Islam- Dialogue With Non Religious Groups Flashcards
People who believe that there is no god
Those who believe in god should be able to prove gods existence, but have not and cannnot
People who say it is impossible to know if god exists
Believe have not and cannot prove god’s existence but also oathiests have not proven and cannot proven that he does not exist
Everyone has the right to freedom of belief, whether that belief is religious or not
Maintain that beliefs are private and should not aaffect other people if they do not want to be affected by them
Religion and religious practise should not have special status nor recieve special treatment by the state
Like secularists, humanists believe in the equal treatment of everyone, whether religious or not
Dont accept any religious view of the universe
Universe can be explained entirely by science, people find their own meaning in life and behave with compassion and dignity without need of god
Values m may share with humanists
Compassion and giving support to the poor and needy
Environmental comepnsation
Seek to make peace rather than war
Freedom of belief
Respect for authority
Importance/sanctity of human life
Shared beliefs with athiests
No compulsion in the religion
Protection of the environment
Concern and compasion for poor and suffering
Support good of community and peace
Freedom of belief, rule of law
Shared belief with athiests- no compulsion in religion
People lived in peace under early years of madinah comm under muhammad evn thorugh from diff religions- communal values may be shared
Shared belief with athiest- diversity
Diversity valued
Eg people of diff ethnicities and cultures
‘Among his signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the variations in your languages and colours’- no discriminatiin on basis on race or religion
M believe q revelation of truth confined in signs to the world aronund- its possible for athiests to see these signs ans share some of the value m believe in, even if dont accept the belief of one
Protection of the environment- shared belief with athiests
M- a made world- human shold cherish it for future generations
Athiests- scientific evidence for global warming so far rational reasons why should protect
Concern and compassion for poor and suffering- shared belief with athiests
Athiests conern with human ights and helping those in poeverty or suffering from natural disaster
Make up cohesive society
M concern to help poor fulfill their religious requests to pay zakat and give charity
Support good of community and peace- shared belief with athiests
Benefits everyone regardless of their diff reasons to do so
Local comm and social action projects- clean up, food bank collections, help for homeless
Practical examples where people of diff backgrounds may join togeethr in common cause
Promote peace- discussion with violent action v last resort if at all
Freedom of belief, rule of law- shared belief with athiests
Muslim benefit from-e sp when live as minoirty
May have more diverse groups within islam- alternative sexualities, protecting right s and freedoms- unlikely though
Role of chritsianity in british public liifre
Bishops hhol
King supreme governor of cofe- became law 1534
Public holiday based on christian celebrations- good friady, crhistmas, halloween (day befroe all siainst day, valentines day (Saint day)), pancake day (shrove tuesday
Week has 7 days some believe to be beacuse reflect biblical creation story
School term arranged around chritian festivals of christmas and easter
Restrictions on hours shops can open such as on christmas
Some popualr superstitions- christian angels- no 13 unlucky as judas 13 seat at last super
Many popular names from bible- daniel, sarah, hannah
Other religions role in public life
Diwali, yom kippor
Al faiths together in crisis- eg grenfell tower
Christianity as established religion in country of diverse religious traditions
Christianity- largest religion 2021 census- 46.2%- dropped by almsot 15% since 2011
No muslims increase by few% ‘
Cofe established church iin england, strong links to state gov law ,education
Monarch head of state and supreme govenor of cofe
Cameron- ‘we are a nation that embraces, welcomes and accepts all faiths and none, but we are still a christian country
Monarch as head of cofe
Defender of faith
Monarch crowned by archbishop of canterbury who is primate (first bishop)) of the cofe- during ceremony monarch is asked0 will you maintain and present invioably teh settlements of the cofe- monarch replies ‘all this i promise and more’
As well as beiing defender of the faith- the monarch is the supreme govenor of the cofe
Role of monarch today
As supreme govenor of the cofe- approves the appointment of senior clerics )(archbishops, deans of cathedrals)
On reccommendation of pm
Who considers list from chruch
Clerics take oath of loyalty to monarch
Cant resign without the authrouty
Parish priest swear allegience to monarch
Opening new session in general synod (chruch governemning body)
Sicne 1919- synod had power to propose laws on any matter concerning cofe
Laws called measures
Talk to bothe hop to be passed
Once acceoted, royal assent and passed
Keep vow made at coronoation to maintain the church
Muslim attitudes to role of cofe in public life support
Cofe established church since 166th centyry- supreme govenor head of state, 6 bishops hol, armed forces senior chaplains are cofe
Respect facct cofe public role
Religious concerns heard from secular blivers in parliament- beenefit m as fellow believers in god
Value traditional moral values some in cofe- influence of cofe in society a good thing
Muslims less supprotive of cofe in public life
Only one faith formal public role
Put more emphasis in diff betwene islam and chirtsians- wish to put own views independantly
Some reformist m- favour secular state as all religions not agree with any estbalished religion
Bishops in hol
Lords contains 266 lords spiritual (cofe)) and variabel lords temporal (duke earl))
Role in legislative body of hol
Christian services to mark key events
Baptism0celebrate birth of a baby and welcome into teh chruch
Marriage- ceremony that markst ehe coming together of two people t o start a new family
Funerals00- lives of ead people are rememebered and loeved ones an say gooobye
Those rites of passage and events can be non-conformist
Non christian couples choose to marry in a church
Non christian arrnage chritsian funerals for deceased relatives
Christian services also mark key events in british public life- early nov- national service of remmeberence
Meetings in both hop begin with prayers- christian
Church school
First scholls in eng founded by the church and were attached to cathedrals and monasteries
After henry 8th moved away from catholic chruch- many of these schools became cofe
Cofe responsible for most schools until 1830s when state became more involved
Apporx 7000 faith primary and secondary scoools in eng and wales- 608% cofe and 30% catholic
A school with religious character may be selective on religion (1/6)th), religious organisation may appoint a large proportion of goveores of their school
Gov may choose to apoint teachers and leaders who share their religion
All eoples- regardless if faith school- must be taght re and all schools should provide a daily act of worship
Yes state money for faith school
Religious groups may agree
Since contribute 10^% of the costs of some faith schools- pay for public education
Parents hsould be abele to choose schools for their children that share their own values
Some religious families v wealthy- means pay higher taxes and contribuete more than most people to state inc faith school