Abbreviations - Foreign Terms Flashcards
ad libutum
shortened to “ad lib”, at your pleasure
Auris Dextra
AD - right ear
Auris Sinistra
AS - Left ear
Aures Utrae
AU - Both or Each ear
abnormal vascular sound heard on auscultation during physical exam
cafe au lait spot
birthmark on skin that is the color of coffee with milk
a hit or stroke
blind alley. Usually in reference to the uterine cul-de-sac
en bloc
In one block. like removing something all in one piece
Gilbert Disease
pronounces zhee-BEAR. Inborn abnormality of the liver function
in ano
almost always “fistula in ano” abnormal opening near anus
in extremis
at the point of death
in situ
original position
in toto
as a whole
oculus dexter
OD -right eye
oculus sinister
OS - left eye
oculus uterque
OU - both eyes
peau d’orange
“po-dranzh” = orange peel. Descriptor for skin for some dermatological conditions
for, though, by.