Fractures Flashcards
apophyseal fracture
small fragment is torn from the bone
articular fracture
fracture at the joint surface
Avulsion fracture
indirect fracture caused by tearing or pulling of ligament
blow-out fracture
of orbital floor by traumatic force
boxer fracture
metacarpal neck, caused by striking something hard with a closed fist
bucket handle fracture (or tear)
tear in cartilage that leaves a loop of cartilage in the intercondylar notch
burst fracture/Axial compression fracture
fracture of vertebra, often injuring spinal cord
butterfly fracture
comminuted fracture resulting in two fragments of bone on either side of the main fragment
buttonhole fracture/perforating fracture
bone is perforated by a missile
chisel fracture
detachment of a piece from the head of the radius
cleavage fracture
shelling off of cartilage by a small bone fragment
closed fracture
does not penetrate or produce open wound in the skin
Colles’ fracture
lower end of radius and the fragment is displaces
comminuted fracture
when the bone is splintered or crushed
complete fracture
bone is broken all the way accross
complicated fracture
damage to soft tissue or other organs around bone
compound fracture
basically an open fracture
compression fracture
fracture as a result of compression
condylar fracture
fracture of humerus where a small fragment of the condyle is separated from the bone
dislocation fracture
occurs near a joint and results in displacement of the joint
greenstick fracture
one side is broken and the other is bent
hangman’s fracture
fracture through the axis (C2)
impacted fracture
one fragment of a fracture is driven in to another
indirect fracture
occurs at a point distant from the injury
insufficiency fracture
when there is a normal amount of stress, but the bone has decreased density
intra-articular fracture
on the articular surface of a bone
intracapsular fracture
occurring within the capsule of a joint
intrauterine fracture
fracture of a fetal bone in utero
Le Fort fracture
fracture of the maxilla (different kinds and they are numbered with roman numerals)
Linear fracture
extending along the length of a bone
Longitudinal fracture
extending in a longitudinal direction
oblique fracture
extending in oblique direction
open fracture
results in external wound (generally referred to as compound fracture)
simple fracture
basically a closed fracture/opposite of compound
spiral fracture/torsion fracture
where a bone is twisted apart
spontaneous fracture
result of longstanding disease and is not traumatic
stress fracture
repeated stress to a bone
subcapital fracture
fracture just below head of bone
torus fracture
localized expansion of the cortex, but little of no displacement of the lower end of bone
transverse fracture
at a right angle to the axis of the bone
tuft fracture
splintered fracture of the distal phalanx