Horace, Satires 1.6.22-42 Flashcards
fulgeō fulgēre fulsī
to shine
trahō trahere trāxī tractus
to draw, drag, haul; derive, get
cōnstringō cōnstringere cōnstrinxī cōnstrictus
to tie up, confine, hinder
glōria glōriae f.
renown, glory
currus currūs m.
where, whither; to what purpose, what for
sūmō sūmere sūmpsī sūmptus
to take up; begin; suppose, assume; select; purchase; exact (punishment); obtain
dēpōnō dēpōnere dēposuī dēpositus
to put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit; lift off; take off (clothes); have (hair/beard/nails) cut; shed (tusks); pull down, demolish; plant (seedlings); set up, place; lay to rest; fire
clāvus –ī m.
a nail, a peg; a helm; purple stripe on the tunic
tribūnus tribūnī m.
tribune; [~ plebis => tribune of the people; ~ mllitum => soldier’s tribune]
invidia invidiae f.
envy, jealousy; ill–will, resentment
accresco (or adcresco) accrescere accrēvī accrētum
to grow, increase; to be joined to; to fall to one
īnsānus –a –um
impediō impedīre impedīvī/impediī impedītus
to hinder, impede
crūs –ūris n.
shin, leg
pellis pellis f.
skin, hide
lātus –a –um
broad, wide
demittō demittere demīsī demīssus
to send down, drop
pectus pectoris n.
chest, breast; heart
clāvus –ī m.
a nail, a peg; a helm; purple stripe on the tunic
immediately, straightway (> continuus); continuously
aegrōtō aegrōtāre
to be ill
morbus morbī m.
sickness, illness, weakness; disease; distemper; distress; vice
Barrus -ī m.
Barrus (a name)
fōrmōsus –a –um
beautiful, finely formed, handsome, fair; having fine appearance/form
by whatever way, wherever; by whatever means, by all means, wherever; separated by tmesis
iniciō –ere –iēcī –iectum
to bring into, instill
quaerō quaerere quaesiī/quaesīvī quaesītus
to search for, seek, ask
sūra –ae f.
the calf of the leg; the leg
capillus capillī m.
dēlūbrum –ī n.
the place for sacrificial cleansings; a shrine, temple, sanctuary (> deluo, cleanse)
Syrus –a –um
Syrus (a name); a Syrian; a male name, esp. of slaves
Dama –ae f.
Dama (a name), a male name, esp. of slaves
audeō audēre ausus sum
to dare
dēiciō dēicere dēiēci deīctum
to throw down, eject
saxum saxī n.
rock, boulder, stone
tradō tradere trādidī trāditus
to hand over, surrender; hand down
Cadmus –ī m.
Cadmus, (1) son of the Phœnician king Agenor (2) historian of Miletus (3) bloodthirsty executioner in the time of Horace (4) mountain in Caria
Novius –iī m.
Novius (a name)
collēga collēgae m.
colleague (in official/priestly office); associate, fellow (not official)
Paulus –ī m.
Messalla -ae m.
Messalla (a Roman cognomen)