Anemia na gravidez Flashcards
- Physiological adaptations in pregnancy are aimed to accommodate the needs of the Fetal-Placental unit
- Haemathologic changes during pregnancy o Physiological Anemia o Leukocytosis and Neutrophilia o Mild thrombocytopenia o Rise in procoagulant factors o Decreased fibrinolysis
o Expansion of plasma volume : 10-15% at 6-12 weeks; 30-50% at 34 weeks (max. peak)
o Nulliparous: increases 1200 ml
o Multiparous: increases 1500 ml > em gravidezes multiplas - Maternal blood volume at term: 100ml/kg -> Returns to normal in puerperium, between 6th and 8th week
Eritropoiese na gravidez
- Increase in erythropoiesis
o devido a HLP, PRG e PRL - EPO aum 50% na gravidez normal
- aum 30% in erythrocyte mass vs non-pregnant, if supplemented with iron
- Aum 18% in erythrocyte mass vs non-pregnant, if NOT supplemented with iron
- Launching into circulation of new erythrocytes: Reticulocytes
- Aum VGM e CHGM (concentração hb globular media)
Volume plasmático e anemia na gravidez
- Plasmic volume > erythrocyte mass (3:1)
- Aum iron requirements (1000 mg)
o erythrocyte expansion (500mg)
o Fetus (250mg)
o Placenta (100mg)
o Daily losses (150mg) - ANEMIA FISIOLOGICA
- Pico nas 34 sem -> near term there is an increase in haemoglobin concentration
o plateau de expansão plasmática
o massa eritrocitaria continua a subir
Anemia e gravidez
- Number of Erythrocytes, amount of Hb or Hct lower than in healthy adults of the same sex, age group and environment
- Hb < 11g/dl / Hct < 33% in 1st and 3rd T
- Hb < 10,5g/dl / Hct< 32% in 2nd T
- Afro-americanos: dim cut off 0,8 g/dl
- WHO: o Hb < 11g/dl / Hct < 33% o Severe: Hb < 7g/dl o Medical emergency: Hb < 4g/dl (risk DIC) o Post delivery: Hb < 10 g/dl
- fetais (Hb <9g/dl) : o Preterm delivery (60%, in iron-deficiency anemia if iron deficiency 1st Q) o Fetal growth restriction (2x) o Miscarriage and fetal death (3x) o Low weight at birth o Developmental disorder
- Obstetricas:
o Descolamento
o PE - Hb ideal para previnir PPT e Restrição crescimento: 9,5-11,5 g/dl
- Anamnese: o Ethnicity and country of origin o Occupation o Socioeconomic status o Type of diet (vegetarian?) o Drugs o Travels o Infections o Exposure to toxics and food items (beans,..) o Medical history (thyroid disease, infectious, liver disease, autoimmune...) o Family history (Hemoglobinopathy?)
- LAB:
o Hemograma
o Esfregaço sangue periferico
o Reticulocitos (increase in peripheral destruction vs decrease in spinal cord production)
o Estudo ferro (serum iron, transferrin, ferritin, CTFF)
o Electrophoresis of Hb
Anemia microcitica
- Dx diff: o Iron-deficiency anemia o Thalassemia o Chronic bleeding o Chronic disease o Sideroblastic anemia
- HC (hx familiar talassémias, …)
- LAB (hemo, ferro, eletroforese Hb)
- Def ferro: ferro baixo, ferritina baixa, CTFF alto, eletro Hb normal
- Talassemia: ferro N/alto, ferritina N/baixa, CTFF N, eletro Hb anormal
- Doença crónica: ferro baixo, ferritina baixa, CTFF N/alto, eletro Hb normal
- Sideroblastica: ferro N/alto, ferritina N, CTFF N, eletro Hb normal
- If untreated, anemia will worsen during pregnancy and blood loss at delivery can be catastrophic, specially when there are risk factors (multipara, previous PPH)
Anemia ferropenia
- Main cause of anemia in pregnancy (75-85%)
- Aum necessidade ferro durante gravidez
- dieta inapropriada
- Chronic depletion of iron reservoirs
o menorrhagia, multiparous short inter-pregnancy interval, multiple pregnancies, teen pregnancy, low socioeconomic status - Iron distributed over 3 compartments
o Linked to Heme (Hb, myoglobin)
o Stored: ferritin and hemosiderin
o Transport: transferrin
- 1g of Fe required daily: ▪ 500 mg for erythrocyte expansion ▪ 250 mg for the fetus ▪ 100 mg for the placenta ▪ remaining to make up for daily losses
Gravidez -> feto e placenta
- Diet alone does not fulfill these needs and even women beginning pregnancy with intact storage are at risk of iron-deficiency -> PREVENTION: 30-60mg/day iron, fasting, > 20w (> 2 trim)
- Fetal anemia is rare (even when the maternal deficiency is severe)
- No relation to congenital malformations
- Increased risk of PPTermo, FGRestriction, and fetal death (severe anemia)
- TX: o 100-200mg/day iron per os for 2 weeks - Queremos: o ↑ Hb 1-2g/dl in 2 weeks o ↑ reticulocytes in 3-7 days - Melhora? -> mantain therapy for 4-6 months - Não melhora -> exclude poor adhesion and other causes of anemia - EA: nausea, vomiting, constipation o Vitamina C em jejum (aum absorção)
- Tx alternativa:
o Ferro IV- Venofer® (ferric oxide saccharate) - 2% associated risks (anaphylaxis, DIC, renal toxicity, bronchospasm)
. Ferinject® (ferric carboxymaltose) - better tolerance, low toxicity, low immunogenic potential, administration in 15 min - INDICAÇÕES:
✓ Intolerance or absence of response with oral therapy
✓ Malabsortion syndromes
✓ Post-partum if Hb ≥7 e ≤9g/dl
✓ Contraindications: active infection or 1st trimester
✓ Stop oral iron for at least 5 days after administration of ev iron
