Judaism- The Covenant At Sinai + Promised Land Flashcards
Promise betwene g-d and israel (god’s chosen poeple and descendent of jacob)- central to ojudaism
Several versions of this covenant in torah and tanakh
G-d destroy entire human race by flood- apart from etxtended family of noah
At end of flood- g-d promises noah to never destroy humanity again
Abram- who was he
Nomad- founder of first patriarch- jewish people hsould aim to live in his example- idea of promised land emerged
Born in ur- iraq- idol worhshipping common
Abram- stories
-abram and wife sarah too old to have children
Told by g-d to go to canaan- pl
And also to follow his rules to be good examples- in return g-d gave abraham and sarah child, and to name ytheir descendents his chosen people
-g-d changes abram to abraham (father of the many) and sarai to sarah
-son called isaac- g-d tests abraham sacrifice his son- g-d saves isaac atr last minute by replacing with ram
0g-d’s covenant with abraham
Give abrahams descendents as long as
Worship only one true g-d
Circumcises his descendents- sign of covenant- brit millsh
Importance of abraham
Abraham first to reject false idols in favour fo one ture g-d
Covenant extends to all jews- start of relationship with g-d and jewish people
Covenant carries with it promise of land of canaan- some jews believe promise is still to be fulfilled
Renewed covenant
Renamed to israel
Jacob’s 12 sons ancestors of so called ‘12 tribes of israel’ slaves of egypt
What book is moses in
Moshe rabberia- moses our teacher
Central prophet
‘Founder’ of jewish faith0 althoygh people existed before as circumcised decendednts of jacob
Role of moses
Called by g-d to lead israelites to freedom- through red sea
Shekinah settles on mt sinai
Even though israelites freed- started to pray to idols (golden calf) and live in way not pleasing to g-d- therefore 10 commandments
Quotes- abrham to go to pl
‘Go forth from your native land’ ‘to the land that I will show you’ genesis 12:1-3
Quotes abraham- covenant
‘An eternal covenant’ ‘i will make nations of you’ ‘as numerous as the stars of heaven’ genesis 17L:6-7
10 commandments
-forbid making or worshipping of false idols
-forbid misuse of name of g-d
-keep shabbat holy
-‘honor your father and your mother’ 20:12
-‘thou shalt not nyder;
-‘not commit adultery’
‘Shalt not steal’
‘Not bear false witness against thy neighbor’
‘Shall not cover thy neighbors house’ ‘wife’ ‘anything that us thy neighbors- dont be envious of others
Monotheism- 10 c
G-d alone should be worshipped
‘Toghuo shalt have no other g-d’s before me’
Forbids making of false idols
Forbid image of g-d and any interpretation oo rimage
‘Thopu shalt not make unto thee a graven image’ - reflected in synagogues where human figures are rarely if ever depucted
‘The lord thy g-d am a jealous g-d’
10 commandments- facts
Exxodus 20:11-15
First of 613
Decalogue- beginning of jewish law
Forbids misuse of the name of g-d
Only reference to obliquelty rathr than by name
Often called hashem (the name) in hevrew
Eng. speaking orthodox- writw as ‘g-d
‘Thou shalt not take the name of the lor thy g-d in vain’
Keep shabbat holy
Orthodox refrain from doing any work from friday sundown to sunset saturday- task undertaken by building solomon’s temole
‘Seventh day is a sabbath unto th elord thy g-d’
‘Thou shalt noit do any manner of work’
Commmon and divergent emphais splaced on the covenant at sinai by diff jewish groups
-importance of covenant at sinai as foundation of jewish mnitzzvot- all agree
-promised land as modern day state israel- some agreed- but some may see more as a oast realith rather than a present day promise
-necessity of covenant at sinai (needed so isrealites knoiw their obligations to g-d, to each other)
No guarentee of wht isrealites themselves
Some agree necessity as when at mt sinai- reverted to worshipping idol
Probllem portrays isrealites as ignorant children0 needed to be instructed by g-d
-commandments arer rational consequences of belif in a supreme diety- existance evident
Some agree0 g-d merely tells israleites authoruty what should know anyway- eg. Common sense but still spelled out
Orthodox significance of moses
Entire torah- authroed by nises
Prophetic inspiration word of g-d
Directly from g-d to moses therefore strictly followed
Liberal (Eg. Reform) signifcance of moses
Many refkect as implausable moses wrote all of torah- but embodies spirit of revelation he recieved
Developed over time- later attributed to moses
Promised land- genesis- torah
-g-d made promise to abraham
12:1-3- ‘unto the land that i will show thee’ ‘i will make of thee a freat natiopn’
Terrotory god promises to a 13:18-19 ‘from, the river of egypt unto the great river’
Diff to translate to modern geographical terms esp dont know where all tribes were exactly
-a covenant recieved- sacrifice to g-d, circumcise his descetants- commit a and his descendants to worhip g-d
-in return g=-d promise a (but not for him, his descendents) possesion of pl
Jacob- promise reitterated
Exodus- promised land
Moses lead hebrews back to promised land from geypt
Joshua0- after death moses- personally appointed to lead conquest of territory of canaanites and other troops deutreronomuy 31:1-8
Historical book of tanakh- promised land
Establishment of a kingdom- in a least part of pl
By saul david and solomon
During solomans reign that newish nation ruled over largest territory
Pl after diaspoora
Jews made an act or returning to origional territory of kingdom of israel and judah