Horace, Satire 1.10.1-19 Flashcards
mendōsus -a -um
full of blemishes, faulty
Catō –ōnis m.
Cato, a family name in the Porcian gens; M. Porcius Cato, called the Censor and also Senex; M. Porcius Cato the younger, who perished by his own hand at Utica; hence, called Uticensis
ēmendō ēmendāre
to free from faults, correct, improve, amend
lēniter lēnius (comp.) lēnissimē (superl.)
gently, mildly
lōrum lōrī n. or lorus –ī m.
thong, strap, strip of leather; shoe strap; whip; dog leash; reins
fūnis fūnis m.
rope, line
ūdus –a –um
wet, damp
exōrō exōrāre exōrāvī exōrātus
to pray effectually; entreat, implore
ops opis f.
power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth (pl.)
fastīdium –ī n.
nausea, squeamishness, loathing, distaste, aversion
grammaticus –ī m.
secondary school teacher
there, thither
indeed, to be sure, truly
incompositus –a –um
unformed; out of order, disordered, disarranged, irregular; amorphic
Laberius –ī m.
a Roman gentile name
mīmus –ī m.
mime (actor in a mime); mime (theatrical production)
rīsus –ūs m.
laughter; smile
dīdūcō –dūcere –dūxī –ductum
to draw apart, separate
rictus –ūs m.
an open mouth
lassus –a –um
tired, weary
iocōsus –a –um
full of jesting, humorous, droll, facetious
vicis vicis f.
change, interchange, alternation, succession, vicissitude
parcō parcere pepercī parsus
to forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical/thrifty with
extenuō –āre –āvī –ātum
to make thin, reduce, diminish
deliberately, purposely, designedly
generally, commonly; mostly, for the most part; often, frequently
secō secāre secuī sectum
to cut
scripta –ōrum n. pl.
writings, works (in poetry or prose)
cōmoedia –ae f.
prīscus –a –um
ancient, antique
imitor imitārī imitātus sum
to imitate
Hermogenes (a name)
sīmius -iī m.
Calvus –ī m.
Calvus, a Roman cognomen
Catullus –ī m.
Catullus, Roman cognomen