LE Special/Stability Tests Flashcards
Resisted straight leg rase
- looking for weakness, pain
- testing for OA, AVN, septic arthrits
Varus/Valgus at knee
- looking for instability
- testing for LCL/MCL laxity or tear
Anterior/Posterior Drawer at knee
- looking for instability
- testing for LCL/MCL/ACL/PCL laxity or tear
Lachmann Maneuver
- looking for instability
- testing for ACL laxity/tear
McMurray’s Test
- looking for pain at medial (varus stress) or lateral (valgus stress) side of knee
- testing for meniscal tear
Appley’s Test
- looking for pain at the knee
- testing for meniscal tear
Ballottement Test
- looking for floating/bouncing patella
- testing for knee joint effusion
Patellar Apprehension
- looking for pain/apprehension
- testing for patellar instability
Patellar Inhibition
- looking for pain, crepitus
- testing for patellofemoral syndrome
Patellar Grind test
- looking for pain, crepitus
- testing for patellofemoral syndrome, OA, chondromalacia
Patellar J sign
- looking for patellar subluxation
- testing for patella maltracking
Thompson’s Test
- looking for lack of movement
- testing for achilles tendon rupture
Anterior/Posterior drawer at ankle
- looking for instability
- testing for ligament laxity/tears at the ankle
What are the strength test for the femoral nerve
resisted hip flexion, quadricep function
What are the strength tests for the fibular nerve
resisted foot eversion, ankle dorsiflexion, great toe extension
What are the strength tests for the tibial nerve
resisted foot plantar flexion
Where would you touch to stimulate the femoral nerve
lateral or anterior thigh
where would you touch to stimulate the fibular nerve
lateral lower leg or dorsum of foot
where would you touch to stimulate the deep fibular nerve
between the big toe and second toe
where would you touch to stimulate the tibial nerve
posterior heel
where would you touch to sitmulate the sural nerve
lateral edge of foot
What pathology may be present if sensation is diminished or absent
- meralgia paresthetica
- peripheral neuropathy
- radiculopathy
- tarsal tunnel syndrome