Horace, Satire 1.2.1-36 Flashcards
ager agrī m.
ambulō ambulāre ambulāvī ambulātus
to walk
ambūbaia –ae, f.
singing-girl, courtesan
avus avī m.
balatrō -ōnis m.
joker, jester
benīgnus –a –um
cantor, ōris, m.
Catō –ōnis m.
a Roman cognomen; esp. M. Porcius Cato the elder, the Censor
coemō –coemere –coēmī –coēmptum
to purchase together
collēgium collēgi(i) n.
college, guild
condūcō conducere condūxī conductus
to bring together
contrārius –a –um
cruciō –cruciāre
to torture
crēdō crēdere crēdidī crēditus
to trust, believe
culpō culpāre culpāvī culpātus
to blame censure
cunnus –ī m.
vulva, the female pudenda
Cupiennius –ī m.
Cupiennius (a name)
currō currere cucurrī cursus
to run
demittō demittere demīsī demīssus
to send down, drop
dēscendō dēscendere dēscendī dēscēnsus
to descend
dīus –a –um
exsecō exsecāre exsecuī exsectus
to cut out
facētus –a –um
faenus or fēnus –ōris n.
interest (from loaning money)
famēs famis f.
hunger, famine
fornix –icis m.
an arch, vault; brothel
fugō fugāre fugāvī fugātus
to put to flight
Fūfidius –a –um
Fufidius (name)
Gargonius –ī m.
Gargonius (a name)
hircus –ī m.
he goat
ingluviēs –ēī f.
the maw, gullet; greed
inguen –inguinis n.
the groin
lacking, poor
instita –ae f.
band, ribbon
libīdō libidinis f.
passion, lust
maestus –a –um
sad, depressing
Maltinus (Malthinus) –ī m.
Maltinus (a name)
mendīcus –a –um
poor; needy
mercēs mercēdis f.
pay, wages
metuō metuere metuī
to fear, dread
māctus –a –um
(only used in nom. and vocat.) honored
mīma –ae f.
mime actress
nebulō –ōnis m.
worthless person, rascal
obsōnium –ī n.
a relish or sauce eaten with bread
oleō –uī and
to emit a smell; to smell of
pastillus–ī m.
percontor –ārī –ātus
to investigate, question
perditus –a –um
permolō permolere
to grind thoroughly (with a sexual meaning)
pharmacopōla, ae, m.
seller of drugs or medicines
praeclārus –a –um
very clear
prōdigus –a –um
wasteful, lavish
prōpellō –pellere –pulī –pulsum
to drive forth, drive away
quaestus quaestūs m.
quīnī –ae –a
five each
Rufullus –ī m.
Rufullus (a name)
sector sectārī sectātus sum
to follow eagerly
sollicitus –a –um
sordidus –a –um
stringō stringere strīnxī strictum
to draw tight, bind fast
subsutus –a –um
hemmed at the bottom
sūmptus sūmptūs m.
sūmō sūmere sūmpsī sūmptus
to take up
taeter –tra –trum
disagreeable, vile
Terentius –iī m.
Terentius, the famous writer of comedies, Terence
Tigellius –(i)ī, m.
Tigellius (a name)
tālus –ī m.
anklebone; ankle
tīrō –ōnis m.
a beginner, newly–levied soldier
urgeō urgēre ursī
to press
vappa –ae f.
flat wine; masc., a person who had gone flat, a nerd or dud
vitium viti(ī) n.
fault, crime
vēna vēnae f.
vītō vītāre vītāvī vītātus
to avoid, shun
īnflō īnflāre īnflāvī īnflātus
to blow into; fill