Infants Milestones Flashcards
Provide atleast one (1) social & emotional milestone for a 1 year old.
- Puts out arm or leg to help with dressing
- Cries when mum or dad leaves
- Hands you a book when they want to hear a story
Provide atleast one (1) language/communication milestone for a 1 year old.
- Says “mama”, “dada” or exclamations like “uh-oh!!”
- Shaking head “no”, or waving bye bye
Provide atleast one (1) cognitive developmental milestone for a 1 year old.
- Exploration of things by shaking, banging or throwing
- Starts to drink from a cup, or brushes hair
Provide atleast one (1) movement /physical development milestone for a 1 year old.
- May stand alone
- Pulls up to stand, and walks holding on to furniture
Gets to sitting position without help
At age 3, brains are approximately _% the size of an adult human brain
Active engagement with the environment enables babies to develop ___?
Object Permanence
While Piaget’s experiments suggest babies under 8 months lack object permanence, recent studies show that babies as young as ___ months can exhibit an understanding of it
4 months
Time of exploration and experimentation.
Sensorimotor Stage
A theory that suggests babies are born with a language acquisition device, an innate capability for learning language
Noam Chomsky’s Theory
A form of speech adapted by parents or caregivers that have a higher pitch, exaggerated intonation and simplified vocabulary
Infant-Directed Speech
SUBSTAGE OF SENSORIMOTOR STAGE: Newborn begins to develop reflexes
[Also provide the age]
Reflexes ; Birth to 1 Month
SUBSTAGE OF SENSORIMOTOR STAGE:Baby begins to develop simple motor functions. Baby cannot anticipate events
[Also provide the age]
Primary Circular Reactions ; 1 to 4 Months
SUBSTAGE OF SENSORIMOTOR STAGE: Baby begins to imitate simple behaviors seen in others, and repeats behaviors that create interesting effects.
[Also provide the age]
Secondary Circular Reactions ; 4 to 8 months
SUBSTAGE OF SENSORIMOTOR STAGE: Baby develops behaviors to achieve goals. It develops an understanding of object permanence, and anticipation of events improves
[Also provide the age]
Coordinating Secondary Reactions ; 8 to 12 Months
SUBSTAGE OF SENSORIMOTOR STAGE: Baby imitates life-sustaining behaviors observed from others. Baby understands properties of objects - object permanence matures.
[Also provide the age]
Tertiary Circular Reactions ; 12 to 18 Months
SUBSTAGE OF SENSORIMOTOR STAGE: Baby engages in imaginative pkay. Baby develops basic probem-solving skills and engages in symbolic thought.
[Also provide the age]
Early Symbolic Thought ; 18 to 24 months
A type of speech ; more meaningful words where single words convey entire sentences
Holophrastic Speech
A type of speech ; combining words while omitting less meaningful parts of sentences
Telegraphic Speech
An infant’s ability to recognize faces and voices - providing a sense of familiarity and security. Important in forming social bonds
Infant Memory Development
Form of memory; unconscious recall, like skills and habits
Implicit Memory
Form of memory; conscious recall of facts and events
Explicit Memory
TRUE or FALSE: Newborns cannot recognize their mother’s voice immediately after birth
FALSE ; Newborns can recognize their mother’s voice that early.
A theory that suggests social interaction - specifically dialogue with more knowledgeable others - is integral to intellectual development.
Vygotsky’s Theory
A theory that highlights the role of observational learning in cognitive develoment.
Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
Type of involuntary movements or action that occurs in response to a stimulus.
While the reflex response is normal in infants, it should be absent after ____ months of age.
An abnormal form of reflex response that appears in adults or children over the age of 2 years. May be a sign of a neurological condition or nervous system disorder.
Babinski Reflex Response
A type of reflex that is a baby’s reaction to being startled.
Moro Reflex (aka Startle Reflex)
A type of reflex where you hold the baby upright on the floor and they try to walk.
Stepping Reflex
A type pf reflex that is triggered by touching the corner of the baby’s mouth. Baby will turn their head in that direction with their mouth open.
Root Reflex
A type of reflex which allows the baby to breastfeed safely.
Sucking Reflex
A type of reflex where you put your finger into the baby’s hand and they grasp it.
Palmar Grasp Reflex
A type of reflex where the baby holds their arms in a position like they’re fencing.
Tonic Neck Reflex
A type of reflex where you stroke a baby’s foot and they close their toes together.
Plantar Grasp
A type of reflex where you stroke a baby’s foot and their toes fan out and away.
Babinski Reflex
Help the body maintain a constant environment, or homeostasis, and protect the body from harm or danger. They occur without thinking.
A type of amnesia wherein it prevents a person from recalling or having memories from their first years of childhood.
Childhood Amnesia or Infantile Amnesia
TRUE or FALSE: Childhood Amnesia is common.
1) TRUE or FALSE: According to Sigmund Freud, childhood memory loss is a type of traumatic amnesia wherein the child represses the experience.
2) TRUE or FALSE: Freud’s theory is based on scientific evidence
TRUE or FALSE: Does childhood or infantile amnesia stem from organic causes? Ex. Head injury