Lab 3: Origins, Insertions, Actions Flashcards
what is the origin of the buccinator?
what is the insertion of the buccinator?
-orbicularius oris
what is the action of the buccinator?
-flattens cheek (presses it to teeth+lips)
-assists in chewing (keeps food between teeth)
-blowing, sucking, whistling
what is the origin of the frontal belly?
-epicranial aponeurosis
what is the insertion of the frontal belly?
-skin superior to the eyes and nose
what is the action of the frontal belly?
-raises eyebrows
-wrinkles forehead (horizontally)
-draws scalp anteriorly
what is the origin of the occipital belly?
-occipital bone
-mastoid process of the temporal bone
what is the insertion of the occipital belly?
-epicranial aponeurosis
what is the action of the occipital belly?
-draws scalp posteriorly
what is the origin of the masseter
-zygomatic arch
what is the insertion of the masseter?
-what is the action of the masseter?
-elevates the mandible (closes mouth)
what is the origin of the orbicularis oculi?
-frontal bone
what is the insertion of the orbicularis oculi?
what is the action of the orbicularis oculi?
-closes eye
what is the origin of the orbicularis oris?
what is the insertion of the orbicularis oris?
what is the action of the orbicularis oris?
-closes and protrudes lips (kissing)
-shapes lips during speech
what is the origin of the risorius?
-fascia over the salivary gland
what is the insertion of the risorius?
-skin at the angle of the mouth
what is the action of the risorius?
draws the angle of the mouth laterally (grimacing)
what is the origin of the sternocleidomastoid?
what is the insertion of the sternocleidomastoid?
-mastoid process on the temporal bone
what is the action of the sternocleidomastoid?
-elevates, flexes, and extends the head and neck
what is the origin of the temporalis?
-temporal bone
what is the insertion of the temporalis?
-coronoid process of the mandible
what is the action of the temporalis?
-elevate and retract the mandible
what is the origin of the trapezius?
-occipital bone
what is the insertion of the trapezius?
what is the action of the trapezius?
-rotates, adducts, depresses, and stabilizes the scapula
what is the origin of the zygomaticus major?
-zygomatic bone
what is the insertion of the zygomaticus major?
-skin at the angle of the mouth
-orbicularis oris
what is the action of the zygomaticus major?
-draws the angle of the mouth superiorly + laterally (smiling)
what do the frontal belly and occipital belly create?