Horace, Satire 1.10.1-19 Flashcards
mendōsus -a -um
full of blemishes, faulty
Catō –ōnis m.
Cato, a family name in the Porcian gens; M. Porcius Cato, called the Censor and also Senex; M. Porcius Cato the younger, who perished by his own hand at Utica; hence, called Uticensis
ēmendō ēmendāre
to free from faults, correct, improve, amend
lēniter lēnius (comp.) lēnissimē (superl.)
gently, mildly
lōrum lōrī n. or lorus –ī m.
thong, strap, strip of leather; shoe strap; whip; dog leash; reins
fūnis fūnis m.
rope, line
ūdus –a –um
wet, damp
exōrō exōrāre exōrāvī exōrātus
to pray effectually; entreat, implore
ops opis f.
power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth (pl.)
fastīdium –ī n.
nausea, squeamishness, loathing, distaste, aversion
grammaticus –ī m.
secondary school teacher
there, thither
indeed, to be sure, truly
incompositus –a –um
unformed; out of order, disordered, disarranged, irregular; amorphic
Laberius –ī m.
a Roman gentile name