Huck Finn Ch 35 Flashcards
The boys went out about an hour before breakfast so that they could have some
light but not too much.
tom and huck gather …, which makes a soft glow when it is in
fox-fire; dark places
tom complain’s that it’s too …, stating that they would have to invent all of the
easy; difficulties
tom states that they have to find something to make a
saw out of
they need a saw to cut the leg off jim’s bed so that they could
get the chain loose
huck doesn’t understand why they need to cut the leg off when tom said that they could lift up the bedstead and
slip the chain off.
tom is really just taking the whole thing as a
fun adventure and wants to make it difficult
tom wants to follow the books and saw the bed leg and put
dirt and grease around the sawed place
whey they would need to slip off the chain, they would part the bed leg and
slip off the chain
tom wants a moat and huck doesn’t know why since they are going to
sneak jim out from under the cabin
then tom decides that they don’t have enough necessity to saw
Jim’s actual leg off
tom also wants to make Jim a
rope ladder
Tom’s reasoning for the rope ladder is because all of “them” have
rope ladders
Tom says that Jim can hide the rope ladder in his bed as clue for after they’re
huck then says that they would get in trouble with Sally if they ripped their sheets ot make the
huck says that they can make a … but Tom
hickory bark ladder; disagrees
huck relents and says tha tthey should borrow a sheet off of the clothesline and tom says to
borrow a shirt as well
tom says that they can give jim the shirt for him to keep a
journal on
Huck mentions that jim can’t
huck asks what they’ll make Jim the ink out of and Tom says that Jim can
use his blood
tom says that jim can write messages on the bottom of a tin plate to let the world know where he’s
they hear the breakfast horn and head back to the
huck gets the sheet and shirt from the
clothes line and puts them in a ack
they go and gget thed
fox-fire and add it to the sack
tom claims that as long as they are prisoners they have a right to steal anything that they could use to
tom makes a fuss when huck steals a watermelon from the slave patch and forces huck to give the slaves a
tom tells huck that he meant that they could only steal things that tye
need to escape
later that monring, tom brings the sack into the lean-to while huck
guards the place
tom says they need tools to dig with and huck asks why they can’t use the
picks and shovels
tom says that no prisoner ever used picks and shovels to
dig out
tom says they need case knives to
dig the foundations out
Huck says that htis is follish and toms ays that it doesn’t matter because it’s the right and normal way to
tom says that it should take a long time to dig out witha caseknife and that they have to dig jim out quickly and can just pretend that it took
37 years
huck says that he’s going to go steal some
case knives
tom tells huck to get three because they need to make a
saw out of one
huck mentions that there is a rusty saw blade behind the smoke house and Tom simply says that there’s no purpose trying to teach Huck anything and that Huck should just
go get the three case knives