Islam- R&f- Human Sexuality Flashcards
Human sexuality
How people express themselves as sexual beings
Sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex
Sexually attracted to members of the same sex
Muslim attitudes to sexuality
Sexuality part of beiing human0 not wrong or unhealthy
Agree sex is for pleasure not just for reproduction- natural sexual instincts thats not natural to be repressed
Human body created by god and all parts have usefull pruspose
Sexuality must ebe used in responsible ways- rules and expectations surrounding sex
Heterosexual relations normal practise of behavoir- expected muslims will marry and have family
Sexual relationships betwen man and women have blessing from god- only permitted fofrm of sexual relations in islam
Celibacy and islam
Celibacy and not marrying is wrong
Celebacy- against
Entering marriage completes half of requirements of faith0 suggests meant to be married- women has right to be sexually satisfied by her husband- no celibacy
Allah created all men and women for purpose of marriage and pprocreation- remain celibate before marriage and if homosexual
Supposed to marry and bring up children in faith
M and his companions had several children- father
Celibacy- pro
Some sufti- v certain and strict life of peity- choose celibacy as route for deeper relationship with a
M mediated and spent time in nature
Respected- form of ditiker or rememberence of a- practised celibary
But v unnantral- even when m whent to mediate on mountain also married
Beliefs towards homosexuality
I nislam- homosexuality is wrong- most m believe even if drawn towards0- not right
Against natural law created by god
Majority m believe quaran and hadith teaches homosexuality is against gods will- homosexuals should control their actions and not break gods law
Punishment- often severe in m countries- conviction if confess or 4 eyewitnesses
May not be punished on earth- will have to answer to god on day of judgement
Some publicly gay muslims- ludanic- mohammed zahad- compaiagn for homosexuality to be accepted in islam
Homosexuality is wrong quote
‘Must you, unlike [other] people, lust after males and abandon the wives that god created for you? You are exceeding all bounds’ quaran- lot speaking gods words
Civil partnerships- not acceptable islam
M believe that marriage is bothe a religious undertaking and practial contract
Marriage ceremony inc recitation of quaran- a bless on couple
Signing of nikkah contract to v arrangeents between the pair
Condemn same sex relations
Other intepret same sex relations references to rape and other crimes- condemn to be in same sex relationsin islam
Dictated by prophet lot
Civil partnerships- acceptable under islam
Intepretation of quaran important since m believe allah watch over them - civil partnership is new, not around at time of prophet
Some say should accept as nikkah, no reason why gender mix specific
Civil partnerships deosnt necessarily mean anything as a complex personal life- principele of common living relations, in committed relationship
Some may argue that m should accept the cp of others, important british values or respect and toleration even if not choose to have one themselves
Contemporary british attitudes to homosexual
M may take issue with kind of freedom with which contemporary british carry our sexual rleations- accept in british society, individuals have the right to make own choices
Homosexual legal, sex before marriage, multiple sexual partnership
Islam homosexuality forbidden- 210066 ha;f m dont accept in britian
Inclusive mosque initiateve- m organise homosexualitu to be accepted
Not all christians agree with homosexuality
Some believe relations should be primarily about having children- not- god not intended, others accept homosexual relationships that are loving and committed
Age of consent
Uk anyone over 16
Islamic teachings- no specific age of consent
But only occur within marriage
Dating not encouagred execept with strict arrangements- no esexual relations
Some muslim parents- arrnaged marriage- only if ready to enter a relationship
Teaching of islam- should obey lords of country they live in
Sex before marriage
Sex between two single unmarried people
Sex outside marriage
Sex between 2 people- at least one married to someone else
M believe about sex before marriage
Sex against god
Strong instinct that needs to be treated carefullly
Casual sex wrong- detracts from dignity of those involved- can lead to promiscuity ando tehr evils eg rape and deception
Sexual responsibility has moral considerations
Children have right to be born in a loving family and know father and mother
Sex befroe marriage- under islamic/shariah law considered- adultery and rape to be zinah- sexual offence
Quote on sex
‘The only way to protect all within society is to maintain a society where a man and his wife share the act of sex’- absul whaid hamal islam- the natural way
Sexual relationships outside marriage
Like all religions, islam teaches faithfulness in marriage
Adultery or sex outside marriage is considered a sin
Muslims should avoid situations that could lead to sexual sins
When a married person has sex with someone not their spouse- often destroys marriage
Betrayal of trust and goes against promises made by the couple at their wedding
In some muslim countries under sharia law, punishment for adultery conviction is death by stoning
Punishment may be more severe than sex before marriage
For sex before marriage and adultery conviction- confession or 4 seperate eye witnesses
Adultery quootes
‘A man should not stay with a woman on seclusion unless he is a dhu-mahram (relative’- hadith
‘Do not go anywhere near adultery it is an outrage, and an evil path’ quaran
Contemporary british attitudes - sex before marriage
Widely accepted
Culture reflect common belief that it is usual for couples who are dating to have sex
Sometimes young people can feel pressure from peers to have sexual relations befpre marriae
Commonly agreed that couples should see if sexually compatibble before they marry
Young british muslims can sometimes feel conlficted with values of their religion and values of country in which tehy live
Conntemporary british attitudes to sex outside of marriage
Many people believe unfaithfulness in marriage is wrong- lies and deception