Jan 1 2020 Flashcards
A patient in labour has a CTG showing category III tracings. She is at 6 cm dilated and there are no changes in response to change of position or oxygen. Next step?
can you do an assisted delivery in someone <10 cm dilated?
typical presentation of benign ovarian tumours?
bilateral adnexal massess
Management of benign ovarian tumours during pregnancy?
observance and expectant management. Should resolve after birth wihen bhcg levels drop.
how many a women in pregnancy with a benign ovarian tumour present?
increased acne and male hair growth - from increased androgens secreted by the tumour (luteoma, sertoli-leydig tumours)
which is the most significant risk for future bone fracture?
previous fragility fracture
after birth, should the uterus be palpable above the umbilicus?
No - this indicates uterine atony
which uterotonic agent is contraindicated in patients with asthma?
which uterotonic agent is contraindicated in patients with hypertension?
Next step in a patient with high clinical suspician for a venous sinus thrombosis but a normal CT?
head MR venography
when should syphilis screening in pregnancy be performed?
the first prenatal visit
patients in homes built before ___ are at significant risk for lead exposure