Lab Week 8 (exam 3) Flashcards
What are the 2 major parts of the nervous system?
1) Central Nervous System (CNS)
2) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
What organs does the CNS consist of?
Brain and spinal cord
Bony protection
What do the nerves of the PNS do?
Nerves that extend out from CNS (from bony protection)
Is the CNS and PNS division natural or unnatural and why?
More for convenience
Doesn’t represent 2 fundamentally different things
What are the nerves of the PNS?
1) sensory nerves
2) motor nerves
What do sensory nerves do?
Carry info with receptors sending info to CNS
Go into CNS
Afferent- going into something
What are motor nerves?
Outgoing- efferent
Command that cause certain things to happen in the body
What does somatic mean?
Skin and musculature
What does visceral mean?
Internal organs
What is somatic sensory?
Senses you have in skin (touch, pain, hear, cold)
Some muscles have this
What is visceral sensory mean?
Info from internal organs
You’re unaware of it
Some conscious awareness
Ex: stomach pain
What does somatic motor mean?
Nerves control movement of body
What is visceral movement or autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
Outgoing commands of all organs in the body
What are the 2 parts of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and explain
1) sympathetic-
- flight and fight responses (prepare for action)
2) parasympathetic-
- rest and digest (slowing organs down)
Every organ has both
What are the nerve tissues?
1) neurons
2) global cells or neuroglia
What are glial cells or neuroglia?
Schwanns cell= neurolemmocyte
Support neurons and functions (supporting cell)
What is the neuron cell body called?
What are the nerve signals towards the soma called?
What is the single branch that brings nerve signals away from the soma?
What are the branching at the end of the axon called?
Axon terminal branches
What is a multipolar neuron?
Structural classification of neurons based on how many processes there are
A lot of processes
What connects neurons together?
What is a unipolar or pseudounipolar?
Single process connected to soma
What are the function unipolar?
What is bipolar?
2 processes
One bringing in and other taking out
What are the special sensory?
Seen in retina (light sensitive portion of the eye)
Olfactory (sense of smell) epithelium
What is the cytoplasm?
Liquid (jelly like) inside of cell
What is the nucleus?
Control center of cell
What is the nucleolus?
Inside of nucleus makes ribosomes
What are the nissil bodies?
Packages of rRNA found in cytoplasm of neuron
Like roughendoplasmic (RER)
What are organelles?
Little organ like structured that perform different functions
What is the axon coming out of the axon called?
Collateral axon
What is the axoplasm?
Goo inside axon
Cytoplasm of the axon
What is the nucleus of neurolemmocyte?
Nucleus of Schwanns cell
What is a myelin sheath?
Sheath of nylon material
What is neurolemma?
Coating over axon composed of mylin
What is it called where the axon is exposed?
Neurofibral node (node of Ranvier)
What are the functions of multipolar?
Motor interneurons
What are the functions of bipolar?
Special Sensory