Judaism- Nature Of G-d Flashcards
G-d as one
Jews worship one diety- monotheistic
V. Unusual at time- polytheism is the nnorm- egyptians
-dont accept kind of distinction w/in g-d- trinity unacceptable
-unlike anything w/in universe- full of divisions- created universe
G-d perfect unity6- diff for humans to understand
G-d immaterial- cant be imagined or pictured
Quote to show g-d as one
‘The lord our g-d, the lord is one’- deuteronomy 6:4-9
Shehmah- try to recite 2x/day- foundation of jewish belief
G is orgin of everything there is
Created ex nihilo- out of nothing
No prexisting materials
First cause of all things
Sustainer and creater of univers- universe stop existining without g-d
Quote to show g-d the creator
‘G-d created man in his own image’ genesis 1:27
Does not mean humans look like g-d )as he has_ no physical lbody and does not look like anything
But are given g-d like characteristsics- free willl and ability to reasdon and understand universe
‘In the beginning g-d created the heaven and the earth’ genesis 1:1-2
‘Good’ as reflects on makings- proud
Ex nihilo
Out of nothing
Based on mitzvbot in torah (law)
Embodies g-d will for humans- layed out on behalf of rest of human race
-613 of them - so can live out perfect lives in accordance of huim
Rules may appear burdensome to some jews- mmay believe each one has spiritual meaning
Example of mitzvot
Tho shalt not kill
G-d as judge
Ethical beliefs- holds humans to account for actuins-
-completely and infinately jsut and embodies perfect justice
-many believe g will judge all people- living and dead at end of world
Quote for day of judgement
‘G-d will bring every deed into judgement’…’whether it is good or evil’ ecclesiastes 12:14
Exists outside time
Always existed and will always exist
Doesnt just mean he’s immortal, also has complete knowlege of past, present and future
Quote to show g-d eternal
‘G-d is infinate and eternal’- deuteronomy 6:4-5- shema
When mosses asked for g-d his name he replied ‘ehyeh asher ehyeh’ which can be translated into past present and future of ‘i am that i am’ ‘i will be what i will be’ ‘i am what i will be’
All powerful
Infintely powerful
There is nothing He cant do
All powerful quote
‘With g-d alll things are possible’ matthew 19:26
Omnibenevolent- completely good
All good quote
‘The lord is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works’ psalm 143:17
Complete knowlege of past present and future
All knowing quote
‘His understanding has no limit’ ‘
Present at all places and all tiems
Everywhere quote
‘The eyes of the lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good’ psalm 147”5
Beyond space and time
G-d not w/in universe- laws of universe dont apply to him
Outside time- eternal
Outside space- transcendent
Quotes for beyond space and tiem
‘For as heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts; isiah 55:5-9
Shows he is higher and apart form humans- transcendes the boundires of human limitation
Concerned w/ humanuy
Knowlege of g-d is concerened about each individual member of the human race
Intervening in the world
G-d acts to involve himself in the world- revealing the law to moses (torah)
Transcendenrt and immament
Outside space and time but also acting w/in human history
Problem of evil and suffering
G-d created everything- therefore evil and suffering must be created by g-d also- which doesnt make sense if g-d is all loving, all-knowing anf all powerful - would be able to but unwilling to stop evil
-BUT is transcendent
Beyond human understanding and not bound by physical constrainst by world- many jews have faith that evil are part of g-d’s overarchging plan for humanity- ultimately humans will benefit
G-d gave humans free will
Some choose to be evil- leading to suffering
As g-d i sloving and caring he gave humans commandments by which. To live- to prevent or limit suffering- thou shalt not kill
If go against g-d’s commandmnents- guilty of sin and g-d punishes in afterlife
Example of evil and suffereing
During and after shoah
Nazi attempted genocide of all jews in euriope
Caused many jews to ask what it meant to call themselves g-d’s ‘chosen people’
G-d did nothing to prevent rise of hitler and nazi persecution
Answers for evil and suffering
Book of job- tanakh
Book of jonah
Book of job
Story of job rewarded by god with wealth and success
-Angel called satan (not devil- evil and suffering)- suggested to god job only righteous because g-d’s good to him- job will curse g-d if he makes jobs life a misery
-g-d accvepts satan;s challenge- allowiung jobs cattle and children to be killed- job still refuses to curse g-d- so g-d allows satan to afflict job with skin disease
0eventually g-d appears to job- asks imposing questions to show job how little he understands about god’ overall plan
Job appreciates g-d’s ultimate power cannot be fully understood by humans
-job never learned why he suffered- but eventually g-d restored his healthh and gave him double prosperity- more children
Quote from book of job
‘I know that thou canst do everthing, and that no purpose van be witholden from thee’ job 42:2
Book of jonah
-although a prophet- jonah stubborn and disobedient to g-d
J wanted g-d to destroy ninevites as jnown for wicked ways and they were enemies of israel- g-d’s chosen people
-g-d told jonah to go to nineveh- did exact opposite and boarded ship to go in opposite direction
Displeased g-d sent violent tempest nearly ripping boat in half- crew blamed jonah for storm and threw aboard and then storm stopped
-jonah wanted to drown- g-d sent by fish to swalllow- when in stomach- jonah thanked and praised g-d for saving him
-g-d caused fish to vomit on shore
-jonah more ovedient- went to nineveh procliaming g-d’s displeasure- ninevites repented- g-d showed compassion and mercy
-as a reward- g-d gave jonah vine to shade from sun- when jonah angry with g-d for showing compassion to ninevites and sparing them- g-d sent worm to wither vine
Teachings from jonah
Many jews argues that it shows g-d’s will accomplishing his purposes- nothing we can do will prevent
-g-d’s forgivness and compassion- even if wicked such as ninevites
-must not question g-d- must accept his decisions and not just ones on our side