Horace, Satire 1.3.120-142 Flashcards
ferula –ae f.
a reed, whip, rod, ferule, staff
caedō caedere cecīdī caesus
to chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize
mereō merēre meruī meritum
to deserve, merit; serve as a soldier
verber –eris n.
whip; a beating or blow with a whip
vereor verērī veritus sum
to be in awe of, show respect to; dread, fear
latrōcinium latrocini(ī) n.
falx –cis f.
scythe, sickle
recīdō –ere –cīdī –cīsus
to cut away; lop off (> re and caedo)
sapiēns –ntis m.
wise man
sūtor –ōris m.
fōrmōsus –a –um
beautiful, finely formed, handsome, fair; having fine appearance/form
nōscō nōscere nōvī nōtus
to come to know, learn, recognize; (in perfect) know; become familiar with; examine, study, inspect; try (case); accept as true; recall
quis quid
who, what
pater patris m.
inquam inquis inquit inquiunt
to say; it is said, one says
Chrȳsippus –ī m.
Chrysippus, a famous Stoic philosopher
dīcō dīcere dīxī dictus
to say, speak, tell
sapiēns –ntis m.
wise man
crepida –ae f.
a thick–soled sandal of a Greek type
suī sibi sē sē
himself, herself, itself (reflexive)
and not
solea –ae f.
faciō facere fēcī factus
to make; do; reckon
sūtor –ōris m.
sapiēns –ntis m.
wise man
even though, although, however you like; altogether
modulātor –ōris m.
one who makes up tunes
Alfenus –ī m.
A Roman nomen gentile
vafer –fra –frum
sly, cunning, crafty, artful, subtle
instrūmentum –ī n.
tool, instrument
claudō claudere clausī clausus
to close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine
taberna tabernae f.
hut, cabin, cottage; tavern, inn, shop
tonsor –ōris m.
opifex –ficis m.
a worker, workman, mechanic, artisan
vellō vellere vulsī/vellī vulsum
to pluck
barba –ae f.
beard; dim. barbula, little beard)
lascīvus –a –um
wanton, petulant, sportive, playful, frolicsome, frisky,
fūstis –is m.
a knobbed stick, cudgel, staff, club
coerceō coercēre coercuī coercitus
to enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish; keep in order, control
turba turbae f.
commotion, uproar, turmoil, tumult, disturbance; crowd, mob, multitude
rumpō rumpere rūpī ruptus
to break; destroy
lātrō lātrāre lātrāvī lātrātus
to bark, snarl, bay; of waves
quadrans quadrantis m.
a coin of little value (1/4 of an as); a unit of measure (1/4 of a pound)
lavō lavāre lāvī lōtus
to wash, bathe; soak
quisquam quicquam
someone, something; anyone, anything
stīpātor –ōris m.
royal bodyguard, attendant
Crispīnus –ī m.
Crispinus (a name)
sector sectārī sectātus sum
to follow eagerly, run after, attend, accompany, press upon, follow after, chase, pursue
īgnōscō īgnōscere īgnōvī īgnōtus
to pardon, forgive (+ dat.)
sīquis or sīquī sīqua sīquid
if any (one)
peccō peccāre peccāvī peccātus
to commit a wrong, injure
vicis vicis f.
change, interchange, alternation, succession, vicissitude
patior patī passus sum
to experience, suffer, endure; permit, allow
to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more