Islam- R&f- Purpose Of Families Flashcards
Purpose of familu
Procreation- bring children into world
Stability and security0 a stable society is one in which peoples rights are protected and able to live peaceful, productive lives without continous and rapid change00
Educatiing children in faith- bring up with religious beliefs of the parents
Quote on families
Family gives a mooring, an anchor, stability and tranquility among close blood relations and other family members- quran
Muslim beliefs about relationship in family
Quaran adresses married mpeople as ‘gaurded and protected’ as if their relationship is like a fortress protecting them from sin, outside dangers
Protection is extended to all members of the family inc children and grandparnets
Old age is an important time in life, when become frail or ill- need to be looked after
Olde rpeople have a great deal of wisdom and experiene to offer to younger members of familu
Must have a responsibility to care for the elderly- not put parents in care homes, must live at home
Dont regard their parents as a burden- honor. To repay them for the care and support they gave you as children
Quote on elderly
‘He who is good to his parents, blessings be upon him’0- hadith
Role of children
For muslims, children are a blessing from god and the family is esp important for providing a safe environment for their upbringing
Parents have a duty to raise their children to be good muslims
Children have a duty to be respectful to their parents and elederly- responsibility which continues into adulthood- not unkind or direspectful to parents- great sin
Quote on children
‘For every tree there is a fruit, and their fruit of the heart is the children- haidth
Role of parnets
Provide a stable and loving environment
Adequate time for their needs
Basic necessity of life
Good education
Religious and moral principles
Islamic ethos in familuy home- halal
Find suitable marriage partner
Rleigious upbringing
Religious upbringing- role of parnets
Mother first teacher- quran in home setting- treated religious matters with upmost seriousness
Both parents should care for children
Send to maarassah- mosque school where read quaran
Friday mosque attended by man, mother pray with children- jummah prayerr
Parents qoet
Gaurd yourselves and your families against a fire fuelled by people and stones
Extended familu
A family that extends beyond the nuclear family and includes grandparents and other relatives as well
An ooffence in uk of marrying someone already married to another person
Practise of having more than one wife at samee tiem
Muslim stance on polyamary
Permit on basis fair treatment up to 4 wives
All women equal rights- eg own house
Historically ensures widows and divorced (smaller chance) not live on own
Or if woman couldnt bare children- husband remains married but finds anotehr partenr too
Quote on polygamy
‘Marry women of your choice, two, or three, or four, but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal jdstly, then only one’ surah
Nature of british families
Family still considered to be best environment for bringing up children and keeping soceity stable
Most common- nuclear families- but 25^% single parent
Now more step families- divorced with people with children
Same sex parents- children with previous relationship of ivf
Muslim beliefs on family structure
N past families larger- often extended familiy living together
Extended familu part of islamic values and gods plan for humans
Families shape moral values and characteristics of children
M care for elderly pearents with kindness and respect- as they cared for you as child
Allows polygamy in certain circumstanes
Role of mother in familu
‘Heaven is under the feet of the mother’
How/why put practises of islam in centre of family life
Follow examples of muhammed - sunnah and hadith- perfect examples
Prayer held in local mosque for men- imam
Quaran anf m both encourage family to pass o n islam and teach them of religion
M play gently with his chilrden- dollow by encouraging learning gentleness kindness or firm ruels and boundries as traditions of respect for authority of elders are asked of