Horace, Satire 1.3.1-20 Flashcards
vitium viti(ī) n.
fault, vice, crime, sin; defect
cantor –ōris, m.
iniūssus –a –um
not commanded; uncalled, unbidden
Sardus –a –um
Sardinian, of Sardinia
Tigellius –(i)ī m.
Tigellius, the name of a well-known musician
cōgō cogere coēgī coāctus
to collect, gather, round up, restrict, confine; force, compel; convene; congeal
petō petere petiī/petīvī petītus
to ask for, seek; attack
quisquam quicquam
someone, something; anyone, anything
prōficiō prōficere prōfēcī prōfectum
to advance, be of use
collibuit collibuisse collibitum
it pleases
ōvum –ī n.
all the way, right on; all the time, continuously, at every point, always
malum malī n.
citō –āre –āvī –ātum
to set in motion, rouse; call, summon
hurrah! oh!
chorda or corda –ae f.
catgut, a string, rope
imus –a –um
the lowest, deepest, last
very often
just as, as if
sacrum sacrī n.
(religious) rite, sacrifice; something consecrated, a holy thing, sacred vessel, sacred utensil, holy place, sanctuary, temple
ducentī –ae –a; ducentēsimus –a –um
200; 200th
tetrarchēs –ae m.
a ruler of the fourth part of the land, tetrarch, petty prince
mēnsa mēnsae f.
table; course, meal; banker’s counter
tri–pēs –pedis
with three feet, three-footed
concha –ae f.
a shellfish; cockle shell, shell; a shell used as a trumpet; conch
sāl salis m.
salt, wit
pūrus –a –um
pure, clean, unsoiled; free from defilement/taboo/stain; blameless, innocent; chaste, unpolluted by sex; plain/unadulterated; genuine; absolute; refined; clear, free of mist/cloud; ringing (voice); open (land); simple
frīgus or frigoris n.
cold; cold weather, winter; frost
even though, although, however you like; altogether
crassus –a –um
thick, fat; crass, coarse
queō quīre quīvī/quiī quitus
to be able
centēni –ae –a
100 each
parcus –a –um
sparing, frugal, thrifty, economical, stingy
loculus –ī, m.
small space, compartment; (pl.) cash box
vigilō vigilāre vigilāvī vigilātus
to remain awake, be awake; watch; provide for, care for by watching, be vigilant
in the morning; early in the morning
stertō stertere
to snore
impār –aris
unequal, in unequal combat; unequally matched
no indeed (contradiction); on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more
fortasse or fortassis