Islam- Angels Flashcards
When were angels created
Before humans
What are angels created from
Nur- divine light
Angels existance
-not free beings
-exist to carry ot will of allah
-dont have free will
-praise Allah
completely obedient to him- so free from sin
Why are angels free from sin
Completely obedient to allah
Dont have free will
Life of angels
Dont have physical needs humans have-eg. Need for sleep
constantly serve allah
Purpose of angels
-there to help muslims
-communicate w/ His human messengers on earth (prophets)
-record all humans do and say
Why do angels record all humans do and say
-for day of judgement
-angels welcome to heaven all those who have been obedient to allah
-through to hell- all disobedient
Why might angels take human form
-in order to will of allah
-eg. Jibril appeared to maryam- mary
-chief angel
-bought god’s mesage to muhammed and all other proohets
-take shape of man when appear sometimes
Jibril in natural form
-only ever seenn by muhammed
-600 wings-covered sky from earth to horizon
-angel of death
Jobs of izra’il
-responsible for ending each person’s life by taking their final breath
-can seperate human’s soul from their body at the time appointed for death by allah
For non-believers izra’il
-appearance brings sense of dread
-news of punishment for unbelief
For obedient people izra’il is..
-pleasant angel
-takes onto paradise w/ allah
-gaurdian of heaven
-named once
‘whoever is an enemy to allah.. to jibri and mika’il.. allah is an enermy to those who reject faith’ 2:98
-according to muhammed also sends rain thunder and lightning to earth by commmand of allah
-angel of Last judgement
Israfil and day of resurrection
-first blast trumpet-destroys everything
-2nd blast- every human that died is brought back to life
Israfil and trumpet
-keeps trumpet continuously to lips to be sounded at allah’s command
Honorable scribes
-angels responsble for recording deeds of humans
-each human has two assigned
Honorable scribe quote
‘Two recieving recieve [each human being after he or she has attached the age of puberty], one sitting on the right and one on the left]’
‘There is a watcher by him ready (to record)’
Good deed
Just the intention of a good deed counts as one even if consequence not good
Intention in arabic
Arabic for intention
If a good deed is performed
Written as 10+ good deeds
If a person intends to do a bad deed but does not carry it out
Recorded as a good deed
What counts as a single evil deed
Think of a bad deed and act upon it
angel qu’ran quotes
‘[all] praise is [due] to Allah…made the angels messengers having wings’ 35:1
74:31 ‘not but a reminder to humanity’
‘As a trial for those who disbelieve’
‘Angels…are not arrogant’
‘[all] praise is [due] to Allah…made the angels messengers having wings’
Shows that muslims are respectful and greatful for them
Quotes for role of angels
‘Not but a reminder to humanity’ ‘as a trial for those who disbelieve’ 74:31
Quote showing angels as more likeable and respected
‘Angels…are not arrogant’