Menopausa
- Dislipidemias, HTA, DM, tabagismo, obesidade, sedentarismo
- Novos fatores: PE ou HTA na gravidez, D Gestacional
IMC, Cintura, PA, Exame gineco, Exame mama, Palpação tiroide