living conditions Flashcards
overall russia housigng conditions
poor with crisis points after world war
how many peasants move to cities in 1930s for collectivisation policy due to war
30 million
after WW2 how many homeless
205 million
effects of emancipation led urban population to
quadruple by 1900
WW2 how many hour days
12 hour days
how many hour days worked for WW1
11 hour days - strikes ruthlessly supresse
how many kommosol members move from city to countryside in virgin land scheme
revolution having impact on working conditions - Khrushchev
gave concessions to workers to prevent serious opposition from flowering
stalin reducing Lenin’s policies evidence
lenin offers contraception + abortion BUT stalin bans to increase population for war
why did war have a greater effect on education than revolution
stalin and krhsuchev increase in education due to WW2. and Cold War
crimea war etc led to
increased mobilisation working class to industrialise russia
who were officials in communism
cadre - small group who control
rights on marriage + divorce
allowed in 1917 (civil rights)
when was abortion legalised again
stalin family incentives
1944 distinctions to mother heroines - more than 10 children
Khrushchev numbers attending ‘gymnasia skl’
doubled 1955 - 1956
Nicholas II urban housing conditions stats
1914 74/1000 towns have electricity
mild improvement housing policy Lenin
1917 decree on peace - redistribute houses seize from nobility + church
stalin housing
25% population 1 room 2 households
rural housing Khrushchev
agro towns but poor standard
Nicholas II worker benefits attempt
1902 workers insurance system + benefit scheme
what failed to enforce industrial law in 1920