Horace, Satire 1.8.1-22 Flashcards
truncus –ī m.
the stem, stock, or trunk of a tree; stem, trunk; trunk of the human body
fīculnus -a -um
of the fig-tree
līgnum lignī n.
wood; firewood; trunk/stump/tree; timber; beam/post; wood (material); stave; wood thing/part, writing–tablet, spear shaft; stone (of fruit), shell (nut); the Cross; staff, cudgel, club; gallows/stocks; [~ pedaneum => altar step]
faber fabrī m.
craftsman, artisan; smith; workman
incertus –a –um
unsure, uncertain, unreliable
scamnum -ī n.
stool, bench
Priāpus –ī m.
phallic fertility god, used in gardens to keep off birds and thieves
formīdō formīdinis f.
dextera dextera f.
right hand
obscēnus –a –um
filthy, indecent, loathsome, foul; horrible (> caenum)
ruber rubra rubrum
porrigō porrigere porrēxī porrēctum
to stretch forth, hold forth, lift; (pass.), to be stretched out, extend (> pro and rego)
inguen –inguinis n.
the groin
pālus –ī m.
a stake, prop, stay, pale
importūnus –a –um
troublesome, uncivilized
volucris volucris m. or f.
vertex verticis m.
whirlpool, eddy; crown of the head; peak, summit
harundō –inis f.
terreō terrēre terruī territus
to terrify, frigthen
fīgō fīgere fīxī fīxus
to fix, fasten
cōnsīdō cōnsīdere cōnsēdī cōnsessus
to sit down/be seated; hold sessions, sit (judge), try; alight; subside/sink (in); encamp/bivouac; take up a position; stop/stay, make one’s home, settle; lodge
hortus hortī m.
angustus –a –um
narrow, steep, close, confined; scanty, poor; low, mean; narrowminded, petty
cadāver –eris n.
a dead body, carcass, corpse (> cado)
cella cellae f.
storeroom, (wine) cellar, larder; temple chamber; sanctuary; room, garret; pen; cell; monestary
conserva –ae f. and conservus –ī m.
locō locāre locāvī locātus
to place, put, station; arrange; contract (for); farm out (taxes) on contract; contract out, award work contracts for (often with gerundive)
arca arcae f.
chest, box, place for safe–keeping; strong–box coffer
commūne –nis n.
that which is in common; community, state
sepulcrum sepulcrī n.
place of burial, tomb, grave
Pantolabus -ī m.
Pantolabus, a stock name for a parasite
scurra scurrae f.
idler, loafer, man about town; profession buffoon, comedian/clown
Nomentānus –a –um
a Roman cognomen; L. Cassius Nomentanus was a notorious spendthrift
frōns frōntis f.
forehead, brow; front
cippus –ī m.
a pale, stake, post, pillar; gravestone
ager agrī m.
hērēs hērēdis m. or f.
monumentum monumentī n.
reminder; memorial, monument, tomb; record, literary work, history, book
Esquiliae –ārum f.
the Esquiline Hill, the largest of the seven hills of Rome
habitō habitāre habitāvī habitātus
to inhabit, dwell; live, stay
salūbris –e or salūber –bris –bre
agger aggeris m.
mound, rampart
aprīcus –a –um
open to the sun; sunny; sun–loving (> aperio)
spatior spatiārī spatiātus sum
to walk about
provided that; only, just; now, just now
īnfōrmis –e
shapeless; deprived of beauty, deformed, blank, waste; misshapen, hideous; uncouth, foul; unseemly, dishonored
os ossis n.
fera ferae f.
wild animal
suēscō –ere suēvī suētus
to become accustomed, to be wont, used, accustomed
vexō vexāre vexāvī vexātus
to annoy, vex
locus locī m. or loca locōrum n. pl.
place, region, part
venēnum venēnī n.
poison; drug
modus modī m.
measure; limit; rhythm, meter; manner, way
vagus –a –um
wandering, roaming, shifting
lūna lūnae f.
decōrus –a –um
fitting, suitable; handsome
prōferō prōferre prōtulī prōlātus
to bring forward; advance; defer; discover; mention
ōs ōris n.
mouth; face
introduces Relative Clause of Characteristic, Doubting clause, Prevention clause
os ossis n.
legō legere lēgī lēctus
to gather; choose; read; collect (cremated bones); furl (sail), weigh (anchor); pick out; steal
herba herbae f.
grass, herb
noceō nocēre nocuī nocitus
to harm, hurt; injure (+ dat.)