Horace, Satires 1.6.60-80 Flashcards
mōs mōris m.
custom, practice, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character (pl.), behavior, morals
abeō abīre abiī abitum
to go away
revocō revocāre revocāvī revocātus
to call back, recall; revive; regain
novem; nōnus –a –um
9, 9th
mēnsis mēnsis m.
dūcō dūcere dūxī ductus
to lead; consider
placeō placēre placuī placitum
to be pleasing, please (+ dat.)
sēcernō sēcernere sēcrēvī sēcrētum
to separate
praeclārus –a –um
very clear; splendid; famous; bright, illustrious; noble, distinguished
pectus pectoris n.
chest, breast; heart
but somehow, but yet, however, and yet, and nevertheless; indeed, certainly
mendōsus -a -um
full of blemishes, faulty
aliōquīn or aliōquī
ēgregius –a –um
singular; distinguished; exceptional; extraordinary; eminent; excellent
īnspergō inspergere –spersī –spersum
to sprinkle (over)
reprehendō reprehendere reprehendī reprehēnsus
to hold back, seize, catch; blame
naevus -ī m.
mole, wart
sordēs –is f.
filth; greed
lustrum –ī n.
bog, morass; den or haunt of wild beasts –> house of ill–repute –> debauchery; a wood, forest
obiiciō obiicere obiēcī obiectus
to throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one’s teeth; present
īnsōns –sontis
innocent, guiltless, unoffending
collaudō –collaudāre
to praise or commend very much, extol highly
macer –cra –crum
thin, scrawny, emaciated
agellus –ī m.
a small piece of ground, a little field
Flāvius –iī m.
lūdus lūdī m.
game, play, sport, pastime, entertainment, fun; school, elementary school
where, whither; to what purpose, what for
centuriō centuriōnis m.
orior orīrī ortus sum
to rise, arise
laevus –a –um
left, stupid, unlucky
loculus –ī m.
small space, compartment; (pl.) cash box
tabula tabulae f.
writing tablet (wax covered board); records (pl.); document, deed, will; list; plank/board, flat piece of wood; door panel; counting/playing/notice board; picture, painting; wood panel for painting; metal/stone tablet/panel w/text
lacertus –ī m.
the arm, esp. the upper arm
octōnī –ae –a
8 each
īdūs īduum (pl. f.)
the Ides (middle of Roman month)
quīvīs quaevīs quodvīs or (subst.) quidvīs
who or what thou pleasest; any whatever, any
prognātus –a –um
born, produced
vestis vestis f.
garment, clothing, blanket; clothes; robe
avītus –a –um
of a grandfather; ancestral, ancient (> avus)
praebeō praebēre praebuī praebitus
to present/show/put forward; offer; expose physically oneself; expose/submit/allow make available, supply, provide; be the cause, occasion, produce; render
sūmptus sūmptūs m.
cost, charge, expense