Horace, Satire 1.4.43-62 Flashcards
ōs ōris n.
mouth; face
on that account; therefore
vīs vis f.
force, power; violence; in pl., (physical) strength
īnsum inesse īnfuī
to be in
merus –a –um
pure, undiluted
meretrix meretricis f.
nepōs nepōtis m.
grandchild, nephew, descendant
dōs dōtis f.
gift, endowment; dowry
dēdecus dēdecōris n.
shame, disgrace, dishonor
fax facis f.
torch, fire; torment
in a direct question, a strengthened num
Pompōnius –a –um
Pomponius, a Roman nomen gentile
dissolvō dissolvere dissolvī dissolūtus
to loosen, dissolve, destroy
quīvīs quaevīs quodvīs or (subst.) quidvīs
who or what thou pleasest; any whatever, any
stomachor stomachārī
to be irritated, be angry, fume, fret
personātus, a, um
wearing a mask (for the stage); on the stage, in a play
pactum pactī n.
way, manner
ōrdō ōrdinis m.
row, order/rank; succession; series; class; bank (oars); order (of monks)
solvō solvere solvī solūtus
to loosen; free, release; dissolve
taeter –tra –trum
disagreeable; foul, loathsome
ferrātus –a –um
furnished or covered with iron; iron; iron pointed, iron shod; iron spurred, armed with the spur (> ferrum)
postis –is m.
doorjamb; door
porta portae f.
gate, entrance; city gates; door; avenue; goal (soccer)
refringō –ere –frēgī –frāctus
to break back; break off (> re and frango)
dīsiciō –ere –iēcī –iectus
to throw, cast asunder; overthrow, demolish; scatter, disperse; cleave (> dis– and iacio)
membrum membrī n.
limb, member, part