Lecture 29 11/19/24 Flashcards
Which viruses can cause viral pneumonia in dogs?
-distemper virus
-canine parainfluenza virus
-canine adenovirus 2
-influenza virus
Which viruses can cause viral pneumonia in cats?
-influenza virus
What are the characteristics of toxoplasmosis in cats?
-causes protozoal pneumonia in immunocompromised animals
-lungs are major site of replication
-pneumonia indicates generalized toxoplasmosis
Which protozoa causes protozoal pneumonia in young and immunocompromised dogs?
Which parasites can cause parasitic pneumonia?
-lungworms; Aelurostrongylus, Filaroides
-lung flukes; Paragonimus
-larval migration; roundworms, hookworms
-Angiostrongylus vasorum
What are the characteristics of heartworms in cats?
-causes heartworm associated resp. disease (HARD)
-due to infection with immature L4s that do not mature into adults
-inflammatory airway and lung parenchymal reaction
-lung changes remain despite death of L4s
-often misdiagnosed as asthma
What are the clinical signs of eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy?
-increased lung sounds
-dyspnea possible
What is the signalment for eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy?
-young adults
-medium to large breeds
-nordic breeds
-females > males
How is eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy diagnosed?
-CBC: peripheral eosinophilia
-BAL: >50% eosinophils
-ruling out parasites
What are the characteristics of eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy presentation?
-variety of radiographic signs based on phenotype
–diffuse mixed broncho-interstitial pattern, granulomas, alveolar pattern
-may have hilar lymphadenopathy
-possible bronchiectasis
How is eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy treated?
-allergen avoidance
-treat allergic disease
-systemic corticosteroids +/- inhaled corticosteroids
What is the prognosis of eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy?
-good for control
-can cure if cause is identified and removed
-relapse can occur if therapy is discontinued
-more guarded prognosis if eosinophilic pulmonary granulomatosis occurs
What are the characteristics of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in west highland white terriers?
-chronic, progressive, interstitial lung disease
-presents in middle to old age
-animals have prolonged history of resp. signs
-distinct pulmonary crackles on auscultation
What is important to note about the etiology and treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in west highland white terriers?
both the etiology and the best treatment are currently unknown
Which dog breeds are most likely to develop pulmonary neoplasia?
-doberman pinscher
-australian shepherd
-irish setter
-bernese mountain dog
What are the clinical findings in animals with pulmonary neoplasia?
-exercise intolerance
-potentially asymptomatic
-clinical signs vary in paraneoplastic syndromes