Judaism- The Messiah Flashcards
The anointed one- the ritual of annointing someone in tanakh (pi=our oil over them) is to appoint israel king
So messiah= king
Often referred to as melekj mashiach- king messiah
Concept ofthe messiah
Prophecy about someything that will happen at the end of history-eschatological beliefs
Interpret prophecy in tanakh- messiah not mentioned in torah
Origins of term messiah- abraham
Genesis 12:1-3
Messiah as fulfillment of g—d’s promise
‘I will bless them that bless theee’ ‘in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed’
Isiah- messiah
Diaspora of jewish people comes to a future messianic age
As g-d brings his people back to pl
Isiah- 11:11-12 ‘will assemble the dispersed of israel’ ‘wiill set up an ensign for the nations’
Ezekial- the messiah
Prophecisies messiah directly- describes the messianic age
Ideas prophecised by ezekiel
The messiah will be a descendent of david ‘my servant david’
The messiah will rule over his people in the pl- ‘shall be king over them’
Messiah rule over pl forever ‘my servant shall by their prince forever’
G-d wil make a new covenant with his people in the ma ‘i will make a covenant of peace with them’
G-d’s ‘dwelling pplace’ osw ith hi speople- jews interpret as reference to temple- rebuild temple in jerusalem
Messiah will do…
Rebuild temple in jerusalem
Bring about messianinc age- all people live in peace michah 4:1-3
Bring true awareness of g-d to all people
Iziah 11:11-12. Ezekiel 37:24-8
Signal end of the world
Talmud-jewish tradition on messiah
Compsoed in babylonia- 200ce
Herald coming of messiah
=prophet elijah- instead of dying- taken to heaven in fiery chariot
Not dead- may be sent as emssenger0 talmud reports rabbis sometimees meeting with elijah and asking q
Many believe elijah return to earth shortly before arrival of messiah
Tractate sanhendrin- talmud
-signs that the coming of the messiah is near- increasing i n persecution of jewish people
‘Amd the afflicted people thou wilt save’ ‘when the enemy shall come like a flood’ ‘the spirit of the oord shall lift up a standard against him’ ‘and the redeemer shall come to zion’
Rabbanic johanan- messiah
‘Your people also will be all rightous: they will inherit thw land for ever’- son of david only comes in generation altogether righteous
‘And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor’ ‘for my own sake, even for my own sake, \will i do it’ or for a generation altogether wicked
Characteristics of the messiah
-male-like descendent of david
‘Therefore will raise up for david a righteous branch’ ‘a king who will reign wise;y’- jeremiah 23:5
-will gather the jewish people back to the promised land
Bring an era of peace- the ma
Preside over the building of a third tenoke
Resetablish the sanhedrin- a council of judges to rule over israel
Orthodox belifs on messiah
Belief in messiah- 13 principles wirtten by medieval scolar maimonides
‘ i bleive with perfect faith in the coming of the messiah’ ‘even though he delays’ ‘ i await his arrival with every day
Clashes with orthodox belifs on messiah
Christianity- jesus is messiah
Shows jesuss did not fit characteristics of mnessia described in tanaksh
Therefore messiah not yet to come
Hasidic belief on messiah
Coming of the messiah iminent- hastened by piety fp religious jews
-some believe there’s a person born each generation to be a messiagh if acceoted as such by jewish peopleq
Clashes with hasidic belif on messiah
Others may by wary of claiming someone is messiah- as if wrong and lots belive in - discredit jewish faith
Conservative view on messianic age
-individual jews can believe messia liberal perosn who will come in the futre
‘Symbol of the redemption of humankind from the evils of the world’
Reform on messiah
Reject idea that messiah literal person- more of a metaphoore of significance of g-d
Timmun olam- ‘remaking the world’ through acts of rightoeusness’
MA peace and justice achieved by efforts of jews working to make the world a better place
Some may believe on messiah
Establishment of state of israel- allows jews anywhere in worl dto settle as citixens- partial fulfillmet of prophecies of messianic age
-dome of the rock (site 2nd temple) in i-p
Some believe should build 3rd tempole on site- to hasten coming of messiah
Belief of some jews on messiah clashes
Concerend mixing religion and politics
Establisment of state of israle— not religious significance
Building on dome of the rock- is also holy site by muslims
Importance of messianic age
Olam ha-ba- ‘wordl to come’
Micah 4:1-3
-age of universal peace- ‘neither shall they learn war any more’ ‘nation shall not lift up sword against nation’
-people other than jews will begin to obey g-d’s laws- ‘many nations shall go anfd say’. ‘He will teach us of his ways’
-‘for out of zion shall go forth the law’
-‘he shall judge between many peoples’
-‘lords house shall be establishes at the top of the mountain’ ‘people shall flow into it’
Mishneh torah- maimonides- belif messianic age
-global peace- ‘no hunger or war’ ‘no jealousy or rivalry’ ‘good will be plentiful’
-dont need to work for food
‘ all delicacies available as dust’ ‘entire occupation of the world will be only to know g-d’
-jews able to understand spirtal thing about god which is now hidden- g-d will trandform the capacity of human beings to undermine his nature
‘People of Israel wull be of great wisdom’ ‘percieve the inner truths’ ‘comprehend their creators wsodome as is the capaicty of midn’
Reform belief messianic age
Rejects maimonides view that wont need to work for food in ma
G-d wantes orginary pelpe to achoeve MA by working towards more ‘just socitey’
Some hasidic jews on messainci age
Attempt to predict when messiah likely to ome- once calculation put it a t before 2240 ce
Clashes with hasidic (some) beliefs on ma
May believe speculatio pointless or dangerous as disregards jidaiism if too many people believe and doesnt come by certain date
Orthodox belief ma
-only start after messiah arrives on earth- important to pray for ‘redeemer’ to come
-messiagh will be a human veing descendedn from king david but with superhuman qualities and abilities
-during ma- jews triumph over enemies of israel- lead todestriction of weapons and people living in peace
-ma sign of end of the world and the physical resurrectio of the dead
-m rebuld ancient temple of jerusalem and restore authority to rule over israel to the descendents of kind david
Reform belief ma (contrast to orthodox)
-humans responsible for bringing peace to the world0 instead pray for ma- age of peace, redemption rather than a redeemer
-not necessrily be a person who is a messiah
0humans can bring ma by working together to create btter world- ma not conflict, poeace and understanding of all people
-rebuilding of temple- metaphore for ma- peace and all people will know g0d and follow his commandments