Integumentary Diseases And Symptoms Flashcards
wearing away of epidermis by a scraping movement
blister or bleb. This walled sac, greater than 5 mm in diameter containing serous fluid
localized buildup of layers of the epidermis caused by increased pressure or friction.
a scar. New tissue that forms during healing of a wound
(plural: comedones) A noninflammatory lesion of acne. Consisting of a plug of keratin within a dilated hair follicle
A bruise caused by blunt trauma that does not break the skin
A bruise. hemorrhage under the epidermis that causes a red or purple discoloration.
Crust that forms over a burn or gangrene
a scratch. Linear or hollowed-out crusted area caused by scratching, rubbing, or picking
Also called a boil. Painful localized bacterial infection which originates in a hair follicle or gland in the sub-q tissue
localized thickening and coarsening of the skin due to chronic irritation. Usually caused by scratching an area for a prolonged period of time.
Examples: Freckles, flat moles, and tattoos. flat, discolored spot less than 1 cm in diameter. Can be of various shapes. There is no change in elevation or texture. Examples: Freckles, flat moles, and tattoos
flat, discolored spot >1cm in diameter. (same thing as a macule but bigger) Can be various shapes, but there is no change in elevation or texture.
(plural= nevi) Any congenital lesion of the skin – a birthmark
solid, elevated lesion of skin <1cm in diameter. Superficial lesion and may not cause textural irregularities.
solid, firm, deep, elevated lesion of the skin >1 cm. (just a bigger papule)
(plural= petechiae) Pinpoint, round, nonraised, purple/red spot caused by hemorrhage just beneath epidermal layer
Permanent dilation of blood vessels that cause small red lesions
(plural= veruccae) Warts. Horny surface caused by HPV, often contagious
a hive. Temporary elevated lesion caused by local edema.
Visible collection of pus in or underneath the epidermis, usually in a hair follicle or sweat pore. Like acne.
localized collection of pus buried in tissues, organs, or confined spaces
common inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands characterized by comedones, papules, pustules, inflamed nodules, pus-filled cysts, and in extreme cases, deep inflamed purulent sacs
Actinic keratosis
harply outlined red or skin-colored, flat or raised keratotic lesions which may develop into squamos cell carcinoma
small hemorrhage up to ~1cm causing purplish discoloration. Can either be Macualr (flat) or Papular (raised)
absence of hair where it is supposed to be
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Type of skin cancer with varying presentation. Can be small, shiny, formed nodules, scar-like plaques, or lesions appearing like dermatitis. Most common form begins as a small, shiny papule but gets bigger and begins to show a shiny pearl-like border with telangiectasis. Rarely metastasizes.
first degree: superficial redness, second degree: blisters that involve deeper layers of skin, third-degree: destroy the skin and cause damage to underlying tissues
Infection by the Candida fungus. Usually superficial and most commonly impacts the skin. Can also be found in mouth, vagina, and respiratory tract
Acute, diffuse, spreading, edematous inflammation primarily of the deep sub-q tissues and muscles. Often associated with abscess formation
Decubitus Ulcer
Bed sore
Inflammation of the skin. Several different kinds
Atopic Dermatitis
chronic itching, superficial inflammation of the skin usually associated with a family history of related disorders like asthma and hay fever
Contact Dermatitis
Acute or chronic dermatitis caused by materials or substances which come in to contact with the skin
Nummular Dermatitis
Chronic dermatitis in which there are inflamed, coin-shaped, crusted and scaling pruritis lesions
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Inflammatory scaling of the scalp, face, and sometimes other areas. Sometimes used synonymously with dandruff
Stasis Dermatitis
persistent inflammation of the skin of the lower legs with a tendency to have brown pigment. Associated with venous insufficiency
Also called fibrous histiocytoma. Refers to firm, red or brown, small papule/nodule occurring in the dermis. Commonly seen in women’s legs following minor trauma
sometimes used synonymously with dermatitis, specifically atopic dermatitis. Literally means “oozing or weeping”. Characterized by pruritic papules with oozing, crusting, and scaling. Lichenification is secondary
generic term for redness of the skin, but there are two types
Erythema Multiforme
inflammatory eruption of the skin with symmetric, red, bullous lesions
Erythema Nodosum
: inflammatory response of the skin and sub-q tissue characterized by red, tender nodules, especially in the tibial region but also the arms and other areas
Inflammation of a follicle(s), generally hair follicles
tissue necrosis. Usually impacting a large area and associated with loss of blood supply and secondarily infection and putrefaction (decomp)
Localized benign vascular tumors of the skin and sub-q tissues
Hydradenitis Suppurativa
inflammation of the apocrine glands in the dermis and resulting in the obstruction and then rupture of the ducts with painful local inflammation.
Dry Skin. There are multiple different specific types
Ichythyosis Vulgaris
Dry skin characterized by prominent scaling on the extensor surfaces of the extremities and the back.
Superficial vesiculopustular infection of the skin. Most frequently caused by Staphylococcus Aureus. Most commonly affected areas are the arms, legs, and face.
Kaposi Sarcoma
Neoplasm characterized by bluish-red nodules found often on the lower extremities (especially the feet). They increase in size and number and spread to more proximal sites. Endemic to Central Africa and Central/Eastern Europe. Particularly virulent form occurs in patients with AIDS.
: enlarges or overgrown scar. Shiny, smooth, dome shaped, and range in color
round, firm, usually flesh-colored lesion with a central crater containing keratinous material
A tumor arising from the melanocytic system of the skin. If the term is used alone it refers to malignant melanoma. Melanomas vary in size, shape, and color, although they are usually pigmented, and there is the propensity to invade and metastasize. Such a tumor can spread so quickly as to become fatal within a few months.
Mycosis Fungoides
malignant condition in which itchy and erythematous patches gradually evolve in to plaques infiltrated by abnormal lymphocytes and convoluted nuclei and then onto the tumor stage
Infection at the margin of a nail. (also called onchyia)
Lice infestation anywhere on the body
Pityriasis rosea
Self-limiting, mild, inflammatory skin disease characterized by scaly lesions
common chronic and recurrent disease characterized by dry, silvery, scaling papules
general term for any skin condition caused by pus-forming bacteria
Chronic disease of the skin, involving the middle third of the face, and characterized by erythema, telangiectasias, papules, and pustules. This usually occurs in middle age.
contagious parasitic dermatitis of both humans and animals with intense itching and secondary infection. Sometimes called “The Itch”
patchy intercellular edema of the epidermis that causes spongy or porous appearance on microscopic exam.
Squamos Cell Carcinoma
Skin cancer which arises from the malpighian cells of the epithelium. This generally occurs on sun-exposed areas, but can develop anywhere. The tumor itself begins as a red papule with a scaly, crusty surface. The bulk of the tumor can actually lie below the skin, and eventually will invade underlying tissue.
Fatty mass of the skin which contains follicular, keratinous, and sebaceous material. Most commonly seen on scalp, ears, face, back, and scrotum.
Also called “ringworm.” General term for superficial infections caused by fungi which invade dead tissues of the skin. There are different types based on area of involvement
Tinea Capitis
Scalp ringworm. Generally impacts kids and is very contagious
Tinea Corporis
Ringworm of the body
Tinea Cruris
Jock Itch
Tinea Pedis
athlete’s foot
Tinea Unguium
Ringowm of the nails. Also called onychomy
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
Also called hives. Local wheals and erythema in the dermis. Vascular reaction in the upper dermis, usually transient.
Progressive, chronic pigment anomaly of the skin manifested by white patches that may or may not be surrounded by a hyperpigmented border.