Horace, Satire 1.3.80-98 Flashcards
patina –ae f.
sēmēsus –a –um
half eaten (> semi– and edo)
piscis piscis m.
tepidus –a –um
warm, tepid
ligurriō ligurrīre ligurrīvī or liguriī ligurītum
to lick
iūs iūris n.
broth, soup, sauce, juice
crux crucis f.
a cross; stake for impalement
suffīgō –fīgere –fīxī –fīxum
to fasten beneath or below , to fasten or fix on , to affix
Labeō Labeōnis m.
Labeo (a Roman cognomen)
peccō peccāre peccāvī peccātus
to commit a wrong, injure
paulum paulī n.
small amount, a little
dēlinquō –linquere –līquī –lictum
to fail, be wanting, fall short, trespass, err, commit a fault, do wrong, transgress, offend
insuāvis –e
disagreeable, harsh
Rūsō –ōnis m.
Ruso (a Roman cognomen)
dēbitor –ōris m.
one who is indebted or under obligation to some one for something
aes aeris n.
money, pay, fee, fare; copper/bronze/brass, base metal; (w/alienum) debt; gong
Kalendae –ārum f.
nummus –ī m.
coin, money
undeunde or unde unde
from any source whatever; by hook or by crook
extricō –āre
to set free, set loose
amārus –a –um
bitter; harsh
porrigō porrigere porrēxī porrēctum
to stretch forth, hold forth, lift; (pass.), to be stretched out, extend (> pro and rego)
iugulum –ī n.
the joining part; the throat (rel. to iungo)
historia –ae f.
enquiry, research; a written history
captīvus –a –um
taken in war; captured, captive; of a captive or of captives; subst., captivus, i, m., a captive (> capio)
commēiō –mēīre –minxī –mictum
to defile with urine; soil, pollute
lectus lectī m.
bed, couch
pōtō pōtāre pōtāvī pōtus
to drink
catillus –ī m.
bowl, dish
Euander (–drus) –drī m.
Evander, an Arcadian prince, son of Carmentis, and king of Pallanteum on the Tiber
terō terere trīvī trītum
to rub, wear away; use up
dēiciō dēicere dēiēci deīctum
to throw down, eject
pullus –ī m.
a chicken, a young animal, foal, young, offspring; chick; a term of endearment
ēsuriō –īre –ītum
to feel hunger; (metaph.) feel desire
iūcundus –a –um
pleasant, delightful, agreeable, pleasing
fūrtum fūrtī n.
theft; trick, deception; stolen article
prōdō prodere prōdidī prōditus
to project, thrust forward; bring forth, produce, give birth to; create; nominate; institute; extend, prolong; hand down (lore); publish/record, reveal, uncover; put out; assert; betray; give up, abandon, forsake
sponsus –ūs m.
almost; about, nearly; generally, in general; (w/ negatives) hardly ever
vērum –ī n.
that which is true; truth, justice, right
repūgnō repūgnāre repūgnāvī repūgnātus
to fight against, resist
ūtilitās ūtilitātis f.
usefulness, advantage
iūstus –ī n.
that which is just, meet, proper, sufficient, enough
prope propius proximē
prope, nearly, almost/nearest, next, immediately following
aequum –ī n.
that which is even; right, justice; in aequum, to the open field