Lecture 32 11/25/24 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of laryngeal hemiplegia/paralysis?
-damage to left laryngeal nerve
-atrophy and fibrosis of left dorsal and lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
-occurs in large breed dogs, horses, and tigers
-can occur secondary to guttural pouch infections/lymph nodes and trauma
What can cause laryngeal edema?
-anaphylactic shock
-trauma from intubation
What are the characteristics of laryngeal and tracheal hemorrhage?
-can be agonal or iatrogenic
-can be very bad in african swine fever, hog cholera, or equine infectious anemia
What are the characteristics of follicular lymphoid hyperplasia?
-often incidental and nonspecific
-can cause partial obstruction if severe
-can be seen during intubation or endoscopy
What are the characteristics of epiglottic entrapment in horses?
-sometimes coupled with hypoplastic epiglottis
-epiglottis becomes entrapped in arytenoepiglottic fold
What are the characteristics of dorsal displacement of the soft palate in horses?
-increases resistance and turbulence
-often dynamic
-leads to decreased performance and exercise intolerance
Which issues commonly occur in the guttural pouch?
-strangles/Strep. equi equi
-guttural pouch mycosis; fungus grows around internal carotid artery
-guttural pouch tympany
What are the sequela of guttural pouch issues?
-nerve damage resulting in dysphagia and Horner’s syndrome
What are the characteristics of guttural pouch tympany?
-air entrapped within guttural pouch
-no real changes at necropsy other than dilation
What are the characteristics of necrotic laryngitis in cattle?
-caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum
-necropsy findings include fibrin, necrosis, and ulceration
-viruses and trauma can predispose
What are the characteristics of contact ulcers?
-occur in feedlot cattle
-predispose animals to necrotic laryngitis
What are the four components of brachycephalic airway syndrome?
-stenotic nares
-elongated soft palate
-everted laryngeal saccules
-tracheal hypoplasia
What are the characteristics of Oslerus osleri?
-parasite that infects upper airway in canines
-found in submucosal nodules in caudal trachea and mainstem bronchi
-minimal inflammation
-worldwide distribution
What happens when the bronchioles are damaged long term?
they get bigger, which can lead to impaired mucociliary function
What are the characteristics of bronchiectasis?
-dilation and filling of bronchioles by inflammatory exudate
-occurs secondary to chronic obstruction and inflammation
-common in cattle and rats with Mycoplasma infections
-leads to permanent dilation of bronchi