Lecture 5 - The Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
what are the three functional roles of the appendicular skeleton?
1) allows for completion of daily tasks such as eating
2) allows for adjustments in body posture
3) allows for mobility of the body
comprised of an acromial (lateral) end and a sternal (medial) end
synovial joint from the acromian to clavicle
acromioclavicular joint
synovial joint that from the sternum to clavicle
sternoclavicular joint
the acriomioclavicular joint is a passive joint, which means:
it is stabilized by so many ligaments that it just follows the scapula
the articular disc (fibrocartilage) that forms the sternoclavicular joints allows for:
movement on two planes
name the ten key parts of the scapula:
- vertebral border
- axillary border
- superior border
- subscapular fossa
- scapular spine
- acromion
- supraspinous fossa
- inferior fossa
- coracoid process
- glenoid fossa
part of the scapula that rests against the thoracic cage
subscapular fossa
part of the scapula that articulates with the humerous
glenoid fossa
part of the scapula that articulates with the clavicle
name the ten parts of the humerus
- humeral head
- greater tubercle
- lesser tubercle
- intertubercular sulcus
- deltoid tuberosity
- medial epicondyle
- lateral epicondyle
- olecranon fossa
- capitulum
- trochlea
part of the humerus that articulates with the glenoid
humeral head
the greater and lesser tubercle in the humerus allows for:
muscle attachment
part of the humerus that attaches to the deltoids
deltoid tuberosity
medial bump beside the condyle on the humerus
medial epicondyle
lateral bump beside the condyle on the humerus
lateral epicondyle
part of the humerus that allows for full arm extension
olecranon fossa
two synovial joints which articulate with the humeral condyle
capitulum and trochlea
the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint is what type of joint?
synovial ball and socket
the joint capsule of the glenohumeral joint is ____; reinforced by ____
weak, four shoulder muscles
in the shoulder, there is nothing protecting the armpit, making ____ most common
inferior dislocation
name the eight main parts of the radius and ulna
- trochlear notch
- coronoid process
- olecranon process
- radial head
- radial tuberosity
- radial styloid process
- ulnar styloid process
- interosseous membrane (syndemosis)
bone of the forearm in the lateral position (associated with the thumb)
bone of the forearm in the medial position
which is larger, the radial or ulnar styloid process?
the radial styloid process (therefore the radius has more movement)
the joint between the trochlea (humerus) and the trochlear notch (ulna) can be described as what type of joint?
hinge joint (synovial uniaxial)
the joint between the capitulum (humerus) and the radial head (radius) can be described as what type of joint?
pivot joint (synovial uniaxial)
how many carpal bones are there in one hand?
how many metacarpal bones are there in one hand?
how many phalanges are there in one hand?
name the proximal carpal bones
1) scaphoid
2) lunate
3) triquetrium
4) pisiform
name the distal carpal bones
5) trapezium
6) trapezoid
7) capitate
8) hamate
the joint between the radius and the scaphoid is what kind of joint?
condylar joint (synovial biaxial)
the joints between the phalanges are all:
hinge joints (synovial uniaxial)
the joints between the carpals are all:
plane joints (allows slight movements)
the joints between the metacarpals and phalanges are all:
condylar joints (synovial biaxial)
the joint between the trapezium and the first metacarpal is a:
modified saddle shaped joint (synovial specialized biaxial)
what are the three main components of the pelvic bones (os coxae)?
1) ilium (superior)
2) ischium (posterior)
3) pubis (anterior)
the part of the pevic bones where the femoral head articulates
the part of the pelvic bones that is superior to the entire ilium
the iliac crest
the part of the iliac crest where muscles attach?
anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
the part of the pelvic bones where the sciatic nerve is found
greater sciatic notch
part of the posterior border of the body of the ischium bone of the pelvis
ischial spine
part of the pelvis that holds the entire body weight when sitting down
ischial tuberosity
cartilaginous, articular surface of the pubis
pibic symphysis
name the ten key parts of the femur
1) femoral head
2) femoral neck
3) greater trochanter
4) lesser trochanter
5) intertrochanteric line
6) gluteal tuberosity
7) linea aspera
8) medial condyle
9) lateral condyle
10) patellar surface
what is the function of the femoral neck?
provides lots of stability to the leg
long, raised line on the femur where thigh muscles attach
linea aspera
what are the four articular surfaces of the femur?
- femoral head
- medial condyle
- lateral condyle
- patellar surface
the hip joint is what type of joint?
ball and socket (synovial multiaxial)
the capsule of the hip joint is reinforced anteriorly by the:
iliofemoral ligament
name the seven key components of the tibia and fibula
1) medial condyle
2) lateral condyle
3) tibial tuberosity
4) head of fibula
5) medial malleolus
6) lateral malleolus
7) interosseus membrane (syndesmosis)
the medial malleolus and the lateral malleolus form the:
ankle joint
sight of major muscle group attachment on the tibia
tibial tuberosity
name the four articular surfaces in the tibia and fibula
- medial condyle
- lateral condyle
- medial malleolus
- lateral malleolus
what are the four main parts of the knee joint?
1) patella
2) quadriceps tendon
3) patellar ligament
4) meniscus
part of the knee joint that increases the leverage of the quadriceps
patellar ligament (bone to bone)
what is the function of the meniscus?
increases the range of motion of knee and increases shock absorption
the knee joint is what type of joint?
a modified hinge joint (synovial biaxial)
name the six main knee ligaments
1) lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
2) medial collateral ligament (MCL)
3) lateral meniscus
4) medial meniscus
5) posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)
6) anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
the ligaments in the knee that allow for slight rotation
the PCL and ACL
name the seven tarsal bones
1) talus
2) calcaneus
3) navicular
4) cuboid
5) cuniforms (medial, intermediate, and lateral)
how many metatarsals are there in one foot?
how many phalanges are there in one foot?
the tarsal bone that attaches to the tibia
talus (T&T)
the tarsal bone where the achilles heel attaches
the boat shaped tarsal bone
the tarsal bone that sits in front of the calcaneus
the joint between the tibia and talus (ankle joint) is what type of joint?
hinge joint (allows planterflexion and dorsiflextion)
the joint between the talus and navicular (tavonavicular/subnavicular) is what type of joint
condylar joint (allows inversion and eversion)
the most commonly injured join in the body
talonavicular joint
the joints between the tarsals (that aren’t the talonavicular and ankle joints) are what type of joints?
plane joints (allows slight motions)
the joints between the metatarsals and the planges are:
condylar joints (allows flexion/extension and abduction/adduction of digits)
the joints between the phalanges (in the foot) are:
hinge joints (allows flexion/extension of digits)