Lecture 20 Flashcards
population level genetic data is expressed as … or … frequencies
gene; allele
gene pool: total array of … and … in a population
genes; alleles
within the gene pool, each allele is present in a certain …, or …, relative to the total number of alleles in the …
proportion; allele frequency; population
genetic diversity = the genetic … within …, both among individuals within a … population and among … populations of a species
variation; species; single; geographically separate
genetic variation within a species can allow the species to adapt to
environmental change
genetic variation allows populations to survive in a … through …
changing environment; natural selection
low genetic variability reduces the possibility for a popualtion to … and increases the chance that favorable … could be lost, or unfavorable traits could be …
adapt; traits; expressed
large populations tend to have greater genetic diversity bc:
- generally, more individuals means a greater chance for additional alleles to be added to the gene pool through …
- … increases diversity, and the larger the population the more potential … (with different …)
random mutation; sexual reproduction; mates; alleles
large populations dont always have greater genetic diversity:
- mating even in large populations can be … with certain traits being more attractive (..)
- mutations may be equally or even more important than …
- product of histoyr, large populations were very small in the past
nonrandom; sexual selection; population size
any two humans differ, on average, at about … in … DNA base pairs-much lower … than many species, including our nearest relatives, chimpanzees
1; 1,000; genetic diversity
small populations tend to have lower genetic diversity:
the bottleneck effect: a population forced through a bottleneck is likely to lose much … (especially in … populations)
genetic variation; smaller
genetic bottlenecks occur when a population loses a large proportion of its members. bottlenecks are more consequential when the starting population is … in a large population, the reduced population is still likely to retain the same … present in the original population. in a small population, the loss of members is more likely to result in …, and therefore a dramatic change in the … and … of the “restored” population
small; alleles; loss of alleles; allele frequency; genetic diversity
the founder effect: new populations are often founded by a small number of individuals with different … from the original population
gene frequencies
when individuals colonize a new region, they often contain a … sample of the original population’s gene pool. Leads to further reduction in the … of populations. important in the … process of species which colonize oceanic islands
less-than representative; genetic diversity; diversification
the founder effect is a type of …, in which chance events influence allele frequencies of a founding population. in this case, the chance event is the specific alleles that happen to be present in the small group of founders that leaves a large population. if by chance allelse from the original population are … from the founders, they will aslo be … from the new population
genetic drift; absent; absent
tasmanian devils population declined severely twice int he past:
during the … 20,000 yrs ago
after a long and severe El Nino related … 5000 yrs ago
ice age; drought