Judaism-The Divine Presence Flashcards
‘Dwelling’ in hebrew
Visable glory of god that can be experienced by humans
Manifest presence of g-d
The divine presence
Can be expereinced- presence of g-d
Study torah at home of yeshiva
Worship- at synagogue
Group prayer- minyah
Quppte for divine presence
‘The earth shonen with His glory’ ezekiel 43:2
Significance of the shekinah
G-d cannot be known in his own nature- only as he chooses to reveal himself yto human beings
Not mentioned by name in torah0 rabbanic interpretation of how g-d became involved in the world
Allows g-d to remian transcendent (beyond space and tim) whilst also interacting with world- ‘dwell amongst them’ 20:3
Allows specially present in particular place, although omnipresent- eg. First temple built by king soloman- tankah
Examples of shekinah- exodus
Shekinah appears in form ‘lord wenty before them by day in a pillar of cloud’ ;lead them the way’- guides people of israel through wilderness of sinai- after escaping from egyptians0 guides moses
Cloud setlles on mt sinai- ‘glory of the lord abode upon mt sinai’ ‘the seventh day he called unto moses out of the midst of the cloud’- receieves stone tablets inscribed iwth law from g-d
These tablets plavced into the tent-tabernacle- ‘glory of the lord filled the tabernacle’- interpreted by rabbis as manifestation of shekinah
Shekinah example in numbers
Continued to guide isrealites thorugh dessert
‘Whenerver the cloud was taken yp from over the tent’ ‘the children of israel journeyed’ ‘in the place where the cloud abode’ ‘children of israel encompanied’
Shekinah as feminine
-g-d without gender- but created both male and female- contains both within himself
Male pronouns for g-d by tradition
But rabbanic tradition in Kabbalah- shekinah is feminine- feminity revelaed in it
According to kabbalah
G-d created world with 10 emanations- sephirot- manifestations of diff aspects of g-d’s created power
Shekinah is the 7th emanation
Like the moon, allow to divine light of g-d to be reflected onto the world
Sometines metaphorically talked of as ‘daughter of g-d’
Diff groups on shekinah- orthodox
Hasidic or members of lubavitch movement (1700s poland)
Strictly observant of kabbalah
Some orthodox- more hesistent to idea of feminine shekinah- disturbs image of g-d
Reform jews on shekinah as femine
Embrace idea
Reveal feminihty if g-d- caring or loving nature- traditionally feminine
-under empahsis of jewish tradition
Justification reform practises- female rabbis- men and women can get divorced
Where has the shekinah been written abouyt
First referenced in talmud but developed in kabbalah
Shekinah and g-d relationship- liberal and reform
Shekinah is g-d himself
Shekinah and g-d relationship- orthodox
Traditional view- shekinah g-d power descended and dwelling on earth
Physical presence- western wall- remaining wall of temoke in jerusalem- pilgrimage sight
Status of shekinah after destruction of second temple- jerusalem 70ce
Torah and tanakh
Shekinah in tabernacle and 1st tempole consecrating soloman
2nd temple built by harod the great- destroyed by romans
Jews expelled from judea in diaspora
Most jews follow talmudic tradition- after diasopora- shekinahg rested on scatered nation of israel
Divine presence in syangogue when congress gathered to hear reading of law- also present in jeiwsh family esp wedding sand friday evening shabbat meal
Theological issues
-most important is ‘is the shekinah g-d’
Kabbalah says no= emanation of g-ds power not himself- as moon reflects suns light but is not the sun itself
-in torah- cloud that indicates presence of shekinah- issue of idolation
Indicates presence of g-d, if was present in tabernacle or temple g-d worshipeed, or shekinah worshipped as g-d
-if g-d one (shemah_= how possible to be sperate his glory (shekinah form himself and spread as sperate beings)
-wether prophetes spoke to god- eg. Moses
Meeting with g-d or shekinah- solves provlem of how g-d can possibly meet face0to face with moral human beings without ceasing to be transcendent- but if only met with sheinah then torah not directly word of g-d as jews believe
Divine providence
Belief g-d ordered the world in such a way to esnure his will is followed at every moment
Orthodox jews on divine providence
Follow teaching of maimonides
G-d’s will that jewsi will fulfill the mitzvot
Of do- gain reward g-d and participate in fully as g-d’s will-divine providence
Diff views w/in orthodox
-believe g-d’s wo;; fpor wprld fulfilled regardless if peoples participated in it- observance of mitzvot
-others believe that by observing mitzvot it can ‘strengthen’ providence that giving them life
-but jewish perspective- impossible for humans to alter g-d’s plan- choose to be cooperative or uncooperative wiuuth divine providence
Life with g-d’s plan
Plan for each person before born
He is creator- only he can say whem life begins and ends- so jews hsould do all they can to save a life
Quote for plan before birth
‘When i had not yet formed you in the womb, I knew you’ jeremiah 1:5
Psalm 139:13-15- praises g-d for his ‘wondrous work’