Lab Week 6 (exam 2) Flashcards
What is anterior/ ventral?
Front view of the body
What is posterior/ dorsal?
Back view of the body
What is proximal?
Closer to the trunk of the body
For arms and legs
What is distal?
Further away from the trunk of the body
For arms and legs
What is medial?
Closer to the midline of the body
What is lateral?
Farther away from the midline of the body
What is superior?
Up towards the head
What is inferior?
Down towards the feet
What is the anatomical position?
Anterior view of the body palms pointed forwards
What is sagittal?
Cuts body following the midline
Ends up with right and left part
What is mid sagittal?
The cut follows the midline
What is parasagittal?
Cut is a little left or right of the midline
What is frontal/ coronal section?
Forms a right angle
What is transverse/ cross/ x section?
Horizontal cut of the body ends up with top and bottom piece
What foramen (foramina)?
A whole with nerve or/ and blood vessels passing through typically in skull but could be other places
What is a foramen magnum?
Large whole bottom of skull where spinal cord passes through
What is a fossa?
A depression
Ex: taking a piece of clay and sticking finger in
What is sulcus (sulcui)?
Longated depression groove
Ex: pencil holder in desk
What is compact bone?
Thick and solid
What is canaliculi?
Cracks running through lamella connecting chamber together
What is lamella (lamellae)?
Rings in circles
What is lacuna (lacunae)?
Chambers the cells live in
What is osteocytes?
Cells living in the chambers
What is the Haverism (osteonic/ central) canal?
Holds blood vessels and nerve of aversion system
What is Volkmann’s (perforating) canal?
Inside of end of bone that allow blood vessels to enter or leave
What is osteoblast?
Immature bone cells
What is osteon?
Cylinder structure that have osteocytes connected by canaliculi that transport blood
What is a sesamoid type of bone?
Not born with it
Forms with tendon
What is epiphysis (epiphyses)?
End of long bone
What is diaphysis (diaphyses)?
Middle of long bone
What is medullary (marrow) cavity?
Inside of bone
Bone marrow
What is periosteum?
Sheet of connective tissue wraps around the bone
What does peri mean?
What is trabeculae?
Splinter like rod of bone tissue that characterizes spongy bone
What is the axial skeleton?
Forms axes of the body
Most structures are not paired
Includes the skull, vertebral column, ribs and breast bone (sternum)
What is the appendicular skeleton?
Attached to axial skeleton
Forms limbs and limb girdles (skeletal attachment to the axial skeleton)
What are examples of limb girdles?
Scapula- shoulder blade
Clavicle- collar bone
Oscoxa- pelvis
Where is the frontal cranial bone located?
Most anterior bone
Where is the temporal cranial bone?
Cheek to above the ear
Where is the parietal cranial bone?
Side of head above temporal
Where is the occipital cranial bone?
Back of head by neck
Where is the sphenoid cranial bone?
Back of the eye
Where is the ethmoid cranial bone?
Deep nasal cavity
What does the coronal do?
Divide frontal and parietal bones
What does the sagittal do?
Divides parietal in two parts (right and left)
What does the squamosal do?
Divides parietal and temporal bone
What does the lambdoidal do?
Divides parietal and occipital bone
What is the sinuses?
Hollow chamber inside the skull
What is the external auditory meatus?
Tubelike opening
Ear canal
What is the mastoid process?
Vampire fang bone connecting to the neck
What is the styloid process?
Icicles or little vamp teeth behind fangs
What is the foramen magnum?
Large whole where spinal cord passes
What is the occipital condyle?
Sides of foramen magnum that look like a vagina
What is the Stella turcica of the sphenoid?
Depression between a sphenoids
What is the crista galli of the ethmoid?
Part of ethmoid that faces the brain
What is the cribriform plate of the ethmoid?
Right and left of the crista galli
What is the zygomatic arch?
Side of cheekbone
What is zygomatic?
Cheekbone in front under eyes
What is the palatine?
Upper palate bone
The back of the roof of the mouth
What is the maxilla?
Upper jaw between nose and upper lip
What is the palatine process?
Front of roof of mouth
What is the mandible?
Lower jaw
What is the nasal bone?
Bone on top of nose
Right in midline of nose
What is the cervical?
Back of head to shoulders (neck) part of spine
What is the atlas?
First cervical vertebra (C1)
What is the axis?
Second cervical vertebra (C2)
What is the Odontoid process (den)
Called the no bone
Tooth inside bone
2nd vertebrae
Where is the thoracic part of the spine?
Spine from shoulders to end of ribs
Where is the lumbar part of the spine?
End of ribs to pelvic bone
Where is the sacrum part of the spine?
The bone that connects to the pelvis
Where is the coccyx (coccygeal)?
Tail bone
What is the vertebral foramen?
Space spinal cord passes through spine
What is the centrum (body) of the vertebrae?
Posterior side of spine
What is the transverse process?
Bones that stick out under transverse foramen
What is the spinous process?
Anterior side of spine
Pointy side of spine
What is the intervertebral foramen?
Side wholes of spine
What are the intervertebral discs?
Things between the centrums
What are the primary curvatures?
Thoracic and pelvic curvature
What are the secondary curvatures?
Cervical and lumbar curvatures
What is the sternum?
Bone in between boobs
What is the manubrium?
Top part of the sternum
What is the gladiolus (body) of the sternum?
Middle part of sternum
What is the xiphoid process?
End part of sternum
What are the true ribs?
Numbers 1-7
Connects front and back ribs individually
What are false ribs?
Numbers 8-10
Connect altogether front to back
What are floating ribs?
Numbers 11 and 12
Just back ribs no front rib connecting together
What is costal cartilage?
Connects ribs to sternum
Things popping out of sternum
What is a lacrimal?
Bone where lacriminal canal wholes are
What is the lacriminal canal?
Tiny wholes where tears drain through nasal cavity and why you blow your nose
What is a vomer?
Part of nasal septum all the way in the back
Back part of nasal septum
What is the nasal septum?
Wall of nasal separating the right and left side
What is the hyoid?
Skeletal anchor for the tongue
Under tongue
What are digit numbers?
Used to describe which toes or fingers you’re talking about
Big toes and thumbs= digit one
Pinkies= digit 5