Horace, Satire 1.3.120-142 Flashcards
ferula –ae f.
a reed, whip, rod, ferule, staff
caedō caedere cecīdī caesus
to chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize
mereō merēre meruī meritum
to deserve, merit; serve as a soldier
verber –eris n.
whip; a beating or blow with a whip
vereor verērī veritus sum
to be in awe of, show respect to; dread, fear
latrōcinium latrocini(ī) n.
falx –cis f.
scythe, sickle
recīdō –ere –cīdī –cīsus
to cut away; lop off (> re and caedo)
sapiēns –ntis m.
wise man
sūtor –ōris m.
fōrmōsus –a –um
beautiful, finely formed, handsome, fair; having fine appearance/form
nōscō nōscere nōvī nōtus
to come to know, learn, recognize; (in perfect) know; become familiar with; examine, study, inspect; try (case); accept as true; recall
quis quid
who, what
pater patris m.
inquam inquis inquit inquiunt
to say; it is said, one says
Chrȳsippus –ī m.
Chrysippus, a famous Stoic philosopher
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictus
to say, speak, tell
sapiēns –ntis m.
wise man
crepida –ae f.
a thick–soled sandal of a Greek type
suī sibi sē sē
himself, herself, itself (reflexive)
and not