Lab week 9 (exam 3) Flashcards
What is white matter?
White because it contains myelinated tractways
Darker than gray matter
Is around butterfly
What is gray matter?
Has cell bodies in it
Lighter color than white matter
Neuron bodies give gray color
In butterfly and purple dots are neurons
What does ganglion (pl. ganglia) mean?
Thickening of the nerve
Where do Incoming sensory signals (afferent) come from?
Dorsal root
Where does outcoming (efferent) motor signals come from?
Ventral root
What are sensory neurons?
Very long nerves
What do receptors connect to?
Unipolar neuron
What is an interneuron?
Connects neurons like a circuit
What is a synapse?
Connection between 2 nerve cells
Transport signals to each nerve cell
What is the reflex arc?
- Receptor that sets this off
- Sensory neurons bring to CNS
- Interneuron connected to motor neurons
- Motor neurons pick up signal and act on it
Happens quickly and not even thought about
Ex: knee jerk
What are the nerves found going in the dorsal root gonglia?
Unipolar sensory
What are the nerves that come out of the dorsal root ganglia?
Multipolar motor
What is epineurium?
CT around many bundles of schwanns cells
What is perineurium?
Each bundle of processes of schwanns cells is sourrounded by CT
What is endoneurium?
CT wrapping of mylin sheath of individual of schwanns cells
What are fasciculus?
Bunch of schwanns cells in a bundle
Are motor neurons multipolar, bipolar or unipolar?
What are cranial nerves?
Spinal nerves coming out of the brain
What do sensory nerves do?
Feeding in (afferent) CNS
What do motor nerves cause?
Causes some action in the body
What are mixed nerves?
Carrying both sensory and motor nerves
What are receptors?
Sensor built in body and sensory nerves are connected to them
Where do afferent (sensory) nerve fibers go?
Going into CNS
What is the reflex/ integration (CNS) center?
Automatic quick responses
Where do the efferent (motor) nerve fiber go?
Coming out of CNS
What are the effectors (muscle/ gland)?
Thing that causes the effect
Whatever is responding to a command
What is the location of the spinal cord?
Starts at foramen magnum and ends by L1/ L2
Posterior housed in vertebral canal
What is the anterior median fissure?
Crack between spinal cord
What is the posterior sulcus?
On top of fissure
What is the gray commissure?
Signals cross from right to left of butterfly (the bridge)
What is the central canal?
While on bridge of the butterfly
What is the dorsal horn?
Top right and left of the butterfly
What is the lateral horn?
Middle horn rig and left of the butterfly
What is the ventral horn?
Bottom right and left of the butterfly
No Cell bodies in here that’s why there is no ganglion in this root
What is the spinal nerve?
Nerve coming out of intervertebral foramen on the right and left
What is the dorsal root?
Top root
Unipolar sensory neurons
What is the ventral root?
Bottom root
Multipolar motor neurons
What are the meninges?
Tough CT that covers CNS
What is the epidural space?
In vertebrael canal dura matter is separated from bone by a cavity
What is dura matter?
On the outside
Outermost and tough fibrous membrane that attaches to the bones of the cranium
What is the arachnoid matter?
2nd layer
Layer below dura matter
What is the subarachnoid space?
Space below arachnoid matter
What is the pia matter?
Inside layer
Layer directly on spinal cord
What are spinal nerves?
Attached to the spine
Projects out between the intervertebrael foramen
What is the dorsal root ganglion?
Lot of neurons in this location make it thick