o transfusão sangue:
. Hb < 7g/dL if post-partum, symptoms or hemodynamic compromise
. Chronic disease with risk of decompensation
. Severe/active blood loss
- Changes in the synthesis of globin chains of the hemoglobin molecule -> Faulty hemoglobin synthesis - globin chains
- Autosomal recessive disorders
- Tipos:
oA lpha α- Decrease or absence in the production of α chains
o Beta β- Decrease or absence in the production of β chains
o Gamma Υ
o Delta δ
o Epsilon ε
o Zeta ζ - > Mediterranean, India, Pakistan, Africa, and Southwest Asia
- Pgx depende do tipo genético
- TX:
o Not necessary in the minor forms
o Prevention with 1mg/day folate
o Supplementation with iron – only when there is iron deficiency
Beta talassemia
- Genotipos:
o Talassemia minor: 1 gene affected - Disease levels, depending on the production rate of β chains -> Mild asymptomatic microcytic anemia
. ++ HbA2 - 4-6%
. Well tolerated pregnancy
. No consequences for fetus if partner not affected
. EVALUATE PARTNER and PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS if both parents are affected
o Thalassemia major: deletion of 2 genes (homozygotes); microcytic anemia - Variable severity (depending on whether synthesis of β-globin is reduced or absent)
. Hemolysis and ineffective erythropoiesis -> anemia grave -> transfusões freq
. Usually causes infertility but success cases have been described
. Fetus is sheltered from serious disease by the production of F Hb -> diminui apos parto -> anemia nos 3-6 meses
. EVALUATE PARTNER and PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS if both parents are affected
alfa talassemia
- Genotipos:
▪ (αα,αα) Normal
▪ (αα,α-) Asymptomatic carrier: deletion of 1 gene, without anemia
▪ Thalassemic trait: deletion of 2 genes; microcytic anemia -> Microcytic anemia and slight to moderate hypochromia and increase in red cells, normal electrophoresis of Hb
. Usually pregnancy without complications.
o (α-,α-) Trans configuration o (αα,–) Cis configuration
o Fetus of parents with trace in cis configuration are at greater risk of homozygosity (HbBart)
. EVALUATE PARTNER and PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS If both parents affected
▪ (α-,–) Disease of Hb H: deletion of 3 genes -> Excess of β chains -> Tetramers of β chains -> HbH (5-30%)
o Greater affinity for oxygen
o Greater susceptibility to oxidative stress
o corpos de Heinz -> dano parede celular
o Variable chronic hemolytic anemia with exacerbations when under stress, splenomegaly, skeletal changes by augmented erythropoiesis
o Pregnancy: Anemia may be severe and require transfusion.
o Fetus: Fetal anemia with hydropsia may take place.
. EVALUATE PARTNER and PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS If both parents affected
▪ (–,–) HbBart disease: deletion of 4 genes -> There are no α chains -> fetus cannot produce F Hb
o Tetramers of gamma chains: Bart Hb
. High affinity for oxygen which is released for tissues
. Non-immune hydrops fetalis with death in uterus
. In case of survival (rare) – generalized edema, anemia and severe ICC, hepatomegaly. Need for frequent transfusions. Developmental disorders
. Possibility of termination of pregnancy
Anemia normocitica
- Structural hemoglobinopathies
- Anemia falciforme
o Substitution of valine for glutamic acid in position 6th of β chain -> HbS
o Substitution of lysine for glutamic acid -> HbC - > Beja, Faro, Santarém, and Setúbal; > África
- Major modifications: SS Hb, CS Hb, S Hb beta-tal
- Minor modifications: AS Hb, AC Hb
- Heterozigotos -> traço falciforme
o Usually pregnancy well tolerated
o > risk of urinary tract infection and PE
o > risk of prematurity and low birth weight
o > fetal death risk ?
oEVALUATE PARTNER and PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS If both parents affected - Homozigotico -> Anemia falciforme (HbSS)
o Good fetal prognostic, if maternal oxygenation is sustained
o >abortion risk, prematurity, FGR, and perinatal mortality
o >Risk of hypertension complications, infections, stroke, pulmonary oedema
o maternal mortality 6x greater
o Crises vaso-oclusivas, infeção
o Follow-up at specialized centers with differentiated Perinatal support
- Hb S/ beta talassemia- sem afeção geral
Anemia macrocitica
- Megaloblastica- Changes in DNA synthesis -> Affects cells with quick turnover like GI and blood cells (erythropoiesis more affected). More serious cases, also leukopenia and thrombocytopenia
- Causas: ✓Deficiency of folic acid ✓Deficiency of vitamin B12 ✓Toxicity ( : AZT) ✓Liver disease ✓Alcoholism ✓Hypotiroidism
- Suplementação com Ácido fólico (400 micras/dia) -> 5 mg /dia
Quando investigar anemia
- Durante gravidez se o Family history o Native of region with high prevalence o Microcytosis or anemia o Parent with known hemoglobinopathy
- Investigate the partner if the pregnant woman shows hemoglobinopathy
- Genetic counseling
- Prenatal Diagnosis: CVBiopsy/amniocentesis if both parents are affected