Horace, Satires 1.3.21-40 Flashcards
Maenius –iī m.
Maenius (a name)
Novius –iī m.
Novius (a name)
carpō carpere carpsī carptum
to pluck, seize; criticize, carp at
quīdam quaedam quiddam
a certain person, a certain thing
to say (defective), assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down (law)
improbus –a –um
wicked/flagrant; morally unsound; greedy/rude; immoderate; disloyal; shameless
notō notāre notāvī notātus
to mark, sign, censure
pervideō pervidēre pervīdī pervīsum
to see completely, see fully
lippus –a –um
half-blind, blear-eyed, bleared, inflamed
iniungō –iungere –iūnxī –iūnctum
to join, fasten, attach; inflict, impose
cernō cernere crēvī certus
to sift, separate, distinguish, discern, resolve, determine; see; examine; decide
aquila aquilae f.
serpēns –entis (gen. pl. serpentum) m./f.
a creeping thing; snake, serpent (> serpo)
Epidaurius –a –um
of Epidaurus, Epidaurian
ēveniō ēvenīre ēvēnī ēventus
to come out/about/forth; happen; turn out
inquīrō inquīrere inquīsīvī inquīsītum
to seek after, search for; inquire into; examine
rūrsus or rūrsum
turned back, backward; on the contrary/other hand, in return, in turn, again
to only a small extent, slightly, a little
acūtus –a –um
sharp, piercing
nāris –is f.
a nostril; pl., nares, ium, the nostrils; the nose
there, in that place; for that reason, consequently
rūsticus –a –um
of or belonging to the country, rural, rustic, countrylike, rustic, simple, clownish
tondeō –ēre –totondī –tōnsus
to shear; finish; clip, trim; browse, feed upon, graze upon
dēfluō –ere –fluxī –fluxus
to flow down; sail down; alight, descend; fall, descend
laxus –a –um
wide, loose, spacious
calceus –ī m.
haereō haerēre haesī haesūrus
to stick to, hang on to
quisquam quicquam
someone, something; anyone, anything
ingenium ingeniī n.
ability, talent; disposition
incultus –a –um
uncared for, neglected, unshorn; wild; subst., inculta, orum, n. pl., waste, desert regions
lateō latēre latuī
to lie hidden, be hidden
concutiō –ere –cutere –cussī –cussum
to shake, strike, shatter
introduces a direct question expecting the answer “no”; (introduces an Indirect Question) whether
īnserō īnserere īnsēvī īnsitum
to sow, plant, implant, ingraft
formerly; once, once upon a time; in the future
cōnsuētūdō cōnsuētūdinis f.
habit/custom/usage/way; normal/general/customary practice, tradition/convention; experience; empirical knowledge; sexual/illicit intercourse, intimacy, affair
ūrō ūrere ussī ustum
to burn
filix –icis f.
a fern
innāscor –nāscī –nātus sum
to be born in, grow upon; originate
ager agrī m.
vertō vertere vertī versus
to turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy
caecus –a –um
blind; hidden, secret, dark
just as, as if
Balbīnus –ī m.
Balbinus (a Roman cognomen)
pōlypus –ī m.
nasal tumor, polyp
Hagna –ae f.
Hagna, a woman’s name, originally Greek