Lecture 3 Flashcards
classification reflects
evolutionary relationships
evolution: change in … in a population over .. (…)
allele frequencies; time; generations
allele: … of a gene
variant form
ancient greeks, romans, chinese, and islamic scientists proposed that species
change over time
by 1800s, many scientists recognized that species were not
fossil evidence of … and … forms of current species found
extinct species; ancestral
characteristics of parents are
passed on to offspring
one early idea for how organisms change was Lamarckism/ … of species
jean baptiste de Lamarck proposed that organisms change over time as a result of … of …
inheritance; acquired characteristics
Lamarck proposed a mechanism of evolution:
- changing environment caused an organism to …
- over several generations, organs would … or … according to their ..
- traits acquired during an organism’s lifetime could be …
alter its behavior; grow; shrink; use; passed on to offspring
we now know that traits acquired during an organism’s lifetime cannot be passed on to offspring. There is evidence that … changes (where … factors influence the expression of a gene) can sometimes affect future generations
epigenetic; environmental
Distribution of species on continents and island:
- differences of species on …
- similarities of species …
- species on islands far from continents have relatively …
- many native species on islands are … (…)
- species on islands have a “…” to species on the nearest mainland
different continents; within continents; few species; endemic; found nowhere else; close affinity
physical features of the earth did not originate in their …; Earth was quite old
present forms
uniformitarianism: the theory that observable processes occurring at a constant rate in the present are sufficient to explain the formation of all … over ….
present patterns can indicate … and … events–> idea presented by …
geologic features; great time periods; past; ongoing; charles lyell
geologic change: the steady accumulation of … changes over enormously long ..
minute; spans of time
… presented the idea of limited population growth and limited resources
Thomas Malthus
Malthus warned that human population grew faster than … and would eventually …
food production; overtake it
Alfred Russel Wallace:
- extensive travels as a naturalist in …, …, and …
- extensive work in geographic …
- also influenced by … an d…
- corresponded with Darwin
South America; Malaysia; Indonesia; distribution of species; Lyell; Malthus
natural selection is a … of evolution
natural selection: inherited variations favorable to .. would tend to be …., whereas unfavorable trains would be …
survival; preserved; eliminated;
natural selection depends on the following: …, limits to …, …., …, and …
variation; population growth; differential reproductive success; inheritance; time
fitness: … (… + …)
reproductive success; survival; reproduction
adaptation: traits that are related to … of an organism, or the evolutionary modification that improves an organism’s chances for … and …
fitness; survival; reproductive success
modern synthesis: unified explanation of evolution combining … with understanding of …
natural selection; genetic inheritance
changes in allele frequency: as nature selects favorable traits, the frequency of those alleles
increases in each generation